Post by Eviess Radaik on Nov 1, 2005 0:01:19 GMT -5
You have just entered room "stufussnewyork71868."
Tidus1194: IRL she is my daughter she has the flu bad and she is at coolege
Tidus1194: colledge
Candela Greene: Coolege is cool
Lt Heath MaIc: ROFL
Tidus1194: errrgh typo
Candela Greene: Colledge
Ffagrl04: its cool when you have an easy this week
Ffagrl04: not last week
Candela Greene: Thats just wierd
Ffagrl04: i just invited Zandile
Kenneith M Basal has entered the room.
Laughalot1234567 has entered the room.
Kenneith M Basal: ( Don't mind me.. just adding the room to my favs. lol )
Kenneith M Basal has left the room.
Justin Kinsely: ( In cause if I get kicked offline. )
Justin Kinsely: *case
Eviess S Radaik: back
Justin Kinsely: ( We all know that will going to happen sometime during the sim. LOL )
Justin Kinsely: wb
Candela Greene: wb
Tidus1194: ::A tall Romulan walks on the Bridge and stands at attention::
Eviess S Radaik: ::looks at him::
Lt Heath MaIc: ::: raises eyebrows :::
Justin Kinsely: ::He looks at the two.::
Candela Greene: ::Takes notice::
Ffagrl04: ::watches as well::
Laughalot1234567: ::curious::
Tidus1194: ::makes a fist with his left hand and touches his right chest opens up his hand and straightens it with a slight bow
Candela Greene: ::Spills beverage, and quickly tries to clean it off deck::
Eviess S Radaik: ::nods::
Tidus1194: Riov,erein Hrienteh
Tidus1194: ::hands her his PADD::
Eviess S Radaik: ::takes his PADD and reads it::
Candela Greene: ::Hears the Romulan words spoken, remenising past visit to Romulus when she left Starfleet after 2366::
Lt Heath MaIc: ::: Walks over to new ensign, and Captain ::: "May I see the PADD Captain?
Eviess S Radaik: Aefvadh erein Hrienteh. Serve me well and with honor.
Justin Kinsely has left the room.
Tidus1194: le Riov without question.I will serve well and remember always the ways of my people
Eviess S Radaik: ::hands MaIc the Padd while looking at Hrienteh::
Eviess S Radaik: ::nods:: I will accept nothing less.
Lt Heath MaIc: ::: Aceepts the PADD , Looking at new ensign :::
Tidus1194: Understood Riov
Tidus1194: I will give nothing less
Lt Heath MaIc: "Welcome aboard the USS New York Ensign Yheathrienteh, I am CSEC Lt Heath Malc"
Lt Heath MaIc: ::AA::
Candela Greene: ::AA::
Laughalot1234567: ::AA::
Tyler W Baccus: ::AA::
Tidus1194: ::AA::
Ffagrl04: ::AA::
ConnerMacLOED1: ::AA::
Justin Kinsely has entered the room.
Justin Kinsely: ::AA::
Justin Kinsely: [CENG]Second Lieutenant Justin Kinsely ::AA::
Eviess S Radaik: state your post, rank and name for the ships log
Ffagrl04: Ensign Anarra Danrea, CMO
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Mark Michael. 2nd Lt.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> Lt Heath Malc
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] Second Lieutenant Justin Kinsely ::AA::
Eviess S Radaik: Co> Captain Eviess Radaik
Laughalot1234567: [Helm] Ensign Zandile Rey
Tidus1194: VS>ensign Hriendteh
Eviess S Radaik: ***stand by for mission briefing******
Candela Greene: [OPS] Ensign Candela Montag ::AA::
Eviess S Radaik: Mission objectives1) To enter standard orbit
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> Ensign Tyler Baccus
Eviess S Radaik: 2) Begin to send the food and other farming things to them
Eviess S Radaik: 3) To have a medical team ready to beam down and assit in care of the sick
Eviess S Radaik: 4) To return to the debris field to allow a further investigation into the things which concerned Ensign Montag
Eviess S Radaik: after you have read them signify with @@
Justin Kinsely: @@
ConnerMacLOED1: @@
Tyler W Baccus: @@
Lt Heath MaIc: @@
Tidus1194: @@
Candela Greene: [OPS]@@
Laughalot1234567: @@
Eviess S Radaik: Any questions?
Ffagrl04: @@
Justin Kinsely: No, Ma'am.
Tyler W Baccus: none here
Candela Greene: [OPS]::RH::
Laughalot1234567: no, Captain
Eviess S Radaik: ensign Hriendteh will you take tac for tonight
Eviess S Radaik: Yes Candela
Tidus1194: Yes Riov
Candela Greene: [OPS]Will I be doing double duty as CSCI again?
