Post by Eviess Radaik on Mar 14, 2011 22:12:25 GMT -5
Eviess Radaik (10:06:04 PM): ******Attention******
Johanas Hanson (10:06:16 PM): ::AA::
SAAVPEK (10:06:22 PM): ::AA::
jrLt David Suder (10:06:33 PM): ::AA::
Ejiultrpardk (10:06:41 PM): ::AA::
Dawnlia1 (10:07:16 PM): ::AA::
Ael Hheinia (10:07:27 PM): ::AA::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:08:05 PM): ::AA::
Eviess Radaik (10:08:12 PM): For the sim record state your post rank and name
Eviess Radaik (10:08:27 PM): CO>Riov Eviess Radiak
Ael Hheinia (10:08:36 PM): [CENG] Errei'Arrain Ael Hheinia
Dawnlia1 (10:08:41 PM): cmo>Dan'lia Rhail
Johanas Hanson (10:08:44 PM): VS>Marine captain JOhyanas hanson
jrLt David Suder (10:08:47 PM): Tac > Lt Jg David Suder
Ejiultrpardk (10:08:50 PM): OPS>Ejiul tr'Pardk
Eviess Radaik (10:09:35 PM): Mission Briefing
Eviess Radaik (10:10:24 PM): We will continue on the heading we were on. All reports have come in from the Nova and what was needed was sent to High Command.
ZandileReyBaccus (10:10:26 PM): Csec> Lt. Zandile Hanson
Eviess Radaik (10:10:53 PM): *******Begin sim*******
Eviess Radaik (10:11:29 PM): CO> ::finished scanning the reports and the one sent to High Command::
Ejiultrpardk (10:11:50 PM): HOPS>::Maintains a steady course as he keeps sensors running::
jrLt David Suder (10:12:03 PM): Tac > ::standing at Tactical, keeping his attention on tactical displays and sensors::
Johanas Hanson (10:12:31 PM): HELM> monitering the distance for mseveral small strings of protomatter swinging the ship clear of them as they advance tothe designated coordinates
ZandileReyBaccus (10:12:45 PM): Csec> ::hanging out in sickbay, waiting to talk to the doc.::
Ejiultrpardk (10:13:06 PM): (Oops forgot you were here)
Johanas Hanson (10:13:36 PM): ((its cool))
Eviess Radaik (10:13:40 PM): CO> ::she stands and briefly paces then takes her seat.::
Dawnlia1 (10:14:12 PM): cmo::finishing up with injured crewman::>csec> Hi Zan, what can I do for you
Ejiultrpardk (10:14:26 PM): OPS>CO> The plant is now being hit by debris
jrLt David Suder (10:14:55 PM): Tac > ::glances up at the riov as she paces for a moment then returns to the center seat::
SAAVPEK (10:14:59 PM): ASEC>:: on the Bridge keeping her eyes on the security teams::
Ael Hheinia (10:15:19 PM): [CENG] ::She is in main engineering, maintaining the ship's systems.::
Eviess Radaik (10:16:03 PM): *****Action scanners pick up the last of the debris to hit the the planets closest to the Nova. The debris field has closed*****
Ejiultrpardk (10:16:51 PM): OPS>CO> The debris filed is gone it has hit the planets
Eviess Radaik (10:17:11 PM): CO> Ops> Understood
jrLt David Suder (10:17:21 PM): Tac > ::confirms the reports from Ops:: CO > Picking up massive damage to planetary systems
Ejiultrpardk (10:18:04 PM): OPS>::Scans for any ships::TAC> A hole race gone
jrLt David Suder (10:18:29 PM): Tac > ::nods, with a frown:: Ops > Ie
ZandileReyBaccus (10:18:37 PM): Csec> CMO> Well, I was wondering when to um, make a prenatal appointment?
Dawnlia1 (10:19:24 PM): cmo>csec> Why don't you hop up on the bio bed now.
Dawnlia1 (10:20:06 PM): cmo>csec> how far along do you think you are?
Eviess Radaik (10:20:15 PM): *****Action LRS pick up a uncharted planetary system******
ZandileReyBaccus (10:20:20 PM): Csec> CMO> Thanks. ::hops up on the bio bed:: I'd say 10 weeks, actually...
