Post by Eviess Radaik on Jan 3, 2011 23:08:32 GMT -5
Johanas Hanson
::covers mouth and chuckles his way into formation-
Ael Hheinia
jrLt David Suder
For the record state name rank and position.
Johanas Hanson
VS> Marine Captain Johanas Hanson
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] Errei'Arrain Ael Hheinia
XO> Lieutenant Commander Kuvak
Csec> Lt. Zandile Hanson
jrLt David Suder
Tac > Lt Jg David Suder
OPS>Ejuil tr'Pardk
Eviess Radaik
CO>Riov Eviess Radaik
cmo>Dan'lia Rhail
ASEC>erie'Arrain Saavpek
Riov, All crew present and accounted for. ::AA::
Eviess Radaik
Mission briefing: With the return of the Away Mission we will get the reports and then continue on.
@@ after you read this and RH if you have a question
Johanas Hanson
Ael Hheinia
::RH:: I would very much like to sneeze, but can't seem to manage it. It's quite uncomfortable. Who has a feather?
jrLt David Suder
Eviess Radaik
****Begin sim*****
Johanas Hanson
-tickles her nose hairs a little with a blast of warm air and the tip of a finger turning to his work station-
OPS>::Keeping an eye on sensors::
cmo::working in sickbay, running diagnosics on sickbay equipment and bio filters
Eviess Radaik
CO> Ops> Have the away team report to my ready room
Csec> +T+ Asec> Have fun?
OPS>+TAT> Report to the Rivo's ready room
Johanas Hanson
VS>_ turns to the healm controls recieving the astrometrics reports for the area-
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::he just returned to his station on the bridge when he heard the Riov. He calls his assistant back to cover for him while he turns and heads for the riov's ready room::
Eviess Radaik
CO> ::stands and heads for her ready room:: Zandile you have the oria
ASEC>:: after having removed her suit, she headed back to the Bridge and wispers:: CSEC> No Lt Suder was there.
XO>::Enters the bridge::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She is in main engineering, keeping up with maintainance.::
Csec> CO> Yes ma'am. ::she nods at the captain before she leaves the bridge and raises a brow over at Saavpek:: Asec> I think you're getting the hang of that humor thing.
Eviess Radaik
***Action Ceng reports to the shuttle bay to inspect and make any repairs needed to the shuttle****
XO>::Reports to the Ready room::
Eviess Radaik
CO> ::Motions them to take a seat::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She gets was told to report to the shuttle bay and grabs her tool kit on the way out of main engineering.::
XO>::Sits down::
ASEC>:: on the bridge looking over the scanners and then up and looked around the bridge again::
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::takes a seat as the riov indicated to do so::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She makes her way into the shuttle bay and begins to inspect the shuttle so she can assest what damages there are.::
ASEC>:: leaves the post seeing it clear and walks over to the RR::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She begins to make repairs.::
ASEC>::enters and stands at the door::
Eviess Radaik
CO> Asec> ::motions her to sit down::
ASEC>::did not want to sit but done so any ways::
Eviess Radaik
CO> members of the away team> I would like to recieve your verbal reports and will expect more details in your written reports.
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She takes a panel off one of the consoles and begins to exchange the burnt out chips with new ones.::
Csec> ::Lets a junior officer take the security station and she wanders over to the command chairs.:: Ops, VS> I wonder what kind of trouble we could get up to. ::Chuckles, but is obviously kidding.::
Johanas Hanson
VS>_smirks back at his wife_CSEC> i say we run hot laps aroudn this soler system on manuel of course at sublight oh or we could race shuttle craft arround the ship
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::glances toward the XO or ASec to see if they would start first::
Eviess Radaik
CO> All> Very well Mr Kuvak will you begin
XO>CO>My report I would like to present privately to you Riov.
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She then works on replacing the wires.::
Csec> ::Laughs:: VS> Racing shuttle craft sounds like a good sport. Maybe we could ask the captain for permission to do that sometime. Good for crew morale... right? ::Giggles again.::
Eviess Radaik
CO>XO> Very well, ASec> Saavpek your report
cmo::satified with outcome of the tests, goes into her office to catch up crew reports.