Eviess S Radaik: Yes until we get a replacement
Candela Greene: [OPS]K
Eviess S Radaik: Ensign Rey will take the postion of Hops which is Ops and helm combined
Laughalot1234567: Understood, ma'am
Eviess S Radaik: As we begin the sim we are 10 mins away from our destination. and everyone is at thier post
Eviess S Radaik: ****Begin sim ******
Laughalot1234567: [Hops] Captain, we are 10 minutes from our destination
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> +T+ ASEC> "Have to ATC qualified personnel prepare to join the medical away team."
Lt Heath MaIc: (two*)
Candela Greene: [CSCI];:Cheks sensors for any other signs of starships:[CO] No ther starships in the system ma'am
Tyler W Baccus: ASec +T+ [CSec] understood ::begins looking over duty rosters to find the ATC personnel to make the trip::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> He was in the hanger bay. Sitting down on the floor close to the fighter. His eyes where closed and much on his mind. He did not really care what was going on around him right know.
Tidus1194: VS>checks the TAC controls to make sure sensors and weapons sytems are all in good order
Eviess S Radaik: Co> Helm> Excellent slow to one half impulse when we are within 5 mins and then go into standard orbit
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::In Sickbay organizing they all waited to be told if they would be going down to the surface or not::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>Hops> Notify them of our approach and intent to go into standard orbit
Laughalot1234567: {Hops] yes, ma'am.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ CMO> " I am having two security personnel join your away team... if you need any more, let me know."
Justin Kinsely has left the room.
Tidus1194: VS>runs a quik diagnostic to make sure no errors should occur
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Sensos picking up some old ion trails::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>Hops> Ask for the coordinates for the away team and for the transfer of the cargo.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>CO " Ma'am I was contemplating having the ASEC join the away team also...for experience...just in case... do you have any thoughts on this?
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T>+CSEC>"Yes one more, one for each member of the medical away team. Lt. is that for sure that we will be going down now then?"
Laughalot1234567: ::open hail:: shops> planet's orbital control> this is the USS New York of the Federation. We are bringing food and medical supples and will enter orbit in 10 minutes.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]:: Begins scanning Acamar III, picks up the progress of the famine::
Laughalot1234567: Hops> Acmar III> Please transmit coordinates for medical team and supply transport
Eviess S Radaik: Co> CSec> Very good idea most of crew still needs experience.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> ::: Looks to the captain...for answer to CMO's question:::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSec> Yes you are going and so is a medical way team
Justin Kinsely has entered the room.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Finds sme very interesting readings::[CO] Captain? I may have an answer for this famine.
Laughalot1234567: ::Recieves info from acmar III:: Captain, we have the transport coordinates and I am slowing to half impulse in preparation to orbit Acmar III
Eviess S Radaik: Co> +T+> CMO> Have the medicine ready for delivery
Tidus1194: VS>::Checks weapons status and fire controls::
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ASEC> Mr. Baccus, you will be joining the away team also... have Zulu leader replace you in cargo bay #1"
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Getting her main away team together with their supplies waiting by the door. The team included her self, nurse halloway, and doctor martin. The rest of the medical staff would stay behind to take care of things up here.::
Laughalot1234567: [Helm/ops] ::Pressing buttons, ship slows to half impulse::
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He is in main engineering. Running scans on the impulse and warp engines.::
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Hops> Inform the away team when your ready to beam them down.
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T+>CO>It already is captain, the medical team is now heading for the transporter room, can you please have our security team join us there?"
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> He will slowly stand and would open his eyes. Throwing his flight helmet into a wall and would walk into the office. Sitting down as he opened a book to read.
Laughalot1234567: [Hops] Orbit achieved, Captain. I am ready to beam the away team as soon as they are.
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO} Captain?
Eviess S Radaik: Co> +T+ >CMO> Let hops know when your ready to beam down
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Starts heading to the nearest transporter room with her medical away team.::
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ CMO> ASEC Baccus will be joing you also.
Tidus1194: VS>::looks at how the crew is interacting as a team::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec > +T+ [Csec] understood ::cuts comm, and immediately re-opens it:: +T+ [NPC Zulu Team Leader] You are needed at Cargo Bay 1
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T+>CO> Understood Captain.
Tyler W Baccus: NPC Ashton Tribble +T+ [Asec] I am on my way now
Eviess S Radaik: CO> Sci> What do you think caused the famine?
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T+>CSEC>Good to hear Lt. I will meet him in the nearest transporter room. Anarra out.
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] I've picked up an old Ion trail at 277 mark 7 that leads to Acamar III. Aparently they were in orbit for awhil before theyleft at 110 mak 3. The ame course to the debri fld.
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::walks into the turbo lift:: Computer deck 38
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ ASEC> All medical staff are to be with a security personnel at ALL exceptions!
