Post by Lt Commander Kuvak on Apr 4, 2011 22:21:14 GMT -5
KuvakUF (10:01:17 PM): ATTENTION!
Ejiultrpardk (10:01:26 PM): ::AA::
Johanas Hanson (10:01:27 PM): ::AA::
SAAVPEK (10:01:38 PM): ::AA::
jrLt David Suder (10:02:15 PM): ::AA::
Ael Hheinia (10:02:31 PM): ::AA:;
Dawnlia1 (10:02:32 PM): ::AA::
KuvakUF (10:02:47 PM): For the record, state name, ranka and position
Dawnlia1 (10:03:13 PM): cmo>Dan'lia Rhial
jrLt David Suder (10:03:15 PM): Tac > Lt Jg David Suder
Ejiultrpardk (10:03:19 PM): OPS>Ejiul tr'Pardk
KuvakUF (10:03:20 PM): ACO> Lt Commander Kuvak
SAAVPEK (10:03:33 PM): ASEC>erie'Arrain Saavpek
Ael Hheinia (10:04:05 PM): [CENG] Errei'Arrain Ael Hheinia
KuvakUF (10:05:47 PM): Has everyone read the MB posted on the message board?
Ejiultrpardk (10:05:57 PM): Ie
Johanas Hanson (10:06:19 PM): VS>mariene captain johanas hanson nah havent lets go any how i'll play it by ear
KuvakUF (10:06:58 PM): Is Hanson the only one?
jrLt David Suder (10:07:08 PM): I've read it
KuvakUF (10:07:37 PM): We'll start if any of you need to refer to it please do so. any questions?
Ejiultrpardk (10:07:56 PM): Dhat
KuvakUF (10:08:23 PM): Alrighty then
KuvakUF (10:08:33 PM): +++++RESUME SIM+++++
Ejiultrpardk (10:09:52 PM): OPS>::watching the Sensors::
jrLt David Suder (10:10:14 PM): Tac > ::keeping at eye on current displays, weapons and shield status::
Ael Hheinia (10:10:36 PM): [CENG] ::She is in the main engineering, catching up on engineering reports.::
SAAVPEK (10:11:32 PM): ASEC>:: she looks over her phaser and makes sure it is set on stun::
Ejiultrpardk (10:12:15 PM): OPS>XO> Were arriving at the system with planet Gideon
KuvakUF (10:12:24 PM): (Hanson will you take helm for the time being)
Dawnlia1 (10:12:27 PM): cmo::prepares kits for crew that may have to contact the people of Gideon. decides to study health of the crew while they are here
jrLt David Suder (10:13:03 PM): ( if he can pay attention long enough.. lol )
Johanas Hanson (10:14:53 PM): (9thanks yll yeah sure think - slides behndthe helm consiole running diagnostics onteh work station an readig the lay out-
KuvakUF (10:15:08 PM): ACO>OPS> Good call all senior officers to the commadners office.
Johanas Hanson (10:15:14 PM): HELM> CO> healm oup oeprational and read to take you where ever yo wanan go
Ejiultrpardk (10:15:59 PM): OPS>+T+Ship wide> All senior officers to Command Office
Ael Hheinia (10:17:32 PM): [CENG] ::She heears the shipwide announcement and makes her way out of main engineering to head to the bridge.::
Johanas Hanson (10:17:56 PM): _HELM> hearing the call to the command iffice he shrugs sets helm controls to automatic and makes forteh conference room with a sigh -
SAAVPEK (10:19:13 PM): ASEC>::She was going to try to work her way into this meeting too. She felt if the Commander was going down there he was not going alone. Orders or not. ::
Ael Hheinia (10:19:54 PM): [CENG] ::She makes her way down the corridor and into the turbo lift.:: [TL] Computer, bridge.
jrLt David Suder (10:20:01 PM): Tac > ::calls over his replacement before turning to enter the commander's office::
Ejiultrpardk (10:20:21 PM): OPS>::Heads for the Command Office and enters::
KuvakUF (10:20:56 PM): has already sat himself down before anyone came
SAAVPEK (10:21:35 PM): ASEC>::she walks into the room and stands close to the door::
Johanas Hanson (10:22:17 PM): HELM> slides a chiar backwards starddle it to sit down going ove the navigational charts and such -
Ael Hheinia (10:22:24 PM): [CENG] ::Once the TL stopped, she exited the turbo lift and onto the bridge. She walks across the bridge and into the Commander's Office.::
Ejiultrpardk (10:22:39 PM): OPS>::Sits down::
jrLt David Suder (10:22:48 PM): Tac ::e takes a seat where he can find one::
Ael Hheinia (10:23:45 PM): [CENG] ::She takes a seat at the table.::
Dawnlia1 (10:24:35 PM): cmo:: goes to the command office and finds a seat
KuvakUF (10:25:21 PM): Are we all here? Most of us?