Ejiultrpardk (10:20:50 PM): OPS>CO> I have an uncharted planetry system
Dawnlia1 (10:21:31 PM): cmo::has Zan lay down and starts checking the readings
Ejiultrpardk (10:21:32 PM): OPS>CO> Its on LRS ::sends location to helm::
Dawnlia1 (10:22:18 PM): cmo>csec> have you had much in the way of digestive problems?
ZandileReyBaccus (10:23:13 PM): Csec> CMO> Only a little morning sickness, fortunately. ::smiles::
SAAVPEK (10:25:13 PM): ASEC>::finds out the Riov is missing and checks the transporters to see if she had disappear that way. Seeing she is on the ship she rubs her eyes..:: Must be working to hard again.
Johanas Hanson (10:26:19 PM): captain detecting uncharted planetary system
Dawnlia1 (10:27:20 PM): cmo:: checks readings on bio bed>csec> Yes you have about that there. I will be glad to give you a menu to keep your stomach in line for the next few weeks
Ejiultrpardk (10:27:50 PM): OPS>::Keeps his eyes on sensors::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:28:32 PM): Csec> CMO> Basically like last time around, right? ::smiles::
Ejiultrpardk (10:28:46 PM): OPS>CO> its 10 hrs away at the present heading and a course adjustment of 15.25 degrees port is required
Dawnlia1 (10:29:54 PM): cmo>csec> Yes Please do not take on more than one enemy at a time.
Eviess Radaik (10:30:41 PM): CO> Ops> Send that to helm
Ejiultrpardk (10:30:56 PM): OPS>::sends to helm::
Johanas Hanson (10:30:57 PM): HELM>_points to the operations console and adds- what he said
Eviess Radaik (10:31:07 PM): CO> Helm> Make the necessary changes to the heading
jrLt David Suder (10:31:30 PM): Tac > CO > Tactical sensors are clear at the moment
Dawnlia1 (10:31:35 PM): cmo>csec> I will send the rest of the instructions to your computer. I am sure that you will follow instructions about as well that you did last time
Johanas Hanson (10:31:46 PM): heading mark 15.25 copy that course laid in system is ten hours out setting warp five now
ZandileReyBaccus (10:32:13 PM): CSec> CMO> ::Chuckles:: I won't. Johanas can take on the rest for me. I'll be sure to follow your instructions, doc. Thanks.
ZandileReyBaccus (10:34:06 PM): Csec> CMO> Can I get a picture? Or does it all just look like goo in there?
Dawnlia1 (10:34:38 PM): cmo>csec> then hop off. I will send you a reminder for your next appointment.
Ejiultrpardk (10:34:45 PM): OPS>TAC> 10 hrs off hopefuly nothing
ZandileReyBaccus (10:35:05 PM): Csec> CMO> Alrighty then. ::Hops down and straightens up her hair.::
jrLt David Suder (10:36:55 PM): Tac > ::checking sensors for more data:: CO > Planetary system has 7 planets, with one able to support life. At this distance, not picking up any life. There;'s also a debris field, like an asteroid belt. Attempting to find the best course in
Dawnlia1 (10:37:46 PM): cmo>csec> I will also send to you the vitamin suppliments
Johanas Hanson (10:38:01 PM): HELM>_coordinating with tactical to plan an entry route into this uncharted system canning ahead withthe main deflector-
Eviess Radaik (10:38:06 PM): CO> Tac> Understood find the best route in. I would like to enter without weapon discharge from clearing the field.