Eviess S Radaik: Co>CSCI> And how does that relate to the famine?
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] I believe that ship had some how off loaded some contaminated cargo. But they real question is what ship, and where they came from.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]the*
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Arrives with medical team and supplies to the transporter room, Tyler still hadnt arrived, Anarra nods to the transporter cheif and waits::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> He would leave his office after throwing the book across his office. He would then start a slow run around the flight deack.
Laughalot1234567: [Hops] ::Monitors her controls, programs the transporter, and waits::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> +T+ [CSec] understood, I am on my way to the Armory and my office to get ready right now, I am going to epuip all Security team members with a Type III phaser rifle just in case
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSci> Can you get anything form the ion trail at all.
Tidus1194: VS>::listening to his Riov and how she commands the ship::
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>HOPS Wait for ASEC Baccus to confirm to security team is ready please.
Justin Kinsely has left the room.
Lt Heath MaIc has left the room.
Lt Heath MaIc has entered the room.
Laughalot1234567: HOPS> CSEC> Ready and waiting, lieutenant
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] Not much, our answers lies with the Acamarians, or the Gatherers. I believe a feud is still ongoing, and the stakes are global.
Justin Kinsely has entered the room.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ASEC> Understood.... Please inform [HOPS] when you are ready.
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSci> I see
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He looked over the readings of the scans he had made and found them in normal range.::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>NOIP> That would explain our greeting when we approached the cluster
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Still waiting in transporter 3...Anarra starts to tap her foot on the deck.::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::steps out onto deck 38 and walks to the armory to get the rifles:: +T+ [NPC ATC personnel] report to Transporter Room 3 ::grabs 3 phaser rifles and heads off to the Transporter Room::
Tidus1194: VS>::paying close attention to the situation stays vigalent ready for anything::
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] The Cryptic warning those freighters gave us, and also it seemed as though they were warning us. I suggest we go to Yellow alert, and have all AT members decontaminated upon their return.
Eviess S Radaik: Co>CSci> My thoughts exactly
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He goes over to one console and checks out other various ship's sytems. Quickly moving his fingers across the console. Making sure that there is enough power in the emergency stand by.::
Laughalot1234567: [HOPS] ::listens to the explanation of the feud as she waits for the away team to be ready
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Tac> Go to Yellow alert
Tyler W Baccus: ::arrives at Transporter room 3 and hands a rifle to each security member, he looks to Anarra [CMO] are you ready to go?
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> ::: Listens to Csci talking to captain :::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec>*
Tidus1194: VS>Yes Riov::Quickly taps in the commands for yellow alert::
Eviess S Radaik: Co>+T+CMO > Upon your return all members will enter decontamination
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Runs intesive scanson the atmosphere for some isolated amples::[CO] I'll see if I can pinpoint, what kind of famine we're dealing ith.
Ffagrl04: CMO>ASEC>More then ready, Its about time you got here..::looks at the rifes:: What did you do ransack the armory? ::picks up allof the supplies and gets on the transporter pads.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI]with*
Laughalot1234567: [HOPS] ::Tenses up with the yellow alert announcement::
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] + T + [OPS] I have have some power in standby if they are ever needed.
Tyler W Baccus: ASec +T+ [HOps] Ensign, the away team is ready ::looks at Anarra and laughs:: of course ::pulls 6 armbands out of his pocket::
Tidus1194: VS>::continues to watch the TAC and is ready to power up weapons at anytime::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Seeing the yellow lights start to flash he made his way to the fighter and would get into it. Forgetting his helmet tapping on the comm +T+CO> "What is going on Ma'am?"
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Anarra laughs at him as the rest of the team join them on the transporter pad::
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> ::: Walks over to HOPS station ::: HOPS> " Will you open a ship-wide channel as soon as you have a chance?"
Eviess S Radaik: Co >+T> FPCO> We are on general alert as a percaution
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Isolates micrscopic parasitic agent in upper atmosphere::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::Hands the armbands to each away team member:: these are personal transport armbands ::steps up on the pad::
Laughalot1234567: HOPS>Transporter room + CO> The away team is ready. Energizing on your command
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Csci> Anything on the cause of the famine?
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Looks to HOPS::[HOPS] Interesting. Can you access the Acamarian Computer database?
Tidus1194: VS>Scans the nereby space for anything out of the usual::
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Takes one:: >ASEC>Do you think we are really going to need these?
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] Possible Captain, an apparent rap in the Atmosphere.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He goes back moving his fingers across the console. Keeping constant eye on the ship's sytems. Making sure that there is enough standby power.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI]trap*
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSCI> Can you isolate and identify it?
