Post by Eviess Radaik on Jan 9, 2006 23:20:32 GMT -5
MDBulb49: ::Comes to attention:: Crew ATTEN-TION
Justin Kinsely: ::AA::
Laughalot1234567: ::AA::
EnsignJDen: ::AA::
Darius Larson: ::AA::
Tyler W Baccus: ::AA::
ConnerMacLOED1: ::AA::
Ffagrl04: ::AA::
Candela Greene: ::AA::
MDBulb49: Good evening,please state your name,rank and postiion for the ships log
Candela Greene: [OPS] LtJG Candela Montag
Eviess S Radaik: CO> Captian Eviess Radaik
EnsignJDen: ?>Ensign J'Den VS, USS Aryes
Darius Larson: AMB>Rensor civilian ambasabor to the menzian people
Tyler W Baccus: CSec Lieutinant (J.G.) Tyler Baccus
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] Second Lieutenant Justin Kinsely ::AA::
Laughalot1234567: Helm> Ensign Zandile Rey
MDBulb49: Colonel Magnus Stevenson SFMC,Executive Officer
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Lt Mark Michael Navy Fighter pilot
Samantha Jaris: ::AA::
Ffagrl04: [CMO] Lt. jg. Anarra Danrea
Samantha Jaris: Tac> Lt. Samantha Jaris
Eviess S Radaik: *** I have somethings I want to say before we begin *****
Eviess S Radaik: It has been brought to the attention of command staff and it is most distressing
Eviess S Radaik: There will be no recruiting of United Forces Personnel durning a sim in IM's this will be announced at every sim.
Eviess S Radaik: This practice is not only unethical bust speaks badly for the one who does it.
Eviess S Radaik: There will be no recruiting of United Forces Personnel
durning a sim in IM's this will be announced at every sim.
Eviess S Radaik: This practice is not only unethical bust speaks badly for
the one who does it.
Eviess S Radaik: We have a new member let us all Welcome Irven Taylor
Eviess S Radaik: Ensign Taylor will be our new AMO
Darius Larson: hello ensign taylor welcome aboard it will be a pleasure to
see you here
Darius Larson: ::AA::
Candela Greene: Welcome aboard Ensign
Candela Greene: ::AA::
Laughalot1234567: Welcome ::AA::
Imalvern: Thank you all
Ffagrl04: ::AA:: Welcome Aboard Ensign, Im sure you will fit into sickbay
just fine
Tyler W Baccus: AMO huh, I am very sorry for your bad luck Ensign, ::He
smiled to Anarra.:: Just kidding, she is very sweet.
EnsignJDen: welcome aboard ::AA::
Tyler W Baccus: ::AA::
ConnerMacLOED1: "Nice to have you Aboard Ensign"
Imalvern: Thank you all very much
Eviess S Radaik: Ok based on the number of IM's I am recieving
Eviess S Radaik: here it is
Eviess S Radaik: Recruiting for another group in a sim while it is in
progress is wrong to the group who is hosting that sim
Eviess S Radaik: who want me to do that to them no one
Candela Greene: ::RH::
Eviess S Radaik: The united forces has never nor will it ever stop any
member from attending sims in another group. All we ask is that you attend
the sim you are supposed to
Eviess S Radaik: Yes Candela
Candela Greene: I never snitched on anyone here, ever. But I must agree.
Ovcer the past 3 months I was invited to no less then 30 sims
Candela Greene: It's annoying
Darius Larson: ::nods in agreement::
Eviess S Radaik: Yes it is and its very wrong to do that
Candela Greene: I've blocked people, and now have to screen my IM's even
with fellow crew members
Ffagrl04: ::nods::
Candela Greene: I just wanted that out there
Eviess S Radaik: Ok thank you
Eviess S Radaik: These are the complaints CS is hearing
Eviess S Radaik: It is to stop
EnsignJDen: No solicitation will bw tolerated captain ::AA::
Eviess S Radaik: Now enough on that it should be cyrstal clear. Colonel
Stevenson wishes to say something
MDBulb49: Alright,I think the CO was very very clear on the issue
MDBulb49: If you get any IMs,please take down the name and time,then forward
it to myself and the CO so it can be dealt with accordingly
Eviess S Radaik: ::nods::
MDBulb49: Then I will push them out the airlock if they try it again
MDBulb49: Any questions?
Darius Larson: ::nods bunches::
Candela Greene: ::AQA::
MDBulb49: ::Turns to the Captain:: May I dismiss the crew to their posts?
Eviess S Radaik: No all senior officers in my ready room in 15 mins. J'den
you have helm for now.