Ejiultrpardk (10:38:11 PM): OPS>CO> Confirm the readings::
jrLt David Suder (10:38:49 PM): Tac > CO > Understood, Riov but I am getting an itchy trigger finger ::smirks;:
Eviess Radaik (10:38:59 PM): CO> Helm> I need that route so work closely with Tac
jrLt David Suder (10:40:03 PM): Tac > ::sends the asteroid field data to Helm:: Helm > Looks like a hole near the port center of the field that we can attempt to swueeze through. Agreed?
jrLt David Suder (10:40:15 PM): *squeeze
ZandileReyBaccus (10:41:00 PM): Csec> CMO> I've been taking the same supplements as last time. I wanna show a picture to Johanas, though. ::smiles::
Johanas Hanson (10:41:25 PM): HELM>_reviewing the data and locating the hole- TAC> its fairly incinsistant but with deflectors at max range we cn make it jsut push the stuff out of our way along the way OPS> i'll need full manual control of the helm
Ejiultrpardk (10:42:16 PM): OPS>Helm> Its all yours ::gives full manual control::
jrLt David Suder (10:42:33 PM): Tac > ::begins calibrating phasers so if a shot is necessary, the target will not careen off and hit any other asteroid, thus starting a chain reaction that will send an asteroid into a planet, or worse, us::
Eviess Radaik (10:43:30 PM): CO> ::Listening to the bridge chatter:: Helm>TAC>OPS> work with engineeing
Dawnlia1 (10:43:34 PM): cmo:: watches Zan leave::
Johanas Hanson (10:44:02 PM): _HELM> - pulling the ship back and to the side slightly off port scanning for this hole to sneak thru on full manual controls he begins a series of small tilts and turns turning the ship sideways ot slip thru the hole in the astriod belt pushing the ship over the few astroids as to not disturb anything in the system -
Ejiultrpardk (10:44:33 PM): OPS>+T+CENG> Give me full power on main deffctor
ZandileReyBaccus (10:44:34 PM): (ok...) Csec> ::Goes back to the bridge after getting the pictures on a PADD and bidding the doctor goodbye for now.::
jrLt David Suder (10:44:45 PM): Tac > CO > Ie, Lhhei ::Sends tactical data to engineering to coordinate efforts::
Dawnlia1 (10:46:00 PM): cmo:: goes into office and reads reports coming in about a new plantary system. pulls up reports on readings to see if anything interesting could be seen
Ael Hheinia (10:46:14 PM): [CENG] +T+ [OPS] Understood.
Ael Hheinia (10:46:29 PM): [CENG] ::She taps on the console and sends full power to the deflector shield.
Johanas Hanson (10:47:19 PM): HELM>? we have cleared the astriod field and are prepared ot enter the system on your orders captain
Ael Hheinia (10:47:24 PM): [CENG] ::She helps in sendin power where ever the power is needed.::
Ejiultrpardk (10:48:19 PM): OPS>::Sees he gets full deflector::Helm> Ah I didn't get push nothing ::a small smile shows on his face::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:48:44 PM): Csec> ::Goes to the security console.:: asec> Any excitement?
Eviess Radaik (10:49:03 PM): CO> Bridge crew> Full scans on the system and concentrate on the planet that is capable of life.
Ejiultrpardk (10:49:26 PM): OPS<::Runs a full scan on the system::
jrLt David Suder (10:49:53 PM): Tac > ::once the asteroid field in cleared, scans are directed toward the class M planet::
Dawnlia1 (10:49:54 PM): cmo:: involved in reading reports on planet with possible life. wondering if she should go up the the bridge to get to go on away mission
SAAVPEK (10:50:05 PM): ASEC>CSEC>I thought I saw the Riov disappear from the ship and was going to check the transporter rooms and saw she was on board.