Ejiultrpardk (10:25:38 PM): Ie
Johanas Hanson (10:26:04 PM): - raises a hand- here
jrLt David Suder (10:26:54 PM): Tac > ::nods, indicating he is here::
SAAVPEK (10:26:54 PM): ASEC>::She says nothing knowing she is not staff::
SAAVPEK (10:30:32 PM): .
Ejiultrpardk (10:31:37 PM): OPS>::looks at the XO::
jrLt David Suder (10:31:51 PM): ( *taps his screen* did the screen freeze or did everyone fall asleep? )
Johanas Hanson (10:32:52 PM): ((snores?)
SAAVPEK (10:36:51 PM): .
jrLt David Suder (10:38:26 PM): ( looks like our XO fell asleep or had something urgent come up )
Dawnlia1 (10:40:21 PM): or the computer messed up
jrLt David Suder (10:40:46 PM): ( I just IM'd him and no response )
Ejiultrpardk (10:42:45 PM): both Star fleet and Imperial archives have little information on Gideon, other than they been at War for decades
Dawnlia1 (10:44:20 PM): cmo>group> I think I need to get some details on the disease so that I can find a way to protect us
Ejiultrpardk (10:45:26 PM): This is a diplomatic mission we will be entering a world that has known nothing but war and death for decades, and theirs the risk for disease
Ejiultrpardk (10:47:29 PM): The Gideon people are known to be deceptive as well
Ejiultrpardk (10:49:05 PM): We found no info on the disease so were not sure if it will effect us
KuvakUF (10:49:14 PM): (still alive tech problem)
Ejiultrpardk (10:49:22 PM): (K)
KuvakUF (10:49:40 PM): We know little or nothing
KuvakUF (10:49:49 PM): abouth the Gideon people
KuvakUF (10:51:30 PM): Doctor you'll be going down with us to examine a few of the Gideon people. I want us aware of waht we are getting into
KuvakUF (10:51:52 PM): Suder you will be going also
jrLt David Suder (10:52:27 PM): Tac > ::looks like he wanted to protect, but then he nods:: XO > yes, sir
jrLt David Suder (10:52:39 PM): *protest
Dawnlia1 (10:52:52 PM): cmo>xo> aye
KuvakUF (10:54:07 PM): All right meeting over. Security officer form your honor guard and we'll be beaming down in 10 minutes.
SAAVPEK (10:54:33 PM): ASEC>XO> Yes Sir
Ejiultrpardk (10:54:57 PM): OPS>::Gets up and returns to his station::
SAAVPEK (10:55:47 PM): ASEC>::she about faces and leaves while instructing the Honor Guards to be ready::
jrLt David Suder (10:56:12 PM): Tac > ::gets up and leaves the C.O., returning to his station. He reaches under the console and takes a phaser out, then holsters it at his hip::
Dawnlia1 (10:57:10 PM): cmo::goes to sickbay to pick up med kit and heads to transporter
jrLt David Suder (10:57:43 PM): Tac > ::he then makes his way to the transporter room::
Johanas Hanson (10:57:54 PM): ((someone invitezandile bck ?))
Ael Hheinia (10:57:58 PM): [CENG] ::She gets up and exits, making her way across the bridge and back into the tubo lift.:: [TL] Main Engineering.
Johanas Hanson (10:58:07 PM): ((keep trying and cant manage to getthe invite to go thru -
Ejiultrpardk (10:58:28 PM): (sent)
jrLt David Suder (10:58:43 PM): ( sent from here too )
Johanas Hanson (10:59:08 PM): (9danka))
Johanas Hanson (10:59:35 PM): HELM> stands returning tothe helm and navigational console entering his password and ata ID to access the terminal CO course commander?
