Post by Cmdr Dominique Fleury on Dec 9, 2010 18:04:48 GMT -5
CmdrSolanSloan (10:00:04 PM): ATTENTION!
CmdrSolanSloan (10:00:11 PM): ::AA::
Asano Nitobe (10:00:19 PM): ::AA::
TracyjonesTFP (10:00:20 PM): ::AA::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:00:33 PM): ::^-^::
EnsignBKeyren (10:00:41 PM): ::AA::
npc38001 (10:01:37 PM) has been invited.
drevanbarton (10:01:47 PM) has been invited.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:02:16 PM): ::Circles the bridge as if making an inspection:: State your name, rank and position for the record.
NPC38001 (10:02:27 PM): :::AA::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:02:37 PM): XO> Cmdr Solan Sloan
Asano Nitobe (10:02:37 PM): OPS> LtCmdr Asano Nitobe
TracyjonesTFP (10:02:49 PM): CSEC>Lt Tracy Jones
EnsignBKeyren (10:02:52 PM): FCO > Ensign Britt Keyren
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:03:13 PM): SCI> ENS.zMoonshadows (twice) to Ennien
drevanbarton (10:03:21 PM): CMO>Dr Evan Barton (LtCmdr)
NPC38001 (10:03:55 PM): VCO> Chief Medical Adjunct Commander Jarro
CmdrSolanSloan (10:05:53 PM): ::Stops at the head of the line again:: Crew is assembled, Captain.
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:14 PM): Mission Briefing: Last time, Nitobe had snuck onto the Virtue bridge. Barton and Sloan were running for their lives and the Virture was under attack. In other words, typical Defiant day.
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:30 PM): We will continue from that point
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:42 PM): Any questions ::RH:: Understood @@
TracyjonesTFP (10:06:47 PM): RH
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:06:47 PM): @@
Asano Nitobe (10:06:52 PM): @@
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:56 PM): Ms Jones?
CmdrSolanSloan (10:07:01 PM): @@
TracyjonesTFP (10:07:21 PM): Am I with
CaptJeffAddison (10:07:28 PM): Sloan and Barton
TracyjonesTFP (10:07:40 PM): K
CaptJeffAddison (10:08:02 PM): +++RESUME SIM+++
TracyjonesTFP (10:09:03 PM): CSEC>::Fowolling the XO::
EnsignBKeyren (10:09:28 PM): FCO > ::She sitting at the navigational control board checking current readings and wanting to fire back at that unknown ship, but that wasn't her job::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:09:40 PM): SCI>CO> I have a full series of reading on the biological sir... ti seems to be charging again
CaptJeffAddison (10:09:58 PM): ACTION: The virtue begins to change position.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:10:21 PM): XO>CMO> You didn't answer my question, Doctor. Transporter room and get ourselves the hell out of here or engineering and return the favor of their hospitality?
Asano Nitobe (10:10:35 PM): OPS>::Is now on the bridge disguised as a security officer in a uniform he...borrowed. Looks over the screens at the SEC station, and attemps to translate the controls::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:10:58 PM): SCI>CO. VIrtue is moving sir... shall I search for our people?
Asano Nitobe (10:11:23 PM): OPS>::Sees that all attention is on the main viewer. Watches::
NPC38001 (10:12:15 PM): VCO> ::Turns to him Tactician::VDO> Defenseman, go to code red.
Asano Nitobe (10:13:39 PM): OPS>::Looks at a diagram screen seeing that the other ship was biological in nature...somehow::
NPC38001 (10:13:56 PM): VCO>Pilot> PIlot, Defensive manuever 3 as fired is returned.
TracyjonesTFP (10:14:18 PM): CSEC>::Follows close to the XO::
CaptJeffAddison (10:14:27 PM): ACTION: A stray shot nearly hits Defiant
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:14:57 PM): SCI>::the fur on her neck rises... ears go back::
NPC38001 (10:15:10 PM): VCO>VCDO>Do we know which one it is?