Eviess S Radaik: Rey I want you in the meeting
EnsignJDen: Helm>Aye captain
Laughalot1234567: Yes ma'am
EnsignJDen: Helm>::goes and sits at helm console, enters access code::
Darius Larson: AMB>::understanding very well where his post is returns to
secure quarters reviewing his negotiations with the menzians::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>XO> I'm, interested in hearing all the results of
the reports. I feel if we are all in the same room we will begin to see the
entire issue
Candela Greene: [OPS]::Was with Justin Kinsley in Jeffries tube following
trail of Garaik sauce::
Samantha Jaris: Tac>::walks into the ready room with the others finds a spot
in the middle and stands there:
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Well he just love meetings. He would stand there to
one side of the room. Work face on.
Tyler W Baccus: CSec> ::Scratches his head.:: Did we start already?
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He is in the jeffries tube. Looks at Candela;::
[OPS] We better head over to the ready room. We will come and check this
out later.
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::in sickbay her finished report was on the captains desk as
she got a coffee from the computer to get her through this meeting.::
MDBulb49: XO>::Nods while standing on the bridge with his hands folded in
front of his chest:: CO> "I agree,you made the right call in pooling all the
Candela Greene: [OPS][CENG] I got enough data, lets go.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He gave a nod and then starts to head out of the
jeffery tube. Climbs out and waits for Candela to get out so that he could
close the door.::
EnsignJDen: Helm>:: maintains current heading and speed::
Laughalot1234567: OD helm> ::Gets a mug of green tea from the replicator and
heads for the ready room.::
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::she finished her coffee quickly going over some extra data
that the captain had asked her to look over, she grabbed the padd and started
walking out of sickbay leaving one of the other doctors in charge. looks to
her new amo:
Candela Greene: [OPS]::She put her tricorder away, and climbed out. Justin
shut the door::[CENG] I need a roster of everyione at that dinner.
MDBulb49: XO>Helm> "Try not to hit anything while we are in the meeting
Ensign,we just had her painted ::smirks:: Steady as she goes."
Tyler W Baccus: CSec> ::Heads down the long corridor and into a turbo
lift.:: Deck One, Bridge.
Darius Larson: AMB>>:smirks checking incoming messages from freinds and
family back on betazed and across the sector all wishinhg him well with his
new assignment and expressing concern for his medicial condition:
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::After he shuts the door, he looked at her.:: [OPS]
I have it right here on this PADD that I have. ::He hands her the PADD.::
Ffagrl04: CMO>::smiling::AMO>you coming, you should probably meet all
of the senior staff any ways.
EnsignJDen: Helm>XO> I will do my best colonel
MDBulb49: XO> ::with a slight grin on his face he walks towards the briefing
room with a PADD in his hand. He takes a seat to the right of the head chair
and sets the PADD down on the hard glass table::
Candela Greene: [OPS]::Srarts her trek to the TL with Justin by her
side::[CENG] 72 names....quite a list.
MDBulb49: XO>TAC> "Please be seated,Ms.Jaris"
Laughalot1234567: OD helm> as she crosses the bridge to get to the ready
room she pauses by her station. >helm> don't worry, the controls are easy to
get used to.
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> A nod of his head was given to Stevenson as he walked
in. mark was silent.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He walks with her to the TL. The door to the TL
opens and he kept it open for her to enter first.::
Imalvern: AMO> goes with the CMO
Laughalot1234567: (fogort the ::, sorry)
Laughalot1234567: (*forgot, I can't spell)
OnlineHost: Eviess S Radaik has left the room.
MDBulb49: XO> ::Gives a slight nod towards the FPCO as he is seated::
Candela Greene: [OPS]::She enters still reading the PADD::[CENG] The perfect
oppurtunity. Maybe it wasn't a guest.
EnsignJDen: Helm>OD Helm> Thank you, I think I've got it ::taps
OnlineHost: Eviess S Radaik has entered the room.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He gave the designated deck.:: [OPS] Who do you
think it was? ::The TL stoped and the doors opened to the bridge.::
Eviess S Radaik: CO> ::is in her ready room::
Tyler W Baccus: CSec> ::He walked onto the bridge with intention of going to
ready room, but he saw Zandile down by the helm, so he stopped to help.:: Im
sure the Ensign will do a superb job Zandile, now lets go to the ready room,
shall we?
MDBulb49: XO>TAC> "May I see your PADD for a few moments,I would like to
compare some of the tactical data in my report"
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He listened to her as they walked into the ready
EnsignJDen: Helm> ::watches everyone walk into the ready room, goes back
to the console::
Candela Greene: [OPS]::Steps onto the bridge and into the Ready Room::[CENG]
We did have quite a few enlisted officers working the floot. Maybe it's
someone under our noses.
