Post by Cmdr. Carl Cross on Dec 11, 2010 23:36:34 GMT -5
Xv Druid Melody (10:25:49 PM): ===ATTENTION===
WIndStormtoSivao (10:25:55 PM): ::AA::
GeraldMStockwell (10:25:57 PM): ::AA::
lizzycooper05 (10:26:00 PM): ::AA::
PhantomX0383 (10:26:21 PM): ::AA::
Druidsummerhaven (10:26:48 PM): ::AA::
Xv Druid Melody (10:26:54 PM): For the log, please state post, rank, and name
WIndStormtoSivao (10:26:57 PM): MCO> MCapt Wind Storm
lizzycooper05 (10:27:00 PM): CSCI> Lt Jg Lizzy Cooper
Druidsummerhaven (10:27:05 PM): HELM>Lt Darius Weslynes
Xv Druid Melody (10:27:07 PM): CO> Cmdr. Carl Cross
PhantomX0383 (10:27:20 PM): {CENG} Lt. simon thorn
GeraldMStockwell (10:27:23 PM): CSTO> Lieutenant JG Gerry Stockwell
Armitage 91x (10:28:00 PM): MXO> Lt Armitage
Xv Druid Melody (10:29:11 PM): Mission: With the updates the complete we now prepare for departure from ESD. Our present mission is to arrive at DS9 and await further instuctions from the stations commander. The only thing we know right now is that the
LtJBondUSN (10:29:16 PM) has entered the room.
Xv Druid Melody (10:29:28 PM): Cardassians are requesting federation aid. Any questions?
PhantomX0383 (10:29:43 PM): ::RH::
WIndStormtoSivao (10:29:45 PM): No Sir
lizzycooper05 (10:29:52 PM): No Sir
GeraldMStockwell (10:29:58 PM): No sir
Xv Druid Melody (10:30:06 PM): yes Thorn
Druidsummerhaven (10:30:11 PM): looks cut and dry to me
LtJBondUSN (10:30:28 PM): Vs> 1st lieutenant Bond, ::AA::
PhantomX0383 (10:30:51 PM): You know it takes about a mounth even at high warp to get from earth to Bajor right
PhantomX0383 (10:31:10 PM): Am i right Bond
LtJBondUSN (10:31:12 PM): he's got a point
LtJBondUSN (10:31:23 PM): 3 weeks if you don't take it off of 9.8
PhantomX0383 (10:31:49 PM): and thats a lot of stress for are nacells were are a very big lady sir
LtJBondUSN (10:31:51 PM): BUT
Xv Druid Melody (10:31:52 PM): sure if we dont fastforward during non-sim-days
LtJBondUSN (10:32:07 PM): thanks to the miracle of this thing called the 'time lapse'
LtJBondUSN (10:32:16 PM): lol
Xv Druid Melody (10:32:28 PM): any other questions?
PhantomX0383 (10:32:33 PM): nope
Druidsummerhaven (10:32:34 PM): :RH::
Xv Druid Melody (10:32:50 PM): .... yes Darius
Druidsummerhaven (10:33:03 PM): will there be an in flight movie?-snickers-
Xv Druid Melody (10:33:33 PM): yes, we're showing "The Sound of Music"
LtJBondUSN (10:33:40 PM): aw f*ck
Xv Druid Melody (10:33:40 PM): any others?
LtJBondUSN (10:33:45 PM): No Sir
Druidsummerhaven (10:33:52 PM): -snaps- s**t
Druidsummerhaven (10:33:59 PM): nothing further
Xv Druid Melody (10:34:04 PM): ===BEGIN SIM===
Xv Druid Melody (10:34:19 PM): CO>ALL> All stations report readiness to depart station
Druidsummerhaven (10:34:19 PM): -looks at bond and mouths "julie andrews:" adding: for three weeks"
lizzycooper05 (10:34:36 PM): CSCI>::At her station keeping an eye on sensors::
Druidsummerhaven (10:34:50 PM): HELM>CO condition blue umbublicals attached and properly moored station preparedness at one hundred precent...