EnsignBKeyren (10:15:12 PM): FCO > ::Scowls as a stray shot nearly hits them, she moves a couple kilometers to Port::
EnsignBKeyren (10:16:05 PM): *moves the ship a couple kilometers to port, that is
TracyjonesTFP (10:16:10 PM): CSEC>XO> I should beable to active their transporters
drevanbarton (10:17:10 PM): CMO>XO> The smart move would be to get the hell out of here, but I don't think either of us fear these people so the more information the better. Besides if we find something usefule profits could be shared.
CaptJeffAddison (10:18:20 PM): CO>SCI> Yes, that was too close its time to go.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:18:20 PM): SCI>CO> Object charging again... lots of power for a live thing?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:20:28 PM): SCI>CO> Not reading sensor emissions from object on standard frequencies
CmdrSolanSloan (10:20:52 PM): XO>CSEC>CMO> Whatever is happening, whenever it happens, everyone is focused on it so I agree, it's a good time to take advantage of their lack of attention however I'm not trusting in a "should" Lt. Jones.
CaptJeffAddison (10:21:02 PM): CO>SCI> Use what we got, we need to get them out or leave them.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:21:15 PM): Find out how those transporters work and make "sure" you know how they operate.
TracyjonesTFP (10:21:41 PM): CSEC>XO> IF it in an unknow langue I'll need a few seconds
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:22:16 PM): SCI>::Claw tips ticktick onthe board::CO>Sir... tied into transporter buffer records... long range scan... I have our people... relaying coordinates to TR! They are JUST in range sir!
drevanbarton (10:22:17 PM): CMO>CSEC> Think more medical than technical that seems to be how these people operate.
TracyjonesTFP (10:23:10 PM): CSEC>CMO> Medical a bit rusty their I usely kill or hurt people
EnsignBKeyren (10:23:31 PM): FCO > Scowls deeper at the thought of leaving the AT, especially Sloan::
Asano Nitobe (10:23:45 PM): OPS>::Is downloading data into microtricorder::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:24:15 PM): @xo> ::Heads for Engineering, or at least what he remembers from the directions outside the galley area.::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:24:37 PM): SCI> +T+ TR> Transporter room, feeding coordinates three personnel extreme range transport soonest!
TracyjonesTFP (10:24:43 PM): CSEC>::Follows::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:25:56 PM): @xo> Dagger in hand, he enters first.::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:26:02 PM): SCI>::She realizes she has given an order without confirming it with the CO::
TracyjonesTFP (10:26:25 PM): @csec>::Enters right behind both blades in hand::
TracyjonesTFP (10:28:12 PM): @csec>::Looks around hunting for a station::
TracyjonesTFP (10:30:29 PM): @csec>::Sees The ships crew looking at them::
CaptJeffAddison (10:30:36 PM): Action: As they run through corridors people looked panicked some even frightened and unsure. the three find their way back to the research bay
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:31:05 PM): SCI>CO> Apologies, sir'
NPC38001 (10:32:04 PM): ACTION: The Virtue takes a hard enough shot to tilt it then it balances again. Crew and researchers are thrown.
CaptJeffAddison (10:32:37 PM): (There are four on the team)
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:32:49 PM): SCI>CO> Virtue hit sir! Shields down 24%
CaptJeffAddison (10:32:54 PM): CO>SCI> Don't apologize just be right
Asano Nitobe (10:33:11 PM): OPS>::Holds onto the staton panel. Sends a text to XO during the confusion::
TracyjonesTFP (10:33:13 PM): @csec>XO> This is the resarch bay ::Is thrown as the ship is tilted::
NPC38001 (10:33:51 PM): VCO>::says something under his breath. :: VCDM> What are our chances for survval?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:34:09 PM): SCI>CO> Should I tie into Transporter sir? I have the fourth contact firm...
CmdrSolanSloan (10:34:21 PM): @xo>CMO>CSEC ::Slams his shoulder into the bulkhead, swearing loudly.:: It's not engineering, but it will do. Start accessing and downloading everything you can get access to.
NPC38001 (10:34:29 PM): VCDM>VCO> 43 percent, but we'll have to have help.
TracyjonesTFP (10:34:32 PM): @csec>::Quickly regains her footing::
NPC38001 (10:35:10 PM): VCO>VCDM> And what help will we need?