Samantha Jaris: Tac>::gives the XO her PADD then takes a seat::
Laughalot1234567: OD helm> helm> have fun, then. ::She smiles and joins
Tyler.:: >CSEC> OK
Darius Larson: AMB>::not knowing exactly whats going on but knowing its
serious he clears his mind and returns to his work::
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] [OPS] Somene probably posing as a Starfleet Officer?
::He seats down at the table.::
Tyler W Baccus: CSec> ::He would walk into the ready room along with
Zandile, he awaited for her to sit, then had a seat beside her.::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Closing his eyes. All his fighters where up and
working. Nothing really to say at the meeting. But he was needed to be here.
MDBulb49: XO> ::Taps a few buttons and compares the two reports nodding at
the Tactical officer's information:: TAC> "Well done Ms.Jaris,I overlooked
that section of the analysis."
Eviess S Radaik: CO> ::Sitting at the head of the table and reviewing
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::sees ensign Clara Duran coming, she was 9 months pregnant
and looked like she was in labor.::smiles as she sees her>looks like its
time ::looks to ensign talyer:: >AMO>would you mind taking care of her
Laughalot1234567: OD helm> ::she sat next to an empty seat, and listened to
the others.::
Candela Greene: [OPS]::She takes a seat::[CENG] I doubt it, he stayed under
our noses, unoticed. He could of brrn 3rd Class Petty officer, or just an
maintainence engineer.
Ffagrl04: Ill fill you in on the meeting later.
Samantha Jaris: Tac>XO>::smiles:: Thank you sir ::takes her PADD back::
Imalvern: <AMO> :: yes maam I will
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::gives a sympathetic look to her new amo:: Sorry, :::runs
off afriad she is late for the meeting and enters the turbo lift:: bridge
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] [OPS] We could check out the list of my maintance
engineers to see who would more likely to have done it.
MDBulb49: XO> ::Nods:: TAC> "You are more than welcome. Keep up the good
work and I am sure we will get to the bottom of this"
Darius Larson: AMB>:: hurreidly reaches for a deck of cards and quickly
casino shuffles them in a high acrhing bridge thinking about how to phrase
the closing seeing as how both races approach to that are so vastly
Justin Kinsely: ::AA::
Laughalot1234567: ::AA::
EnsignJDen: ::AA::
Darius Larson: ::AA::
Tyler W Baccus: ::AA::
ConnerMacLOED1: ::AA::
Ffagrl04: ::AA::
Candela Greene: ::AA::
MDBulb49: Good evening,please state your name,rank and postiion for the ships log
Candela Greene: [OPS] LtJG Candela Montag
Eviess S Radaik: CO> Captian Eviess Radaik
EnsignJDen: ?>Ensign J'Den VS, USS Aryes
Darius Larson: AMB>Rensor civilian ambasabor to the menzian people
Tyler W Baccus: CSec Lieutinant (J.G.) Tyler Baccus
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] Second Lieutenant Justin Kinsely ::AA::
Laughalot1234567: Helm> Ensign Zandile Rey
MDBulb49: Colonel Magnus Stevenson SFMC,Executive Officer
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Lt Mark Michael Navy Fighter pilot
Samantha Jaris: ::AA::
Ffagrl04: [CMO] Lt. jg. Anarra Danrea
Samantha Jaris: Tac> Lt. Samantha Jaris
Eviess S Radaik: *** I have somethings I want to say before we begin *****
Eviess S Radaik: It has been brought to the attention of command staff and it is most distressing
Eviess S Radaik: There will be no recruiting of United Forces Personnel durning a sim in IM's this will be announced at every sim.
Eviess S Radaik: This practice is not only unethical bust speaks badly for the one who does it.
Eviess S Radaik: There will be no recruiting of United Forces Personnel
durning a sim in IM's this will be announced at every sim.
Eviess S Radaik: This practice is not only unethical bust speaks badly for
the one who does it.
Eviess S Radaik: We have a new member let us all Welcome Irven Taylor
Eviess S Radaik: Ensign Taylor will be our new AMO
Darius Larson: hello ensign taylor welcome aboard it will be a pleasure to
see you here
Darius Larson: ::AA::
Candela Greene: Welcome aboard Ensign
Candela Greene: ::AA::
Laughalot1234567: Welcome ::AA::
Imalvern: Thank you all
Ffagrl04: ::AA:: Welcome Aboard Ensign, Im sure you will fit into sickbay
just fine
Tyler W Baccus: AMO huh, I am very sorry for your bad luck Ensign, ::He
smiled to Anarra.:: Just kidding, she is very sweet.