Ejiultrpardk (10:51:01 PM): OPS>::Keeps his eye on sensors::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:51:52 PM): Csec> Asec> optical illusion, perhaps
Eviess Radaik (10:54:15 PM): *****Last lines******
Ejiultrpardk (10:55:08 PM): OPS>CO> So far nothing on scans
Dawnlia1 (10:55:49 PM): cmo:: starts getting away mission bag packed so she can go to the bridge and get invited to the away team
jrLt David Suder (10:56:11 PM): Tac > CO > confirmed. sensors clear
Eviess Radaik (10:56:39 PM): ******Pause sim*******
Ejiultrpardk (10:56:44 PM): ::AA::
Dawnlia1 (10:56:47 PM): ::AA:
jrLt David Suder (10:56:51 PM): ::AA::
Eviess Radaik (10:57:20 PM): Good sim everyone next week we become explorers lol something new for the NY
Ael Hheinia (10:57:45 PM): ::AA::
Johanas Hanson (10:06:16 PM): ::AA::
SAAVPEK (10:06:22 PM): ::AA::
jrLt David Suder (10:06:33 PM): ::AA::
Ejiultrpardk (10:06:41 PM): ::AA::
Dawnlia1 (10:07:16 PM): ::AA::
Ael Hheinia (10:07:27 PM): ::AA::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:08:05 PM): ::AA::
Eviess Radaik (10:08:12 PM): For the sim record state your post rank and name
Eviess Radaik (10:08:27 PM): CO>Riov Eviess Radiak
Ael Hheinia (10:08:36 PM): [CENG] Errei'Arrain Ael Hheinia
Dawnlia1 (10:08:41 PM): cmo>Dan'lia Rhail
Johanas Hanson (10:08:44 PM): VS>Marine captain JOhyanas hanson
jrLt David Suder (10:08:47 PM): Tac > Lt Jg David Suder
Ejiultrpardk (10:08:50 PM): OPS>Ejiul tr'Pardk
Eviess Radaik (10:09:35 PM): Mission Briefing
Eviess Radaik (10:10:24 PM): We will continue on the heading we were on. All reports have come in from the Nova and what was needed was sent to High Command.
ZandileReyBaccus (10:10:26 PM): Csec> Lt. Zandile Hanson
Eviess Radaik (10:10:53 PM): *******Begin sim*******
Eviess Radaik (10:11:29 PM): CO> ::finished scanning the reports and the one sent to High Command::
Ejiultrpardk (10:11:50 PM): HOPS>::Maintains a steady course as he keeps sensors running::
jrLt David Suder (10:12:03 PM): Tac > ::standing at Tactical, keeping his attention on tactical displays and sensors::
Johanas Hanson (10:12:31 PM): HELM> monitering the distance for mseveral small strings of protomatter swinging the ship clear of them as they advance tothe designated coordinates
ZandileReyBaccus (10:12:45 PM): Csec> ::hanging out in sickbay, waiting to talk to the doc.::
Ejiultrpardk (10:13:06 PM): (Oops forgot you were here)
Johanas Hanson (10:13:36 PM): ((its cool))
Eviess Radaik (10:13:40 PM): CO> ::she stands and briefly paces then takes her seat.::
Dawnlia1 (10:14:12 PM): cmo::finishing up with injured crewman::>csec> Hi Zan, what can I do for you
Ejiultrpardk (10:14:26 PM): OPS>CO> The plant is now being hit by debris
jrLt David Suder (10:14:55 PM): Tac > ::glances up at the riov as she paces for a moment then returns to the center seat::
SAAVPEK (10:14:59 PM): ASEC>:: on the Bridge keeping her eyes on the security teams::
Ael Hheinia (10:15:19 PM): [CENG] ::She is in main engineering, maintaining the ship's systems.::
Eviess Radaik (10:16:03 PM): *****Action scanners pick up the last of the debris to hit the the planets closest to the Nova. The debris field has closed*****
Ejiultrpardk (10:16:51 PM): OPS>CO> The debris filed is gone it has hit the planets
Eviess Radaik (10:17:11 PM): CO> Ops> Understood
jrLt David Suder (10:17:21 PM): Tac > ::confirms the reports from Ops:: CO > Picking up massive damage to planetary systems
Ejiultrpardk (10:18:04 PM): OPS>::Scans for any ships::TAC> A hole race gone
jrLt David Suder (10:18:29 PM): Tac > ::nods, with a frown:: Ops > Ie
ZandileReyBaccus (10:18:37 PM): Csec> CMO> Well, I was wondering when to um, make a prenatal appointment?
Dawnlia1 (10:19:24 PM): cmo>csec> Why don't you hop up on the bio bed now.
Dawnlia1 (10:20:06 PM): cmo>csec> how far along do you think you are?
Eviess Radaik (10:20:15 PM): *****Action LRS pick up a uncharted planetary system******
ZandileReyBaccus (10:20:20 PM): Csec> CMO> Thanks. ::hops up on the bio bed:: I'd say 10 weeks, actually...