TracyjonesTFP (10:35:20 PM): @csec>::Grabs a console and starts downloading it::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:36:30 PM): SCI>CO> Getting out of range... :: Claw tips on board:: Tying into transporter.... ready to beam....
TracyjonesTFP (10:36:49 PM): @csec>XO> I have 45% of this consoule downloaded::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:37:24 PM): SCI>::Shed is desperate njot to lose the one person who has shown her kindness on board this ship:: CO> Energize, sir?
NPC38001 (10:37:31 PM): VCO>VCDM>How do you propose we do it?
TracyjonesTFP (10:38:34 PM): @csec>XO> Looks like medcial its over my head
CmdrSolanSloan (10:38:41 PM): @xo>CSEC> Make it count . We can't take the risk of indecting out own systems by downloading directly to our main.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:38:50 PM): infecting*
TracyjonesTFP (10:39:21 PM): @csec>XO> Useing Datas chips
CmdrSolanSloan (10:40:14 PM): XO>CSEC> You don't have to analyze it, That's what the Doctor is here for.
TracyjonesTFP (10:41:10 PM): @csec>::Pulls the data chip when its done::XO> Yes Sir this one is done ::moves to another counsole::
TracyjonesTFP (10:42:51 PM): @csec>CMO> Your going to like it, its Complex
CaptJeffAddison (10:43:01 PM): CO>SCI> See if you can activate their emergency comm becons. maybe that will give them a clue.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:43:48 PM): @xo>Nitobe is on the bridge. No one challenged him there. ::Scatches his chin:: Whatever this thing is it's more dangerous a threat than we are.
NPC38001 (10:44:44 PM): VCDM>VCO> Use the stranger, the Variants aren't aware of them so if they take them they may kill the Variants but we could affect escape.
TracyjonesTFP (10:44:47 PM): @csec>XO> Were not important thats fer sure
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:44:49 PM): SCI>::Ties into communications:: CO> Firm lock! Firm lock! sending pulse sir! Activating transporter in ten seconds...
NPC38001 (10:45:07 PM): VCO>VCDM> Can you find them?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:45:23 PM): SCI> CO>Transport activated!
NPC38001 (10:46:07 PM): VCDM>VCO> Of course, they are using some sort of spacial cloak, but our bio sensors can pick up location one blast should get the variants attention.
NPC38001 (10:46:19 PM): VCO>VCDM> Do it.
TracyjonesTFP (10:46:48 PM): @csec>::Looks at her com badge as it activates, pulls the data chipo::XO> Looks like their going to transprt us out
CaptJeffAddison (10:46:49 PM): ACTIION: Virtue turn and fires at defiant the moment of beaming
CaptJeffAddison (10:47:05 PM): Action: Defiant loses the transporer signal
CmdrSolanSloan (10:47:20 PM): @xo>CSEC> ::His comm beeps:: Pull that chip.Leave nothing behind.
TracyjonesTFP (10:47:51 PM): @csec>::Feels the tingal then its gone and shes still on the ship::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:48:09 PM): SCI>CO> Contact lost... no transport... trying to reestablish lock... scanning... tying in communication pulse!
CaptJeffAddison (10:48:57 PM): ACTION: The group was beamed but to another location and find themselve aboard a diffrent vessel where everthing seems to be more 'organic'.
TracyjonesTFP (10:49:02 PM): @csec>::Moves over by the XO:: Got the Data Chips
EnsignBKeyren (10:49:15 PM): FCO ::curses under her breath as the Defiant is fired on. She couldn't avoid the shot in time::
CaptJeffAddison (10:49:39 PM): CO>ALL> Damn the beam fire at that ship
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:49:55 PM): SCI>CO> No contact with out people on Virtue... widening scan ::She hopes her friend has not explosively decompressed::
TracyjonesTFP (10:50:24 PM): @csec>::turns to make sure the XO is their::XO> Were not on the deffiant ::Starts Scanning::
CaptJeffAddison (10:50:44 PM): CO>SCI> lock on to their ion trail. Helm> Lock on to Virtue and blow those bastards away.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:50:56 PM): @xo>CSEC> You don't say. ::Sacrcastically::
drevanbarton (10:51:40 PM): CMO>XO> The smell, I don't know whether to be fascinated or vomit.