EnsignJDen: welcome aboard ::AA::
Tyler W Baccus: ::AA::
ConnerMacLOED1: "Nice to have you Aboard Ensign"
Imalvern: Thank you all very much
Eviess S Radaik: Ok based on the number of IM's I am recieving
Eviess S Radaik: here it is
Eviess S Radaik: Recruiting for another group in a sim while it is in
progress is wrong to the group who is hosting that sim
Eviess S Radaik: who want me to do that to them no one
Candela Greene: ::RH::
Eviess S Radaik: The united forces has never nor will it ever stop any
member from attending sims in another group. All we ask is that you attend
the sim you are supposed to
Eviess S Radaik: Yes Candela
Candela Greene: I never snitched on anyone here, ever. But I must agree.
Ovcer the past 3 months I was invited to no less then 30 sims
Candela Greene: It's annoying
Darius Larson: ::nods in agreement::
Eviess S Radaik: Yes it is and its very wrong to do that
Candela Greene: I've blocked people, and now have to screen my IM's even
with fellow crew members
Ffagrl04: ::nods::
Candela Greene: I just wanted that out there
Eviess S Radaik: Ok thank you
Eviess S Radaik: These are the complaints CS is hearing
Eviess S Radaik: It is to stop
EnsignJDen: No solicitation will bw tolerated captain ::AA::
Eviess S Radaik: Now enough on that it should be cyrstal clear. Colonel
Stevenson wishes to say something
MDBulb49: Alright,I think the CO was very very clear on the issue
MDBulb49: If you get any IMs,please take down the name and time,then forward
it to myself and the CO so it can be dealt with accordingly
Eviess S Radaik: ::nods::
MDBulb49: Then I will push them out the airlock if they try it again
MDBulb49: Any questions?
Darius Larson: ::nods bunches::
Candela Greene: ::AQA::
MDBulb49: ::Turns to the Captain:: May I dismiss the crew to their posts?
Eviess S Radaik: No all senior officers in my ready room in 15 mins. J'den
you have helm for now.
Eviess S Radaik: Rey I want you in the meeting
EnsignJDen: Helm>Aye captain
Laughalot1234567: Yes ma'am
EnsignJDen: Helm>::goes and sits at helm console, enters access code::
Darius Larson: AMB>::understanding very well where his post is returns to
secure quarters reviewing his negotiations with the menzians::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>XO> I'm, interested in hearing all the results of
the reports. I feel if we are all in the same room we will begin to see the
entire issue
Candela Greene: [OPS]::Was with Justin Kinsley in Jeffries tube following
trail of Garaik sauce::
Samantha Jaris: Tac>::walks into the ready room with the others finds a spot
in the middle and stands there:
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Well he just love meetings. He would stand there to
one side of the room. Work face on.
Tyler W Baccus: CSec> ::Scratches his head.:: Did we start already?
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He is in the jeffries tube. Looks at Candela;::
[OPS] We better head over to the ready room. We will come and check this
out later.
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::in sickbay her finished report was on the captains desk as
she got a coffee from the computer to get her through this meeting.::
MDBulb49: XO>::Nods while standing on the bridge with his hands folded in
front of his chest:: CO> "I agree,you made the right call in pooling all the
Candela Greene: [OPS][CENG] I got enough data, lets go.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He gave a nod and then starts to head out of the
jeffery tube. Climbs out and waits for Candela to get out so that he could
close the door.::
EnsignJDen: Helm>:: maintains current heading and speed::
Laughalot1234567: OD helm> ::Gets a mug of green tea from the replicator and
heads for the ready room.::
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::she finished her coffee quickly going over some extra data
that the captain had asked her to look over, she grabbed the padd and started
walking out of sickbay leaving one of the other doctors in charge. looks to
her new amo:
Candela Greene: [OPS]::She put her tricorder away, and climbed out. Justin
shut the door::[CENG] I need a roster of everyione at that dinner.
MDBulb49: XO>Helm> "Try not to hit anything while we are in the meeting
Ensign,we just had her painted ::smirks:: Steady as she goes."
Tyler W Baccus: CSec> ::Heads down the long corridor and into a turbo
lift.:: Deck One, Bridge.