KuvakUF (11:00:24 PM): ::Enters the transporter room:::
KuvakUF (11:00:46 PM): ++++LAST LINES+++
SAAVPEK (11:00:55 PM): ASEC>:: Her hand her Honor Guard enters the Transporter Room::
Ael Hheinia (11:01:00 PM): [CENG] ::She exits the TL and makes her way back into main engineering.::
SAAVPEK (11:01:10 PM): hand= and
jrLt David Suder (11:03:53 PM): Tac > ::steps up onto the TR Padd when the XO and the honor guard enter::
Dawnlia1 (11:06:58 PM): cmo::steps onto the TR padd
Ejiultrpardk (11:08:15 PM): OPS>::Running Scanns::
KuvakUF (11:08:18 PM): ++++PAUSE SIM++++
Ejiultrpardk (10:01:26 PM): ::AA::
Johanas Hanson (10:01:27 PM): ::AA::
SAAVPEK (10:01:38 PM): ::AA::
jrLt David Suder (10:02:15 PM): ::AA::
Ael Hheinia (10:02:31 PM): ::AA:;
Dawnlia1 (10:02:32 PM): ::AA::
KuvakUF (10:02:47 PM): For the record, state name, ranka and position
Dawnlia1 (10:03:13 PM): cmo>Dan'lia Rhial
jrLt David Suder (10:03:15 PM): Tac > Lt Jg David Suder
Ejiultrpardk (10:03:19 PM): OPS>Ejiul tr'Pardk
KuvakUF (10:03:20 PM): ACO> Lt Commander Kuvak
SAAVPEK (10:03:33 PM): ASEC>erie'Arrain Saavpek
Ael Hheinia (10:04:05 PM): [CENG] Errei'Arrain Ael Hheinia
KuvakUF (10:05:47 PM): Has everyone read the MB posted on the message board?
Ejiultrpardk (10:05:57 PM): Ie
Johanas Hanson (10:06:19 PM): VS>mariene captain johanas hanson nah havent lets go any how i'll play it by ear
KuvakUF (10:06:58 PM): Is Hanson the only one?
jrLt David Suder (10:07:08 PM): I've read it
KuvakUF (10:07:37 PM): We'll start if any of you need to refer to it please do so. any questions?
Ejiultrpardk (10:07:56 PM): Dhat
KuvakUF (10:08:23 PM): Alrighty then
KuvakUF (10:08:33 PM): +++++RESUME SIM+++++
Ejiultrpardk (10:09:52 PM): OPS>::watching the Sensors::
jrLt David Suder (10:10:14 PM): Tac > ::keeping at eye on current displays, weapons and shield status::
Ael Hheinia (10:10:36 PM): [CENG] ::She is in the main engineering, catching up on engineering reports.::
SAAVPEK (10:11:32 PM): ASEC>:: she looks over her phaser and makes sure it is set on stun::
Ejiultrpardk (10:12:15 PM): OPS>XO> Were arriving at the system with planet Gideon
KuvakUF (10:12:24 PM): (Hanson will you take helm for the time being)
Dawnlia1 (10:12:27 PM): cmo::prepares kits for crew that may have to contact the people of Gideon. decides to study health of the crew while they are here
jrLt David Suder (10:13:03 PM): ( if he can pay attention long enough.. lol )
Johanas Hanson (10:14:53 PM): (9thanks yll yeah sure think - slides behndthe helm consiole running diagnostics onteh work station an readig the lay out-
KuvakUF (10:15:08 PM): ACO>OPS> Good call all senior officers to the commadners office.
Johanas Hanson (10:15:14 PM): HELM> CO> healm oup oeprational and read to take you where ever yo wanan go
Ejiultrpardk (10:15:59 PM): OPS>+T+Ship wide> All senior officers to Command Office
Ael Hheinia (10:17:32 PM): [CENG] ::She heears the shipwide announcement and makes her way out of main engineering to head to the bridge.::
Johanas Hanson (10:17:56 PM): _HELM> hearing the call to the command iffice he shrugs sets helm controls to automatic and makes forteh conference room with a sigh -
SAAVPEK (10:19:13 PM): ASEC>::She was going to try to work her way into this meeting too. She felt if the Commander was going down there he was not going alone. Orders or not. ::
Ael Hheinia (10:19:54 PM): [CENG] ::She makes her way down the corridor and into the turbo lift.:: [TL] Computer, bridge.
jrLt David Suder (10:20:01 PM): Tac > ::calls over his replacement before turning to enter the commander's office::
Ejiultrpardk (10:20:21 PM): OPS>::Heads for the Command Office and enters::
KuvakUF (10:20:56 PM): has already sat himself down before anyone came
SAAVPEK (10:21:35 PM): ASEC>::she walks into the room and stands close to the door::
Johanas Hanson (10:22:17 PM): HELM> slides a chiar backwards starddle it to sit down going ove the navigational charts and such -
Ael Hheinia (10:22:24 PM): [CENG] ::Once the TL stopped, she exited the turbo lift and onto the bridge. She walks across the bridge and into the Commander's Office.::
Ejiultrpardk (10:22:39 PM): OPS>::Sits down::
jrLt David Suder (10:22:48 PM): Tac ::e takes a seat where he can find one::
Ael Hheinia (10:23:45 PM): [CENG] ::She takes a seat at the table.::
Dawnlia1 (10:24:35 PM): cmo:: goes to the command office and finds a seat
KuvakUF (10:25:21 PM): Are we all here? Most of us?