EnsignBKeyren (10:51:51 PM): FCO > CO > With pleasure, sir ::taps into tactical control, aquiriong weapons and shield control. She would then begin firing on the Virtue::
TracyjonesTFP (10:52:26 PM): @csec>XO>My scans show its mostly organica
CaptJeffAddison (10:52:28 PM): ACTION: The Virtue explodes
Asano Nitobe (10:52:32 PM): OPS>::Finds the others:: >AT> This is what they were firing at. The dta I collected from the bridge indicates this.."Ship" is a living, organic being.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:52:38 PM): @xo> CMO> Smells like a compost heap in the middle of Summer.
CaptJeffAddison (10:52:42 PM): CO>Helm> Good now follow their energy trail
CaptJeffAddison (10:52:54 PM): ACTION: The enemy ship warps away.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:53:12 PM): SCI> CO> COntact with the away team sir... they are aboard the biological object!
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:53:24 PM): SCI>CO> No lock... no lock
EnsignBKeyren (10:53:46 PM): FCO > ::grins satisfactorily as the ship explodes:: CO > Plotting course and speed, Captian ::using long range sensors she picks up the energy traila nd lays in a pursuit course::
TracyjonesTFP (10:54:16 PM): @csec>OPS> Its defiantly 96% organica
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:54:41 PM): SCI>FCO > Tying my sensors to your board....
EnsignBKeyren (10:55:41 PM): FCO > SCI > acknowledged ::She simply said::
CaptJeffAddison (10:55:52 PM): +++LAST LINES+++
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:55:55 PM): SCI>CO> It is fast... But I think we are faster
TracyjonesTFP (10:56:02 PM): @csec>All> I have never sean anything like it
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:57:23 PM): SCI> NOIP> We have sensor lock... we are not Numb Noses! We will follow you!
Asano Nitobe (10:58:07 PM): OPS>::Looks at tricorder:: There is some technolological things here. I suggest we find them.
TracyjonesTFP (10:58:31 PM): @csec>ALL> Agree
CaptJeffAddison (10:58:47 PM): ++PAUSE SIM+++
CmdrSolanSloan (10:00:11 PM): ::AA::
Asano Nitobe (10:00:19 PM): ::AA::
TracyjonesTFP (10:00:20 PM): ::AA::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:00:33 PM): ::^-^::
EnsignBKeyren (10:00:41 PM): ::AA::
npc38001 (10:01:37 PM) has been invited.
drevanbarton (10:01:47 PM) has been invited.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:02:16 PM): ::Circles the bridge as if making an inspection:: State your name, rank and position for the record.
NPC38001 (10:02:27 PM): :::AA::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:02:37 PM): XO> Cmdr Solan Sloan
Asano Nitobe (10:02:37 PM): OPS> LtCmdr Asano Nitobe
TracyjonesTFP (10:02:49 PM): CSEC>Lt Tracy Jones
EnsignBKeyren (10:02:52 PM): FCO > Ensign Britt Keyren
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:03:13 PM): SCI> ENS.zMoonshadows (twice) to Ennien
drevanbarton (10:03:21 PM): CMO>Dr Evan Barton (LtCmdr)
NPC38001 (10:03:55 PM): VCO> Chief Medical Adjunct Commander Jarro
CmdrSolanSloan (10:05:53 PM): ::Stops at the head of the line again:: Crew is assembled, Captain.
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:14 PM): Mission Briefing: Last time, Nitobe had snuck onto the Virtue bridge. Barton and Sloan were running for their lives and the Virture was under attack. In other words, typical Defiant day.
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:30 PM): We will continue from that point
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:42 PM): Any questions ::RH:: Understood @@
TracyjonesTFP (10:06:47 PM): RH
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:06:47 PM): @@
Asano Nitobe (10:06:52 PM): @@
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:56 PM): Ms Jones?