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::looks up:: [CMO] I'm not sure but I want to be ready just in case
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] The Famine is a common Gatherer aent knownas Diruslium. Very virile, and deadly, but there is a cure.
Laughalot1234567: {HOPS} Energizing ::Away team is beamed dowm to the landing coordiantes. Also prepares to open a ship wide channel.:: >CO Away Team is beamed down. The shipwide channel is open.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]agent*
Ffagrl04: CMO>ASEC>Of course ::Is then beamed down to the surface::
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] But I'm also reading nano ots in the upper atmosphere.
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> +T+CO>"Ok Ma'am" As he will flip the swiches. The engines will come to life for the fighter, as he got out of the fighter and went and got his helmet and got back into the fighter. closing the cockpit
Eviess S Radaik: CO> Hops> Once you have the away team safely down, transport the contents of Cargo bays 1 and 2.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> " Attention all security station supervisors: All portable containment fields are to be engaged immediately, nobody moves past without The Captain Radaik's or My direct authorization until further notice"
ConnerMacLOED1: as he was getting ready.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]nonobots*
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He checks the power that is going into the deflector shields and containment fields.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI](havin Keyboard issues)
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>HOPS> Thank you. ::: Walks back to security station :::
Laughalot1234567: HOPS>CO> Yes ma'am. ::Beams cargo to the landing coordiantes given by the acmarians:: The cargo is beamed down, Captain
Eviess S Radaik: CO> CSci> Double check that.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He taps his badge.:: +T+ [CSEC] Under stood. ::Then he hears the cut off before he would completely finsish.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO]Yes m'am ::Continues scans ::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>Hops> Excellent Inform them the entire cargo has been transported
Eviess S Radaik: Co> +T+ AT> report in
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He goes back checking the ship's EPS.::
Laughalot1234567: [HOPS] ::closes shipwide channel.::>CSEC You're Welcome, Lt. >Away team, your entire cargo has been transported.
Tidus1194: VS>::at the TAC again listens to how the bridge crew interact as a team::
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Finishes Scans::[CO] Definitely nanbots, and they ave found their way to our otter hull.
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Anarra looks around at the sitution they had been transported into the town square of one of the towns, everywhere she looked, people were sick, and looked like they were starving::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO>+T+CO>" Ready to launch when you need me to Ma'am."
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSci> Excuse me
Laughalot1234567: HOPS>CO> Captain, what do you want me to check the Acmar III database for?
Eviess S Radaik: Co>CSCI> I want them identified and destroyed
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He continues to tap on the console. Rerouting more power to all shields on the ship.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] We've been setup ma'am. The Gatherers ae responsible for this famine.
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T+>CO>We are on the surface captain, It's worse then was reported, I just hope we have enought supplies to treat the illness and get them eating again.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ npcDeck 36 Station supervisor> Allow Lt Kinsely and his staff free access, in case ship repairs are needed.
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Ceng> Increase power to the sheilds at once
Tidus1194: VS>CO Riov I suggest we polorize the hull to try and destroy the nanobots
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] +T+ [CO] Already in the processing of doing just that, Ma'am. ::He continues on working on the shields.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Scans the outter hull::[CO] I'm going to need samples. But I believe we can short them out with hull plating, but the planet has atleast 10 Trillion in the upper atmosphere.
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::looks around at all the people scattered throughout the town, he couldnt help but grimace as he felt his stomach turning upside down::
Eviess S Radaik: Co>VS> Do it
Ffagrl04: [CMO]:: Locals who had come up to them noticing that they were starfleet, and had food.::>ASEC>"have the security team distribute the food to the officials who can get it to everyone else."
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSci> At the moment I am more concerned with this ship and our crew on the surface
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::the two other medical team members start to scan and treat those with the virus...thankfully they already had the was just alot of people to treat.::
Tidus1194: VS;; taps the commands to polorize the hull to attempt the nanobots::
Tidus1194: VS>CO Riov the hull has been polorised
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He quickly moves his fingers across the console. Increasing more power to the shields. Which he already had added more power to the shields earlier.::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSCI> Can you isolote a few for further inspection in a containment field.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>CO Ma'am the ASEC provided each of the away team members with PTB's (personal transport bands)... they need only activate them, and they will return to the ship
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] We can safeley take care of the nanobots on the Hull, but if we try to bea up the AT, we could infect the intire ship.
Tyler W Baccus: Asec> [CMO] yes ma'am :: he motions to the security members:: get that food distributed, and do not stray away from them ::points to the doctors::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSCI> I want to know how we can get our people and not infect the ship
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] Working on it ma'am. But right ow I suggest we go to a higer orbit.