ASEC>::she hands over a taped log to the Riov:: CO> Riov while LT Suder was looking over ship's logs I had stumbled across one of the Captain's Personal Logs. I played it and it did not sound at all like a Vulcan and felt it was ...
best to return back to the ship.
Johanas Hanson
VS>CSEC> surely a good hearty crerw building exercise I remember flying in squardian formations in the academy was wonderful for stress relief and rough on the nervous system .. we do have toconsider he older members of the crew tht might have heart conditions
VS> snickering into his hand-
OPS>CSEC>VS> Want to improve my morrow give me time ......never mine ::smiles::
Eviess Radaik
CO> Nods> CSec> Anything else you want to add?
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She finishes replacing the wires and begins to place the panel back up.::
jrLt David Suder
( Csec's on the Oria )
Eviess Radaik
Csec> Ops> um... ok.
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She checks to see if the power is functioning in the console she was working on.::
Eviess Radaik
CO>Tac> Your report?
Johanas Hanson
VS>_listening to the operations manager and simply adding CSEC> what he said so shuttle races start in five minutes? i'll take a worker bee slower but more maniuverable
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::he would offer the Riov a padd of the sensor logs that he managed to download:: CO > After we entered the nebula, communications and sensors were diminished. After that, we encountered a veseel in which we boarded. We lost all communications and thus we preoceeded to the bridge. It was then Miss Saavpek had encountered the log from the former Captain and decided to withdraw. While communicatios were gone, I thought it beneficial to use my telepathy to try and contact the ship to give updates, but that proved less beneficial that I presumed
Csec> VS> You're silly. And please don't race when I have the bridge, I'd get in trouble.
Eviess Radaik
CO> ::listening to his report and nods::
Csec> Ops> Are we still in range of that nebula? (I honestly don't know/ remember if we are or not)
cmo:: goes over to the replicator and orders hholaer
jrLt David Suder
( i believe we are, unless the ship was moved )
Eviess Radaik
CO> ::takes the padd and looks at him:: Anything else you want to add?
jrLt David Suder
Tac > CO > nothing further comes to mind, Lhhei
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::Upon seeing that the console is running properly, she runs further dianostics on the shuttle to be sure of any other problems.::'
Eviess Radaik
CO> All> Everyone dismissed expect Mr Kuvak
jrLt David Suder
( except? )
ASEC>::stands up and walks on out thinking she really missed up and that would cause her promotion for another few years::
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::nods, stands and follows Saavpek out, entering the bridge::
Johanas Hanson
VS>_ as the rest of the bride crew takes to the oria he cancels the yacht races in ten forward recalls the bikini swi m teams launchs the bottles of hooch out the airlocks and recalls the worker beees for m thier regalla of the finest of the fleet open cup series racing leagues NOIP> well partys over
Csec> Ops> Ok, well, let's keep an eye on it then. Lots of strange stuff in there it seems. ::Sees Suder and Saavpek coming out.:: Tac, asec> Right?
OPS>::still has sensors locked on but not getting much::
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::catches the last bit from Zandile:: CSec > Yes, I would agree. Lots of strange activity
Eviess Radaik
CO> XO> What did you want to report.
ASEC>:: Her mind was somewhere else as she walks over to her post and heard nothing said::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She works on the engines of the shuttle.::
Eviess Radaik
*****Last lines******
cmo:: notifies the medics to finish checks on inventory
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She finishes repairing the engines.:;
XO>CO> two things: One: it is my belief that the ship we encountered was in fact a 'sleeper ship'. Two: that the ship may have been attacked by the legendary Irruhe.
Csec> ::Raises a brow at Saavpek.:: Asec, Tac> You guys ok?
not something I wanted to reais a panic about.
Eviess Radaik
CO> XO> ::listens::
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::glances at Saavpek, then back to Zadnile:: CSec > I'm fine, but I believe Saavpek's mind is preoccupied
Eviess Radaik
*****Pause sim******
Ael Hheinia
jrLt David Suder
Eviess Radaik
Excellent sim everyone as usual great job
Any questions or comments
Eviess Radaik
*****Sim dismissed*****
Ael Hheinia
later folks.
Dawnlia1 has left the room.
Ael Hheinia has left the room.
Ejiultrpardk has left the room.