CmdrSolanSloan (10:07:01 PM): @@
TracyjonesTFP (10:07:21 PM): Am I with
CaptJeffAddison (10:07:28 PM): Sloan and Barton
TracyjonesTFP (10:07:40 PM): K
CaptJeffAddison (10:08:02 PM): +++RESUME SIM+++
TracyjonesTFP (10:09:03 PM): CSEC>::Fowolling the XO::
EnsignBKeyren (10:09:28 PM): FCO > ::She sitting at the navigational control board checking current readings and wanting to fire back at that unknown ship, but that wasn't her job::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:09:40 PM): SCI>CO> I have a full series of reading on the biological sir... ti seems to be charging again
CaptJeffAddison (10:09:58 PM): ACTION: The virtue begins to change position.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:10:21 PM): XO>CMO> You didn't answer my question, Doctor. Transporter room and get ourselves the hell out of here or engineering and return the favor of their hospitality?
Asano Nitobe (10:10:35 PM): OPS>::Is now on the bridge disguised as a security officer in a uniform he...borrowed. Looks over the screens at the SEC station, and attemps to translate the controls::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:10:58 PM): SCI>CO. VIrtue is moving sir... shall I search for our people?
Asano Nitobe (10:11:23 PM): OPS>::Sees that all attention is on the main viewer. Watches::
NPC38001 (10:12:15 PM): VCO> ::Turns to him Tactician::VDO> Defenseman, go to code red.
Asano Nitobe (10:13:39 PM): OPS>::Looks at a diagram screen seeing that the other ship was biological in nature...somehow::
NPC38001 (10:13:56 PM): VCO>Pilot> PIlot, Defensive manuever 3 as fired is returned.
TracyjonesTFP (10:14:18 PM): CSEC>::Follows close to the XO::
CaptJeffAddison (10:14:27 PM): ACTION: A stray shot nearly hits Defiant
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:14:57 PM): SCI>::the fur on her neck rises... ears go back::
NPC38001 (10:15:10 PM): VCO>VCDO>Do we know which one it is?
EnsignBKeyren (10:15:12 PM): FCO > ::Scowls as a stray shot nearly hits them, she moves a couple kilometers to Port::
EnsignBKeyren (10:16:05 PM): *moves the ship a couple kilometers to port, that is
TracyjonesTFP (10:16:10 PM): CSEC>XO> I should beable to active their transporters
drevanbarton (10:17:10 PM): CMO>XO> The smart move would be to get the hell out of here, but I don't think either of us fear these people so the more information the better. Besides if we find something usefule profits could be shared.
CaptJeffAddison (10:18:20 PM): CO>SCI> Yes, that was too close its time to go.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:18:20 PM): SCI>CO> Object charging again... lots of power for a live thing?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:20:28 PM): SCI>CO> Not reading sensor emissions from object on standard frequencies
CmdrSolanSloan (10:20:52 PM): XO>CSEC>CMO> Whatever is happening, whenever it happens, everyone is focused on it so I agree, it's a good time to take advantage of their lack of attention however I'm not trusting in a "should" Lt. Jones.
CaptJeffAddison (10:21:02 PM): CO>SCI> Use what we got, we need to get them out or leave them.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:21:15 PM): Find out how those transporters work and make "sure" you know how they operate.
TracyjonesTFP (10:21:41 PM): CSEC>XO> IF it in an unknow langue I'll need a few seconds
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:22:16 PM): SCI>::Claw tips ticktick onthe board::CO>Sir... tied into transporter buffer records... long range scan... I have our people... relaying coordinates to TR! They are JUST in range sir!
drevanbarton (10:22:17 PM): CMO>CSEC> Think more medical than technical that seems to be how these people operate.
TracyjonesTFP (10:23:10 PM): CSEC>CMO> Medical a bit rusty their I usely kill or hurt people
EnsignBKeyren (10:23:31 PM): FCO > Scowls deeper at the thought of leaving the AT, especially Sloan::
Asano Nitobe (10:23:45 PM): OPS>::Is downloading data into microtricorder::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:24:15 PM): @xo> ::Heads for Engineering, or at least what he remembers from the directions outside the galley area.::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:24:37 PM): SCI> +T+ TR> Transporter room, feeding coordinates three personnel extreme range transport soonest!