Darius Larson: AMB>>:smirks checking incoming messages from freinds and
family back on betazed and across the sector all wishinhg him well with his
new assignment and expressing concern for his medicial condition:
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::After he shuts the door, he looked at her.:: [OPS]
I have it right here on this PADD that I have. ::He hands her the PADD.::
Ffagrl04: CMO>::smiling::AMO>you coming, you should probably meet all
of the senior staff any ways.
EnsignJDen: Helm>XO> I will do my best colonel
MDBulb49: XO> ::with a slight grin on his face he walks towards the briefing
room with a PADD in his hand. He takes a seat to the right of the head chair
and sets the PADD down on the hard glass table::
Candela Greene: [OPS]::Srarts her trek to the TL with Justin by her
side::[CENG] 72 names....quite a list.
MDBulb49: XO>TAC> "Please be seated,Ms.Jaris"
Laughalot1234567: OD helm> as she crosses the bridge to get to the ready
room she pauses by her station. >helm> don't worry, the controls are easy to
get used to.
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> A nod of his head was given to Stevenson as he walked
in. mark was silent.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He walks with her to the TL. The door to the TL
opens and he kept it open for her to enter first.::
Imalvern: AMO> goes with the CMO
Laughalot1234567: (fogort the ::, sorry)
Laughalot1234567: (*forgot, I can't spell)
OnlineHost: Eviess S Radaik has left the room.
MDBulb49: XO> ::Gives a slight nod towards the FPCO as he is seated::
Candela Greene: [OPS]::She enters still reading the PADD::[CENG] The perfect
oppurtunity. Maybe it wasn't a guest.
EnsignJDen: Helm>OD Helm> Thank you, I think I've got it ::taps
OnlineHost: Eviess S Radaik has entered the room.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He gave the designated deck.:: [OPS] Who do you
think it was? ::The TL stoped and the doors opened to the bridge.::
Eviess S Radaik: CO> ::is in her ready room::
Tyler W Baccus: CSec> ::He walked onto the bridge with intention of going to
ready room, but he saw Zandile down by the helm, so he stopped to help.:: Im
sure the Ensign will do a superb job Zandile, now lets go to the ready room,
shall we?
MDBulb49: XO>TAC> "May I see your PADD for a few moments,I would like to
compare some of the tactical data in my report"
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He listened to her as they walked into the ready
EnsignJDen: Helm> ::watches everyone walk into the ready room, goes back
to the console::
Candela Greene: [OPS]::Steps onto the bridge and into the Ready Room::[CENG]
We did have quite a few enlisted officers working the floot. Maybe it's
someone under our noses.
Samantha Jaris: Tac>::gives the XO her PADD then takes a seat::
Laughalot1234567: OD helm> helm> have fun, then. ::She smiles and joins
Tyler.:: >CSEC> OK
Darius Larson: AMB>::not knowing exactly whats going on but knowing its
serious he clears his mind and returns to his work::
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] [OPS] Somene probably posing as a Starfleet Officer?
::He seats down at the table.::
Tyler W Baccus: CSec> ::He would walk into the ready room along with
Zandile, he awaited for her to sit, then had a seat beside her.::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Closing his eyes. All his fighters where up and
working. Nothing really to say at the meeting. But he was needed to be here.
MDBulb49: XO> ::Taps a few buttons and compares the two reports nodding at
the Tactical officer's information:: TAC> "Well done Ms.Jaris,I overlooked
that section of the analysis."
Eviess S Radaik: CO> ::Sitting at the head of the table and reviewing
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::sees ensign Clara Duran coming, she was 9 months pregnant
and looked like she was in labor.::smiles as she sees her>looks like its
time ::looks to ensign talyer:: >AMO>would you mind taking care of her
Laughalot1234567: OD helm> ::she sat next to an empty seat, and listened to
the others.::
Candela Greene: [OPS]::She takes a seat::[CENG] I doubt it, he stayed under
our noses, unoticed. He could of brrn 3rd Class Petty officer, or just an
maintainence engineer.
Ffagrl04: Ill fill you in on the meeting later.
Samantha Jaris: Tac>XO>::smiles:: Thank you sir ::takes her PADD back::
Imalvern: <AMO> :: yes maam I will
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::gives a sympathetic look to her new amo:: Sorry, :::runs
off afriad she is late for the meeting and enters the turbo lift:: bridge
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] [OPS] We could check out the list of my maintance
engineers to see who would more likely to have done it.
MDBulb49: XO> ::Nods:: TAC> "You are more than welcome. Keep up the good
work and I am sure we will get to the bottom of this"
Darius Larson: AMB>:: hurreidly reaches for a deck of cards and quickly
casino shuffles them in a high acrhing bridge thinking about how to phrase
the closing seeing as how both races approach to that are so vastly