Ejiultrpardk (10:20:50 PM): OPS>CO> I have an uncharted planetry system
Dawnlia1 (10:21:31 PM): cmo::has Zan lay down and starts checking the readings
Ejiultrpardk (10:21:32 PM): OPS>CO> Its on LRS ::sends location to helm::
Dawnlia1 (10:22:18 PM): cmo>csec> have you had much in the way of digestive problems?
ZandileReyBaccus (10:23:13 PM): Csec> CMO> Only a little morning sickness, fortunately. ::smiles::
SAAVPEK (10:25:13 PM): ASEC>::finds out the Riov is missing and checks the transporters to see if she had disappear that way. Seeing she is on the ship she rubs her eyes..:: Must be working to hard again.
Johanas Hanson (10:26:19 PM): captain detecting uncharted planetary system
Dawnlia1 (10:27:20 PM): cmo:: checks readings on bio bed>csec> Yes you have about that there. I will be glad to give you a menu to keep your stomach in line for the next few weeks
Ejiultrpardk (10:27:50 PM): OPS>::Keeps his eyes on sensors::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:28:32 PM): Csec> CMO> Basically like last time around, right? ::smiles::
Ejiultrpardk (10:28:46 PM): OPS>CO> its 10 hrs away at the present heading and a course adjustment of 15.25 degrees port is required
Dawnlia1 (10:29:54 PM): cmo>csec> Yes Please do not take on more than one enemy at a time.
Eviess Radaik (10:30:41 PM): CO> Ops> Send that to helm
Ejiultrpardk (10:30:56 PM): OPS>::sends to helm::
Johanas Hanson (10:30:57 PM): HELM>_points to the operations console and adds- what he said
Eviess Radaik (10:31:07 PM): CO> Helm> Make the necessary changes to the heading
jrLt David Suder (10:31:30 PM): Tac > CO > Tactical sensors are clear at the moment
Dawnlia1 (10:31:35 PM): cmo>csec> I will send the rest of the instructions to your computer. I am sure that you will follow instructions about as well that you did last time
Johanas Hanson (10:31:46 PM): heading mark 15.25 copy that course laid in system is ten hours out setting warp five now
ZandileReyBaccus (10:32:13 PM): CSec> CMO> ::Chuckles:: I won't. Johanas can take on the rest for me. I'll be sure to follow your instructions, doc. Thanks.
ZandileReyBaccus (10:34:06 PM): Csec> CMO> Can I get a picture? Or does it all just look like goo in there?
Dawnlia1 (10:34:38 PM): cmo>csec> then hop off. I will send you a reminder for your next appointment.
Ejiultrpardk (10:34:45 PM): OPS>TAC> 10 hrs off hopefuly nothing
ZandileReyBaccus (10:35:05 PM): Csec> CMO> Alrighty then. ::Hops down and straightens up her hair.::
jrLt David Suder (10:36:55 PM): Tac > ::checking sensors for more data:: CO > Planetary system has 7 planets, with one able to support life. At this distance, not picking up any life. There;'s also a debris field, like an asteroid belt. Attempting to find the best course in
Dawnlia1 (10:37:46 PM): cmo>csec> I will also send to you the vitamin suppliments
Johanas Hanson (10:38:01 PM): HELM>_coordinating with tactical to plan an entry route into this uncharted system canning ahead withthe main deflector-
Eviess Radaik (10:38:06 PM): CO> Tac> Understood find the best route in. I would like to enter without weapon discharge from clearing the field.