TracyjonesTFP (10:24:43 PM): CSEC>::Follows::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:25:56 PM): @xo> Dagger in hand, he enters first.::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:26:02 PM): SCI>::She realizes she has given an order without confirming it with the CO::
TracyjonesTFP (10:26:25 PM): @csec>::Enters right behind both blades in hand::
TracyjonesTFP (10:28:12 PM): @csec>::Looks around hunting for a station::
TracyjonesTFP (10:30:29 PM): @csec>::Sees The ships crew looking at them::
CaptJeffAddison (10:30:36 PM): Action: As they run through corridors people looked panicked some even frightened and unsure. the three find their way back to the research bay
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:31:05 PM): SCI>CO> Apologies, sir'
NPC38001 (10:32:04 PM): ACTION: The Virtue takes a hard enough shot to tilt it then it balances again. Crew and researchers are thrown.
CaptJeffAddison (10:32:37 PM): (There are four on the team)
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:32:49 PM): SCI>CO> Virtue hit sir! Shields down 24%
CaptJeffAddison (10:32:54 PM): CO>SCI> Don't apologize just be right
Asano Nitobe (10:33:11 PM): OPS>::Holds onto the staton panel. Sends a text to XO during the confusion::
TracyjonesTFP (10:33:13 PM): @csec>XO> This is the resarch bay ::Is thrown as the ship is tilted::
NPC38001 (10:33:51 PM): VCO>::says something under his breath. :: VCDM> What are our chances for survval?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:34:09 PM): SCI>CO> Should I tie into Transporter sir? I have the fourth contact firm...
CmdrSolanSloan (10:34:21 PM): @xo>CMO>CSEC ::Slams his shoulder into the bulkhead, swearing loudly.:: It's not engineering, but it will do. Start accessing and downloading everything you can get access to.
NPC38001 (10:34:29 PM): VCDM>VCO> 43 percent, but we'll have to have help.
TracyjonesTFP (10:34:32 PM): @csec>::Quickly regains her footing::
NPC38001 (10:35:10 PM): VCO>VCDM> And what help will we need?
TracyjonesTFP (10:35:20 PM): @csec>::Grabs a console and starts downloading it::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:36:30 PM): SCI>CO> Getting out of range... :: Claw tips on board:: Tying into transporter.... ready to beam....
TracyjonesTFP (10:36:49 PM): @csec>XO> I have 45% of this consoule downloaded::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:37:24 PM): SCI>::Shed is desperate njot to lose the one person who has shown her kindness on board this ship:: CO> Energize, sir?
NPC38001 (10:37:31 PM): VCO>VCDM>How do you propose we do it?
TracyjonesTFP (10:38:34 PM): @csec>XO> Looks like medcial its over my head
CmdrSolanSloan (10:38:41 PM): @xo>CSEC> Make it count . We can't take the risk of indecting out own systems by downloading directly to our main.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:38:50 PM): infecting*
TracyjonesTFP (10:39:21 PM): @csec>XO> Useing Datas chips
CmdrSolanSloan (10:40:14 PM): XO>CSEC> You don't have to analyze it, That's what the Doctor is here for.
TracyjonesTFP (10:41:10 PM): @csec>::Pulls the data chip when its done::XO> Yes Sir this one is done ::moves to another counsole::
TracyjonesTFP (10:42:51 PM): @csec>CMO> Your going to like it, its Complex
CaptJeffAddison (10:43:01 PM): CO>SCI> See if you can activate their emergency comm becons. maybe that will give them a clue.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:43:48 PM): @xo>Nitobe is on the bridge. No one challenged him there. ::Scatches his chin:: Whatever this thing is it's more dangerous a threat than we are.
NPC38001 (10:44:44 PM): VCDM>VCO> Use the stranger, the Variants aren't aware of them so if they take them they may kill the Variants but we could affect escape.
TracyjonesTFP (10:44:47 PM): @csec>XO> Were not important thats fer sure
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:44:49 PM): SCI>::Ties into communications:: CO> Firm lock! Firm lock! sending pulse sir! Activating transporter in ten seconds...
NPC38001 (10:45:07 PM): VCO>VCDM> Can you find them?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:45:23 PM): SCI> CO>Transport activated!