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Hops> Enter high orbit
Tidus1194: IRL she is my daughter she has the flu bad and she is at coolege
Tidus1194: colledge
Candela Greene: Coolege is cool
Lt Heath MaIc: ROFL
Tidus1194: errrgh typo
Candela Greene: Colledge
Ffagrl04: its cool when you have an easy this week
Ffagrl04: not last week
Candela Greene: Thats just wierd
Ffagrl04: i just invited Zandile
Kenneith M Basal has entered the room.
Laughalot1234567 has entered the room.
Kenneith M Basal: ( Don't mind me.. just adding the room to my favs. lol )
Kenneith M Basal has left the room.
Justin Kinsely: ( In cause if I get kicked offline. )
Justin Kinsely: *case
Eviess S Radaik: back
Justin Kinsely: ( We all know that will going to happen sometime during the sim. LOL )
Justin Kinsely: wb
Candela Greene: wb
Tidus1194: ::A tall Romulan walks on the Bridge and stands at attention::
Eviess S Radaik: ::looks at him::
Lt Heath MaIc: ::: raises eyebrows :::
Justin Kinsely: ::He looks at the two.::
Candela Greene: ::Takes notice::
Ffagrl04: ::watches as well::
Laughalot1234567: ::curious::
Tidus1194: ::makes a fist with his left hand and touches his right chest opens up his hand and straightens it with a slight bow
Candela Greene: ::Spills beverage, and quickly tries to clean it off deck::
Eviess S Radaik: ::nods::
Tidus1194: Riov,erein Hrienteh
Tidus1194: ::hands her his PADD::
Eviess S Radaik: ::takes his PADD and reads it::
Candela Greene: ::Hears the Romulan words spoken, remenising past visit to Romulus when she left Starfleet after 2366::
Lt Heath MaIc: ::: Walks over to new ensign, and Captain ::: "May I see the PADD Captain?
Eviess S Radaik: Aefvadh erein Hrienteh. Serve me well and with honor.
Justin Kinsely has left the room.
Tidus1194: le Riov without question.I will serve well and remember always the ways of my people
Eviess S Radaik: ::hands MaIc the Padd while looking at Hrienteh::
Eviess S Radaik: ::nods:: I will accept nothing less.
Lt Heath MaIc: ::: Aceepts the PADD , Looking at new ensign :::
Tidus1194: Understood Riov
Tidus1194: I will give nothing less
Lt Heath MaIc: "Welcome aboard the USS New York Ensign Yheathrienteh, I am CSEC Lt Heath Malc"
Lt Heath MaIc: ::AA::
Candela Greene: ::AA::
Laughalot1234567: ::AA::
Tyler W Baccus: ::AA::
Tidus1194: ::AA::
Ffagrl04: ::AA::
ConnerMacLOED1: ::AA::
Justin Kinsely has entered the room.
Justin Kinsely: ::AA::
Justin Kinsely: [CENG]Second Lieutenant Justin Kinsely ::AA::
Eviess S Radaik: state your post, rank and name for the ships log
Ffagrl04: Ensign Anarra Danrea, CMO
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Mark Michael. 2nd Lt.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> Lt Heath Malc
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] Second Lieutenant Justin Kinsely ::AA::
Eviess S Radaik: Co> Captain Eviess Radaik
Laughalot1234567: [Helm] Ensign Zandile Rey
Tidus1194: VS>ensign Hriendteh
Eviess S Radaik: ***stand by for mission briefing******
Candela Greene: [OPS] Ensign Candela Montag ::AA::
Eviess S Radaik: Mission objectives1) To enter standard orbit
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> Ensign Tyler Baccus
Eviess S Radaik: 2) Begin to send the food and other farming things to them
Eviess S Radaik: 3) To have a medical team ready to beam down and assit in care of the sick
Eviess S Radaik: 4) To return to the debris field to allow a further investigation into the things which concerned Ensign Montag
Eviess S Radaik: after you have read them signify with @@
Justin Kinsely: @@
ConnerMacLOED1: @@
Tyler W Baccus: @@
Lt Heath MaIc: @@
Tidus1194: @@
Candela Greene: [OPS]@@
Laughalot1234567: @@
Eviess S Radaik: Any questions?
Ffagrl04: @@
Justin Kinsely: No, Ma'am.
Tyler W Baccus: none here
Candela Greene: [OPS]::RH::
Laughalot1234567: no, Captain
Eviess S Radaik: ensign Hriendteh will you take tac for tonight
Eviess S Radaik: Yes Candela
Tidus1194: Yes Riov
Candela Greene: [OPS]Will I be doing double duty as CSCI again?
Eviess S Radaik: Yes until we get a replacement
Candela Greene: [OPS]K
Eviess S Radaik: Ensign Rey will take the postion of Hops which is Ops and helm combined
Laughalot1234567: Understood, ma'am
Eviess S Radaik: As we begin the sim we are 10 mins away from our destination. and everyone is at thier post
Eviess S Radaik: ****Begin sim ******
Laughalot1234567: [Hops] Captain, we are 10 minutes from our destination
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> +T+ ASEC> "Have to ATC qualified personnel prepare to join the medical away team."