Eviess Radaik
Johanas Hanson
::covers mouth and chuckles his way into formation-
Ael Hheinia
jrLt David Suder
For the record state name rank and position.
Johanas Hanson
VS> Marine Captain Johanas Hanson
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] Errei'Arrain Ael Hheinia
XO> Lieutenant Commander Kuvak
Csec> Lt. Zandile Hanson
jrLt David Suder
Tac > Lt Jg David Suder
OPS>Ejuil tr'Pardk
Eviess Radaik
CO>Riov Eviess Radaik
cmo>Dan'lia Rhail
ASEC>erie'Arrain Saavpek
Riov, All crew present and accounted for. ::AA::
Eviess Radaik
Mission briefing: With the return of the Away Mission we will get the reports and then continue on.
@@ after you read this and RH if you have a question
Johanas Hanson
Ael Hheinia
::RH:: I would very much like to sneeze, but can't seem to manage it. It's quite uncomfortable. Who has a feather?
jrLt David Suder
Eviess Radaik
****Begin sim*****
Johanas Hanson
-tickles her nose hairs a little with a blast of warm air and the tip of a finger turning to his work station-
OPS>::Keeping an eye on sensors::
cmo::working in sickbay, running diagnosics on sickbay equipment and bio filters
Eviess Radaik
CO> Ops> Have the away team report to my ready room
Csec> +T+ Asec> Have fun?
OPS>+TAT> Report to the Rivo's ready room
Johanas Hanson
VS>_ turns to the healm controls recieving the astrometrics reports for the area-
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::he just returned to his station on the bridge when he heard the Riov. He calls his assistant back to cover for him while he turns and heads for the riov's ready room::
Eviess Radaik
CO> ::stands and heads for her ready room:: Zandile you have the oria
ASEC>:: after having removed her suit, she headed back to the Bridge and wispers:: CSEC> No Lt Suder was there.
XO>::Enters the bridge::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She is in main engineering, keeping up with maintainance.::
Csec> CO> Yes ma'am. ::she nods at the captain before she leaves the bridge and raises a brow over at Saavpek:: Asec> I think you're getting the hang of that humor thing.
Eviess Radaik
***Action Ceng reports to the shuttle bay to inspect and make any repairs needed to the shuttle****
XO>::Reports to the Ready room::
Eviess Radaik
CO> ::Motions them to take a seat::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She gets was told to report to the shuttle bay and grabs her tool kit on the way out of main engineering.::
XO>::Sits down::
ASEC>:: on the bridge looking over the scanners and then up and looked around the bridge again::
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::takes a seat as the riov indicated to do so::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She makes her way into the shuttle bay and begins to inspect the shuttle so she can assest what damages there are.::
ASEC>:: leaves the post seeing it clear and walks over to the RR::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She begins to make repairs.::
ASEC>::enters and stands at the door::
Eviess Radaik
CO> Asec> ::motions her to sit down::
ASEC>::did not want to sit but done so any ways::
Eviess Radaik
CO> members of the away team> I would like to recieve your verbal reports and will expect more details in your written reports.
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She takes a panel off one of the consoles and begins to exchange the burnt out chips with new ones.::
Csec> ::Lets a junior officer take the security station and she wanders over to the command chairs.:: Ops, VS> I wonder what kind of trouble we could get up to. ::Chuckles, but is obviously kidding.::
Johanas Hanson
VS>_smirks back at his wife_CSEC> i say we run hot laps aroudn this soler system on manuel of course at sublight oh or we could race shuttle craft arround the ship
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::glances toward the XO or ASec to see if they would start first::
Eviess Radaik
CO> All> Very well Mr Kuvak will you begin
XO>CO>My report I would like to present privately to you Riov.
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She then works on replacing the wires.::
Csec> ::Laughs:: VS> Racing shuttle craft sounds like a good sport. Maybe we could ask the captain for permission to do that sometime. Good for crew morale... right? ::Giggles again.::
Eviess Radaik
CO>XO> Very well, ASec> Saavpek your report
cmo::satified with outcome of the tests, goes into her office to catch up crew reports.
ASEC>::she hands over a taped log to the Riov:: CO> Riov while LT Suder was looking over ship's logs I had stumbled across one of the Captain's Personal Logs. I played it and it did not sound at all like a Vulcan and felt it was ...
best to return back to the ship.