NPC38001 (10:46:07 PM): VCDM>VCO> Of course, they are using some sort of spacial cloak, but our bio sensors can pick up location one blast should get the variants attention.
NPC38001 (10:46:19 PM): VCO>VCDM> Do it.
TracyjonesTFP (10:46:48 PM): @csec>::Looks at her com badge as it activates, pulls the data chipo::XO> Looks like their going to transprt us out
CaptJeffAddison (10:46:49 PM): ACTIION: Virtue turn and fires at defiant the moment of beaming
CaptJeffAddison (10:47:05 PM): Action: Defiant loses the transporer signal
CmdrSolanSloan (10:47:20 PM): @xo>CSEC> ::His comm beeps:: Pull that chip.Leave nothing behind.
TracyjonesTFP (10:47:51 PM): @csec>::Feels the tingal then its gone and shes still on the ship::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:48:09 PM): SCI>CO> Contact lost... no transport... trying to reestablish lock... scanning... tying in communication pulse!
CaptJeffAddison (10:48:57 PM): ACTION: The group was beamed but to another location and find themselve aboard a diffrent vessel where everthing seems to be more 'organic'.
TracyjonesTFP (10:49:02 PM): @csec>::Moves over by the XO:: Got the Data Chips
EnsignBKeyren (10:49:15 PM): FCO ::curses under her breath as the Defiant is fired on. She couldn't avoid the shot in time::
CaptJeffAddison (10:49:39 PM): CO>ALL> Damn the beam fire at that ship
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:49:55 PM): SCI>CO> No contact with out people on Virtue... widening scan ::She hopes her friend has not explosively decompressed::
TracyjonesTFP (10:50:24 PM): @csec>::turns to make sure the XO is their::XO> Were not on the deffiant ::Starts Scanning::
CaptJeffAddison (10:50:44 PM): CO>SCI> lock on to their ion trail. Helm> Lock on to Virtue and blow those bastards away.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:50:56 PM): @xo>CSEC> You don't say. ::Sacrcastically::
drevanbarton (10:51:40 PM): CMO>XO> The smell, I don't know whether to be fascinated or vomit.
EnsignBKeyren (10:51:51 PM): FCO > CO > With pleasure, sir ::taps into tactical control, aquiriong weapons and shield control. She would then begin firing on the Virtue::
TracyjonesTFP (10:52:26 PM): @csec>XO>My scans show its mostly organica
CaptJeffAddison (10:52:28 PM): ACTION: The Virtue explodes
Asano Nitobe (10:52:32 PM): OPS>::Finds the others:: >AT> This is what they were firing at. The dta I collected from the bridge indicates this.."Ship" is a living, organic being.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:52:38 PM): @xo> CMO> Smells like a compost heap in the middle of Summer.
CaptJeffAddison (10:52:42 PM): CO>Helm> Good now follow their energy trail
CaptJeffAddison (10:52:54 PM): ACTION: The enemy ship warps away.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:53:12 PM): SCI> CO> COntact with the away team sir... they are aboard the biological object!
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:53:24 PM): SCI>CO> No lock... no lock
EnsignBKeyren (10:53:46 PM): FCO > ::grins satisfactorily as the ship explodes:: CO > Plotting course and speed, Captian ::using long range sensors she picks up the energy traila nd lays in a pursuit course::
TracyjonesTFP (10:54:16 PM): @csec>OPS> Its defiantly 96% organica
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:54:41 PM): SCI>FCO > Tying my sensors to your board....
EnsignBKeyren (10:55:41 PM): FCO > SCI > acknowledged ::She simply said::
CaptJeffAddison (10:55:52 PM): +++LAST LINES+++
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:55:55 PM): SCI>CO> It is fast... But I think we are faster
TracyjonesTFP (10:56:02 PM): @csec>All> I have never sean anything like it
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:57:23 PM): SCI> NOIP> We have sensor lock... we are not Numb Noses! We will follow you!
Asano Nitobe (10:58:07 PM): OPS>::Looks at tricorder:: There is some technolological things here. I suggest we find them.
TracyjonesTFP (10:58:31 PM): @csec>ALL> Agree
CaptJeffAddison (10:58:47 PM): ++PAUSE SIM+++