Lt Heath MaIc: (two*)
Candela Greene: [CSCI];:Cheks sensors for any other signs of starships:[CO] No ther starships in the system ma'am
Tyler W Baccus: ASec +T+ [CSec] understood ::begins looking over duty rosters to find the ATC personnel to make the trip::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> He was in the hanger bay. Sitting down on the floor close to the fighter. His eyes where closed and much on his mind. He did not really care what was going on around him right know.
Tidus1194: VS>checks the TAC controls to make sure sensors and weapons sytems are all in good order
Eviess S Radaik: Co> Helm> Excellent slow to one half impulse when we are within 5 mins and then go into standard orbit
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::In Sickbay organizing they all waited to be told if they would be going down to the surface or not::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>Hops> Notify them of our approach and intent to go into standard orbit
Laughalot1234567: {Hops] yes, ma'am.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ CMO> " I am having two security personnel join your away team... if you need any more, let me know."
Justin Kinsely has left the room.
Tidus1194: VS>runs a quik diagnostic to make sure no errors should occur
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Sensos picking up some old ion trails::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>Hops> Ask for the coordinates for the away team and for the transfer of the cargo.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>CO " Ma'am I was contemplating having the ASEC join the away team also...for experience...just in case... do you have any thoughts on this?
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T>+CSEC>"Yes one more, one for each member of the medical away team. Lt. is that for sure that we will be going down now then?"
Laughalot1234567: ::open hail:: shops> planet's orbital control> this is the USS New York of the Federation. We are bringing food and medical supples and will enter orbit in 10 minutes.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]:: Begins scanning Acamar III, picks up the progress of the famine::
Laughalot1234567: Hops> Acmar III> Please transmit coordinates for medical team and supply transport
Eviess S Radaik: Co> CSec> Very good idea most of crew still needs experience.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> ::: Looks to the captain...for answer to CMO's question:::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSec> Yes you are going and so is a medical way team
Justin Kinsely has entered the room.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Finds sme very interesting readings::[CO] Captain? I may have an answer for this famine.
Laughalot1234567: ::Recieves info from acmar III:: Captain, we have the transport coordinates and I am slowing to half impulse in preparation to orbit Acmar III
Eviess S Radaik: Co> +T+> CMO> Have the medicine ready for delivery
Tidus1194: VS>::Checks weapons status and fire controls::
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ASEC> Mr. Baccus, you will be joining the away team also... have Zulu leader replace you in cargo bay #1"
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Getting her main away team together with their supplies waiting by the door. The team included her self, nurse halloway, and doctor martin. The rest of the medical staff would stay behind to take care of things up here.::
Laughalot1234567: [Helm/ops] ::Pressing buttons, ship slows to half impulse::
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He is in main engineering. Running scans on the impulse and warp engines.::
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Hops> Inform the away team when your ready to beam them down.
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T+>CO>It already is captain, the medical team is now heading for the transporter room, can you please have our security team join us there?"
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> He will slowly stand and would open his eyes. Throwing his flight helmet into a wall and would walk into the office. Sitting down as he opened a book to read.
Laughalot1234567: [Hops] Orbit achieved, Captain. I am ready to beam the away team as soon as they are.
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO} Captain?
Eviess S Radaik: Co> +T+ >CMO> Let hops know when your ready to beam down
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Starts heading to the nearest transporter room with her medical away team.::
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ CMO> ASEC Baccus will be joing you also.
Tidus1194: VS>::looks at how the crew is interacting as a team::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec > +T+ [Csec] understood ::cuts comm, and immediately re-opens it:: +T+ [NPC Zulu Team Leader] You are needed at Cargo Bay 1
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T+>CO> Understood Captain.
Tyler W Baccus: NPC Ashton Tribble +T+ [Asec] I am on my way now
Eviess S Radaik: CO> Sci> What do you think caused the famine?
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T+>CSEC>Good to hear Lt. I will meet him in the nearest transporter room. Anarra out.
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] I've picked up an old Ion trail at 277 mark 7 that leads to Acamar III. Aparently they were in orbit for awhil before theyleft at 110 mak 3. The ame course to the debri fld.
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::walks into the turbo lift:: Computer deck 38
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ ASEC> All medical staff are to be with a security personnel at ALL exceptions!
Eviess S Radaik: Co>CSCI> And how does that relate to the famine?