Ejiultrpardk (10:38:11 PM): OPS>CO> Confirm the readings::
jrLt David Suder (10:38:49 PM): Tac > CO > Understood, Riov but I am getting an itchy trigger finger ::smirks;:
Eviess Radaik (10:38:59 PM): CO> Helm> I need that route so work closely with Tac
jrLt David Suder (10:40:03 PM): Tac > ::sends the asteroid field data to Helm:: Helm > Looks like a hole near the port center of the field that we can attempt to swueeze through. Agreed?
jrLt David Suder (10:40:15 PM): *squeeze
ZandileReyBaccus (10:41:00 PM): Csec> CMO> I've been taking the same supplements as last time. I wanna show a picture to Johanas, though. ::smiles::
Johanas Hanson (10:41:25 PM): HELM>_reviewing the data and locating the hole- TAC> its fairly incinsistant but with deflectors at max range we cn make it jsut push the stuff out of our way along the way OPS> i'll need full manual control of the helm
Ejiultrpardk (10:42:16 PM): OPS>Helm> Its all yours ::gives full manual control::
jrLt David Suder (10:42:33 PM): Tac > ::begins calibrating phasers so if a shot is necessary, the target will not careen off and hit any other asteroid, thus starting a chain reaction that will send an asteroid into a planet, or worse, us::
Eviess Radaik (10:43:30 PM): CO> ::Listening to the bridge chatter:: Helm>TAC>OPS> work with engineeing
Dawnlia1 (10:43:34 PM): cmo:: watches Zan leave::
Johanas Hanson (10:44:02 PM): _HELM> - pulling the ship back and to the side slightly off port scanning for this hole to sneak thru on full manual controls he begins a series of small tilts and turns turning the ship sideways ot slip thru the hole in the astriod belt pushing the ship over the few astroids as to not disturb anything in the system -
Ejiultrpardk (10:44:33 PM): OPS>+T+CENG> Give me full power on main deffctor
ZandileReyBaccus (10:44:34 PM): (ok...) Csec> ::Goes back to the bridge after getting the pictures on a PADD and bidding the doctor goodbye for now.::
jrLt David Suder (10:44:45 PM): Tac > CO > Ie, Lhhei ::Sends tactical data to engineering to coordinate efforts::
Dawnlia1 (10:46:00 PM): cmo:: goes into office and reads reports coming in about a new plantary system. pulls up reports on readings to see if anything interesting could be seen
Ael Hheinia (10:46:14 PM): [CENG] +T+ [OPS] Understood.
Ael Hheinia (10:46:29 PM): [CENG] ::She taps on the console and sends full power to the deflector shield.
Johanas Hanson (10:47:19 PM): HELM>? we have cleared the astriod field and are prepared ot enter the system on your orders captain
Ael Hheinia (10:47:24 PM): [CENG] ::She helps in sendin power where ever the power is needed.::
Ejiultrpardk (10:48:19 PM): OPS>::Sees he gets full deflector::Helm> Ah I didn't get push nothing ::a small smile shows on his face::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:48:44 PM): Csec> ::Goes to the security console.:: asec> Any excitement?
Eviess Radaik (10:49:03 PM): CO> Bridge crew> Full scans on the system and concentrate on the planet that is capable of life.
Ejiultrpardk (10:49:26 PM): OPS<::Runs a full scan on the system::
jrLt David Suder (10:49:53 PM): Tac > ::once the asteroid field in cleared, scans are directed toward the class M planet::
Dawnlia1 (10:49:54 PM): cmo:: involved in reading reports on planet with possible life. wondering if she should go up the the bridge to get to go on away mission
SAAVPEK (10:50:05 PM): ASEC>CSEC>I thought I saw the Riov disappear from the ship and was going to check the transporter rooms and saw she was on board.
Ejiultrpardk (10:51:01 PM): OPS>::Keeps his eye on sensors::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:51:52 PM): Csec> Asec> optical illusion, perhaps
Eviess Radaik (10:54:15 PM): *****Last lines******
Ejiultrpardk (10:55:08 PM): OPS>CO> So far nothing on scans
Dawnlia1 (10:55:49 PM): cmo:: starts getting away mission bag packed so she can go to the bridge and get invited to the away team
jrLt David Suder (10:56:11 PM): Tac > CO > confirmed. sensors clear
Eviess Radaik (10:56:39 PM): ******Pause sim*******
Ejiultrpardk (10:56:44 PM): ::AA::
Dawnlia1 (10:56:47 PM): ::AA:
jrLt David Suder (10:56:51 PM): ::AA::
Eviess Radaik (10:57:20 PM): Good sim everyone next week we become explorers lol something new for the NY
Ael Hheinia (10:57:45 PM): ::AA::