Ejiultrpardk (10:25:38 PM): Ie
Johanas Hanson (10:26:04 PM): - raises a hand- here
jrLt David Suder (10:26:54 PM): Tac > ::nods, indicating he is here::
SAAVPEK (10:26:54 PM): ASEC>::She says nothing knowing she is not staff::
SAAVPEK (10:30:32 PM): .
Ejiultrpardk (10:31:37 PM): OPS>::looks at the XO::
jrLt David Suder (10:31:51 PM): ( *taps his screen* did the screen freeze or did everyone fall asleep? )
Johanas Hanson (10:32:52 PM): ((snores?)
SAAVPEK (10:36:51 PM): .
jrLt David Suder (10:38:26 PM): ( looks like our XO fell asleep or had something urgent come up )
Dawnlia1 (10:40:21 PM): or the computer messed up
jrLt David Suder (10:40:46 PM): ( I just IM'd him and no response )
Ejiultrpardk (10:42:45 PM): both Star fleet and Imperial archives have little information on Gideon, other than they been at War for decades
Dawnlia1 (10:44:20 PM): cmo>group> I think I need to get some details on the disease so that I can find a way to protect us
Ejiultrpardk (10:45:26 PM): This is a diplomatic mission we will be entering a world that has known nothing but war and death for decades, and theirs the risk for disease
Ejiultrpardk (10:47:29 PM): The Gideon people are known to be deceptive as well
Ejiultrpardk (10:49:05 PM): We found no info on the disease so were not sure if it will effect us
KuvakUF (10:49:14 PM): (still alive tech problem)
Ejiultrpardk (10:49:22 PM): (K)
KuvakUF (10:49:40 PM): We know little or nothing
KuvakUF (10:49:49 PM): abouth the Gideon people
KuvakUF (10:51:30 PM): Doctor you'll be going down with us to examine a few of the Gideon people. I want us aware of waht we are getting into
KuvakUF (10:51:52 PM): Suder you will be going also
jrLt David Suder (10:52:27 PM): Tac > ::looks like he wanted to protect, but then he nods:: XO > yes, sir
jrLt David Suder (10:52:39 PM): *protest
Dawnlia1 (10:52:52 PM): cmo>xo> aye
KuvakUF (10:54:07 PM): All right meeting over. Security officer form your honor guard and we'll be beaming down in 10 minutes.
SAAVPEK (10:54:33 PM): ASEC>XO> Yes Sir
Ejiultrpardk (10:54:57 PM): OPS>::Gets up and returns to his station::
SAAVPEK (10:55:47 PM): ASEC>::she about faces and leaves while instructing the Honor Guards to be ready::
jrLt David Suder (10:56:12 PM): Tac > ::gets up and leaves the C.O., returning to his station. He reaches under the console and takes a phaser out, then holsters it at his hip::
Dawnlia1 (10:57:10 PM): cmo::goes to sickbay to pick up med kit and heads to transporter
jrLt David Suder (10:57:43 PM): Tac > ::he then makes his way to the transporter room::
Johanas Hanson (10:57:54 PM): ((someone invitezandile bck ?))
Ael Hheinia (10:57:58 PM): [CENG] ::She gets up and exits, making her way across the bridge and back into the tubo lift.:: [TL] Main Engineering.
Johanas Hanson (10:58:07 PM): ((keep trying and cant manage to getthe invite to go thru -
Ejiultrpardk (10:58:28 PM): (sent)
jrLt David Suder (10:58:43 PM): ( sent from here too )
Johanas Hanson (10:59:08 PM): (9danka))
Johanas Hanson (10:59:35 PM): HELM> stands returning tothe helm and navigational console entering his password and ata ID to access the terminal CO course commander?
KuvakUF (11:00:24 PM): ::Enters the transporter room:::
KuvakUF (11:00:46 PM): ++++LAST LINES+++
SAAVPEK (11:00:55 PM): ASEC>:: Her hand her Honor Guard enters the Transporter Room::
Ael Hheinia (11:01:00 PM): [CENG] ::She exits the TL and makes her way back into main engineering.::
SAAVPEK (11:01:10 PM): hand= and
jrLt David Suder (11:03:53 PM): Tac > ::steps up onto the TR Padd when the XO and the honor guard enter::
Dawnlia1 (11:06:58 PM): cmo::steps onto the TR padd
Ejiultrpardk (11:08:15 PM): OPS>::Running Scanns::
KuvakUF (11:08:18 PM): ++++PAUSE SIM++++