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] I believe that ship had some how off loaded some contaminated cargo. But they real question is what ship, and where they came from.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]the*
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Arrives with medical team and supplies to the transporter room, Tyler still hadnt arrived, Anarra nods to the transporter cheif and waits::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> He would leave his office after throwing the book across his office. He would then start a slow run around the flight deack.
Laughalot1234567: [Hops] ::Monitors her controls, programs the transporter, and waits::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> +T+ [CSec] understood, I am on my way to the Armory and my office to get ready right now, I am going to epuip all Security team members with a Type III phaser rifle just in case
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSci> Can you get anything form the ion trail at all.
Tidus1194: VS>::listening to his Riov and how she commands the ship::
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>HOPS Wait for ASEC Baccus to confirm to security team is ready please.
Justin Kinsely has left the room.
Lt Heath MaIc has left the room.
Lt Heath MaIc has entered the room.
Laughalot1234567: HOPS> CSEC> Ready and waiting, lieutenant
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] Not much, our answers lies with the Acamarians, or the Gatherers. I believe a feud is still ongoing, and the stakes are global.
Justin Kinsely has entered the room.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ASEC> Understood.... Please inform [HOPS] when you are ready.
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSci> I see
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He looked over the readings of the scans he had made and found them in normal range.::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>NOIP> That would explain our greeting when we approached the cluster
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Still waiting in transporter 3...Anarra starts to tap her foot on the deck.::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::steps out onto deck 38 and walks to the armory to get the rifles:: +T+ [NPC ATC personnel] report to Transporter Room 3 ::grabs 3 phaser rifles and heads off to the Transporter Room::
Tidus1194: VS>::paying close attention to the situation stays vigalent ready for anything::
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] The Cryptic warning those freighters gave us, and also it seemed as though they were warning us. I suggest we go to Yellow alert, and have all AT members decontaminated upon their return.
Eviess S Radaik: Co>CSci> My thoughts exactly
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He goes over to one console and checks out other various ship's sytems. Quickly moving his fingers across the console. Making sure that there is enough power in the emergency stand by.::
Laughalot1234567: [HOPS] ::listens to the explanation of the feud as she waits for the away team to be ready
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Tac> Go to Yellow alert
Tyler W Baccus: ::arrives at Transporter room 3 and hands a rifle to each security member, he looks to Anarra [CMO] are you ready to go?
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> ::: Listens to Csci talking to captain :::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec>*
Tidus1194: VS>Yes Riov::Quickly taps in the commands for yellow alert::
Eviess S Radaik: Co>+T+CMO > Upon your return all members will enter decontamination
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Runs intesive scanson the atmosphere for some isolated amples::[CO] I'll see if I can pinpoint, what kind of famine we're dealing ith.
Ffagrl04: CMO>ASEC>More then ready, Its about time you got here..::looks at the rifes:: What did you do ransack the armory? ::picks up allof the supplies and gets on the transporter pads.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI]with*
Laughalot1234567: [HOPS] ::Tenses up with the yellow alert announcement::
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] + T + [OPS] I have have some power in standby if they are ever needed.
Tyler W Baccus: ASec +T+ [HOps] Ensign, the away team is ready ::looks at Anarra and laughs:: of course ::pulls 6 armbands out of his pocket::
Tidus1194: VS>::continues to watch the TAC and is ready to power up weapons at anytime::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> Seeing the yellow lights start to flash he made his way to the fighter and would get into it. Forgetting his helmet tapping on the comm +T+CO> "What is going on Ma'am?"
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Anarra laughs at him as the rest of the team join them on the transporter pad::
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> ::: Walks over to HOPS station ::: HOPS> " Will you open a ship-wide channel as soon as you have a chance?"
Eviess S Radaik: Co >+T> FPCO> We are on general alert as a percaution
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Isolates micrscopic parasitic agent in upper atmosphere::
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::Hands the armbands to each away team member:: these are personal transport armbands ::steps up on the pad::
Laughalot1234567: HOPS>Transporter room + CO> The away team is ready. Energizing on your command
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Csci> Anything on the cause of the famine?
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Looks to HOPS::[HOPS] Interesting. Can you access the Acamarian Computer database?
Tidus1194: VS>Scans the nereby space for anything out of the usual::
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Takes one:: >ASEC>Do you think we are really going to need these?
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] Possible Captain, an apparent rap in the Atmosphere.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He goes back moving his fingers across the console. Keeping constant eye on the ship's sytems. Making sure that there is enough standby power.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI]trap*
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSCI> Can you isolate and identify it?
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::looks up:: [CMO] I'm not sure but I want to be ready just in case
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] The Famine is a common Gatherer aent knownas Diruslium. Very virile, and deadly, but there is a cure.