Johanas Hanson
VS>CSEC> surely a good hearty crerw building exercise I remember flying in squardian formations in the academy was wonderful for stress relief and rough on the nervous system .. we do have toconsider he older members of the crew tht might have heart conditions
VS> snickering into his hand-
OPS>CSEC>VS> Want to improve my morrow give me time ......never mine ::smiles::
Eviess Radaik
CO> Nods> CSec> Anything else you want to add?
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She finishes replacing the wires and begins to place the panel back up.::
jrLt David Suder
( Csec's on the Oria )
Eviess Radaik
Csec> Ops> um... ok.
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She checks to see if the power is functioning in the console she was working on.::
Eviess Radaik
CO>Tac> Your report?
Johanas Hanson
VS>_listening to the operations manager and simply adding CSEC> what he said so shuttle races start in five minutes? i'll take a worker bee slower but more maniuverable
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::he would offer the Riov a padd of the sensor logs that he managed to download:: CO > After we entered the nebula, communications and sensors were diminished. After that, we encountered a veseel in which we boarded. We lost all communications and thus we preoceeded to the bridge. It was then Miss Saavpek had encountered the log from the former Captain and decided to withdraw. While communicatios were gone, I thought it beneficial to use my telepathy to try and contact the ship to give updates, but that proved less beneficial that I presumed
Csec> VS> You're silly. And please don't race when I have the bridge, I'd get in trouble.
Eviess Radaik
CO> ::listening to his report and nods::
Csec> Ops> Are we still in range of that nebula? (I honestly don't know/ remember if we are or not)
cmo:: goes over to the replicator and orders hholaer
jrLt David Suder
( i believe we are, unless the ship was moved )
Eviess Radaik
CO> ::takes the padd and looks at him:: Anything else you want to add?
jrLt David Suder
Tac > CO > nothing further comes to mind, Lhhei
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::Upon seeing that the console is running properly, she runs further dianostics on the shuttle to be sure of any other problems.::'
Eviess Radaik
CO> All> Everyone dismissed expect Mr Kuvak
jrLt David Suder
( except? )
ASEC>::stands up and walks on out thinking she really missed up and that would cause her promotion for another few years::
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::nods, stands and follows Saavpek out, entering the bridge::
Johanas Hanson
VS>_ as the rest of the bride crew takes to the oria he cancels the yacht races in ten forward recalls the bikini swi m teams launchs the bottles of hooch out the airlocks and recalls the worker beees for m thier regalla of the finest of the fleet open cup series racing leagues NOIP> well partys over
Csec> Ops> Ok, well, let's keep an eye on it then. Lots of strange stuff in there it seems. ::Sees Suder and Saavpek coming out.:: Tac, asec> Right?
OPS>::still has sensors locked on but not getting much::
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::catches the last bit from Zandile:: CSec > Yes, I would agree. Lots of strange activity
Eviess Radaik
CO> XO> What did you want to report.
ASEC>:: Her mind was somewhere else as she walks over to her post and heard nothing said::
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She works on the engines of the shuttle.::
Eviess Radaik
*****Last lines******
cmo:: notifies the medics to finish checks on inventory
Ael Hheinia
[CENG] ::She finishes repairing the engines.:;
XO>CO> two things: One: it is my belief that the ship we encountered was in fact a 'sleeper ship'. Two: that the ship may have been attacked by the legendary Irruhe.
Csec> ::Raises a brow at Saavpek.:: Asec, Tac> You guys ok?
not something I wanted to reais a panic about.
Eviess Radaik
CO> XO> ::listens::
jrLt David Suder
Tac > ::glances at Saavpek, then back to Zadnile:: CSec > I'm fine, but I believe Saavpek's mind is preoccupied
Eviess Radaik
*****Pause sim******
Ael Hheinia
jrLt David Suder
Eviess Radaik
Excellent sim everyone as usual great job
Any questions or comments
Eviess Radaik
*****Sim dismissed*****
Ael Hheinia
later folks.
Dawnlia1 has left the room.
Ael Hheinia has left the room.
Ejiultrpardk has left the room.
Eviess Radaik