Laughalot1234567: {HOPS} Energizing ::Away team is beamed dowm to the landing coordiantes. Also prepares to open a ship wide channel.:: >CO Away Team is beamed down. The shipwide channel is open.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]agent*
Ffagrl04: CMO>ASEC>Of course ::Is then beamed down to the surface::
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] But I'm also reading nano ots in the upper atmosphere.
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO> +T+CO>"Ok Ma'am" As he will flip the swiches. The engines will come to life for the fighter, as he got out of the fighter and went and got his helmet and got back into the fighter. closing the cockpit
Eviess S Radaik: CO> Hops> Once you have the away team safely down, transport the contents of Cargo bays 1 and 2.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC> " Attention all security station supervisors: All portable containment fields are to be engaged immediately, nobody moves past without The Captain Radaik's or My direct authorization until further notice"
ConnerMacLOED1: as he was getting ready.
Candela Greene: [CSCI]nonobots*
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He checks the power that is going into the deflector shields and containment fields.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI](havin Keyboard issues)
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>HOPS> Thank you. ::: Walks back to security station :::
Laughalot1234567: HOPS>CO> Yes ma'am. ::Beams cargo to the landing coordiantes given by the acmarians:: The cargo is beamed down, Captain
Eviess S Radaik: CO> CSci> Double check that.
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He taps his badge.:: +T+ [CSEC] Under stood. ::Then he hears the cut off before he would completely finsish.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO]Yes m'am ::Continues scans ::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>Hops> Excellent Inform them the entire cargo has been transported
Eviess S Radaik: Co> +T+ AT> report in
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He goes back checking the ship's EPS.::
Laughalot1234567: [HOPS] ::closes shipwide channel.::>CSEC You're Welcome, Lt. >Away team, your entire cargo has been transported.
Tidus1194: VS>::at the TAC again listens to how the bridge crew interact as a team::
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Finishes Scans::[CO] Definitely nanbots, and they ave found their way to our otter hull.
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::Anarra looks around at the sitution they had been transported into the town square of one of the towns, everywhere she looked, people were sick, and looked like they were starving::
ConnerMacLOED1: FPCO>+T+CO>" Ready to launch when you need me to Ma'am."
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSci> Excuse me
Laughalot1234567: HOPS>CO> Captain, what do you want me to check the Acmar III database for?
Eviess S Radaik: Co>CSCI> I want them identified and destroyed
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He continues to tap on the console. Rerouting more power to all shields on the ship.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] We've been setup ma'am. The Gatherers ae responsible for this famine.
Ffagrl04: CMO>+T+>CO>We are on the surface captain, It's worse then was reported, I just hope we have enought supplies to treat the illness and get them eating again.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>+T+ npcDeck 36 Station supervisor> Allow Lt Kinsely and his staff free access, in case ship repairs are needed.
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Ceng> Increase power to the sheilds at once
Tidus1194: VS>CO Riov I suggest we polorize the hull to try and destroy the nanobots
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] +T+ [CO] Already in the processing of doing just that, Ma'am. ::He continues on working on the shields.::
Candela Greene: [CSCI]::Scans the outter hull::[CO] I'm going to need samples. But I believe we can short them out with hull plating, but the planet has atleast 10 Trillion in the upper atmosphere.
Tyler W Baccus: ASec> ::looks around at all the people scattered throughout the town, he couldnt help but grimace as he felt his stomach turning upside down::
Eviess S Radaik: Co>VS> Do it
Ffagrl04: [CMO]:: Locals who had come up to them noticing that they were starfleet, and had food.::>ASEC>"have the security team distribute the food to the officials who can get it to everyone else."
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSci> At the moment I am more concerned with this ship and our crew on the surface
Ffagrl04: [CMO]::the two other medical team members start to scan and treat those with the virus...thankfully they already had the was just alot of people to treat.::
Tidus1194: VS;; taps the commands to polorize the hull to attempt the nanobots::
Tidus1194: VS>CO Riov the hull has been polorised
Justin Kinsely: [CENG] ::He quickly moves his fingers across the console. Increasing more power to the shields. Which he already had added more power to the shields earlier.::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSCI> Can you isolote a few for further inspection in a containment field.
Lt Heath MaIc: CSEC>CO Ma'am the ASEC provided each of the away team members with PTB's (personal transport bands)... they need only activate them, and they will return to the ship
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] We can safeley take care of the nanobots on the Hull, but if we try to bea up the AT, we could infect the intire ship.
Tyler W Baccus: Asec> [CMO] yes ma'am :: he motions to the security members:: get that food distributed, and do not stray away from them ::points to the doctors::
Eviess S Radaik: CO>CSCI> I want to know how we can get our people and not infect the ship
Candela Greene: [CSCI][CO] Working on it ma'am. But right ow I suggest we go to a higer orbit.
Eviess S Radaik: Co>Hops> Enter high orbit