lizzycooper05 (10:35:09 PM): CSCI>CO> SCI is clear and green
WIndStormtoSivao (10:35:41 PM): MAC>+T+CO> Marines are ready if needed
PhantomX0383 (10:35:44 PM): {CENG}{CO} all system are ok, the issue with the Docking clamps seams resolved
Druidsummerhaven (10:36:16 PM): HELM> -archs a brow atthe words seems to be resolved-
GeraldMStockwell (10:36:40 PM): CSTO>Security teams on standby, Tactical at combat readiness:
Xv Druid Melody (10:36:55 PM): CO>Helm> pass along message that we're ready to depart, get clearance, then safely take us out
LtJBondUSN (10:37:09 PM): Vs> Standing by all secondary systems, inertial dampeners are online, All decks reporting in
WIndStormtoSivao (10:37:54 PM): MCO>MXO> I wonder waht the Cardassians want
Xv Druid Melody (10:38:11 PM): ***Note: Armitage was thrown in the brig for her actions during last mission***
Druidsummerhaven (10:38:23 PM): HELM>CO> aye commander-flips to the base channel and addressed the cheif dock master speaking in a hushed tone- thisis the USS frontier requesting premission to burn rubber I mean to proceed cautiously with our assigned mission
Armitage 91x (10:39:28 PM): MXO>::sits in the brig not very happy::
WIndStormtoSivao (10:39:32 PM): MCO>MXO> Hows your cell ::whiskers spread in a smile::
STUF NPC2781 (10:39:48 PM): CDM+h+Helm> ::disengages everything from the Frontier:: thats a good copy Frontier, be advised your ready to depart. God Speed
Druidsummerhaven (10:40:39 PM): HELM+CDH> lets hope nothat fast huh? copy moorings and umbibilcals detached and green condition reported starbase best of luck to you
lizzycooper05 (10:40:49 PM): CSCI>::Laughs::NIPL> Would god speed not be instant
Armitage 91x (10:41:37 PM): MXO>MCO> Not bad, why don't you come in here and try it out.
Druidsummerhaven (10:41:42 PM): HELM>CO> cleared for go and headed into standard shipping lanes-pulling the throttles back all TOS style and adjusting pitch to provide the crew with a lovely slanted 18- view of the station as they clear standard anchoring-
Xv Druid Melody (10:41:53 PM): CO>Helm> once we're cleared take us to DS9 warp 8 cause... Yeah this is a big ship
WIndStormtoSivao (10:42:25 PM): MCO>MXO> As much as I would like to I'll pass
Druidsummerhaven (10:42:48 PM): 180 degree even
Armitage 91x (10:43:43 PM): MXO>MCO> Can you ask about getting me out of here. If your going to Cardassia you will need help.
Druidsummerhaven (10:43:45 PM): HELM>CO> oh shes a huge whale of a beast but you;d be shocked what you can get a beast to do withthe right settings- slowly working the speed lever up to sublight speeds thru the thruster ranges and pastteh sublight settings watchin
Xv Druid Melody (10:43:47 PM): CMO>CSTO> you have the bridge... I gotta go to captain stuff ::eye rolls before standing up:: +t+MCO> accompany me to the brig
WIndStormtoSivao (10:44:46 PM): MCO>MXO> Yes I will but we got a month before we get their
Druidsummerhaven (10:45:49 PM): HELM>CTSO> captain stuff means filing paperwork in the head for a half hour- punching in that warp 8 course tfinally after manually nagivating the shipping lanes-
PhantomX0383 (10:45:55 PM): {CENG}+T+{CO} All power systems are green are power plants are all working with in acceptable parameters and we are on are own power
Xv Druid Melody (10:46:11 PM): [] lol []
Armitage 91x (10:46:32 PM): MXO>MCO> It will take that long to plan the mission.
WIndStormtoSivao (10:46:49 PM): MCO>MXO> But I'll see I can do
Xv Druid Melody (10:47:09 PM): CO+t+CENG> excellent, thank you for the update. Do be a favor though, give that Nova another once over
PhantomX0383 (10:47:35 PM): {CENG}+T+{CO}The nova sir?
Druidsummerhaven (10:47:54 PM): helm> witthhe statin now completely upside down and slipping form thier field of vision Darius smirks... CTSO> speaking of filing paperwork i've totally forgotten wher the head is on thsi ride- hands on the manual controls-
WIndStormtoSivao (10:48:16 PM): MCO>+T+CO> May I ask how my XO will be relaxing in the hotel
GeraldMStockwell (10:49:41 PM): CSTO>Helm> After you are done amusing yourself, just make sure she is still heading in the right direction
Xv Druid Melody (10:50:04 PM): CO> ::walks into the turbolift:: COMP> brig.... +t+MCO> meet me in the brig
Xv Druid Melody (10:50:26 PM): CO+t+CENG> the defiant...
WIndStormtoSivao (10:50:58 PM): MCO+T+CO> Yes Sir ::waites for the CO::
Xv Druid Melody (10:51:27 PM): CO> ::walks into the brig seeing who all is there besides himself and the MXO::
Druidsummerhaven (10:52:02 PM): HELM>_snickers and shoves a broom handle in the auto lock controls - CTSO> tha tshould assure a smooth and correct ride-standing and heading to the toilet behind the main viewer- back before you can say.... well some really long
WIndStormtoSivao (10:52:09 PM): MCO>::Sees the CO::CO> You wished to see me
PhantomX0383 (10:52:10 PM): {CENG}+T+{CO} OH ahhh well I not going to power up her reactor for safty reasons.... >T> {VS} Lt Bond please join me on the nova deck
Druidsummerhaven (10:52:12 PM): complex math equation or osmething
lizzycooper05 (10:53:12 PM): CSCI>NIP
LtJBondUSN (10:53:16 PM): Vs> +Ceng+ Allright, i'll be there in a few minutes. ::Grabs a coffee from the replicator and steps into the TL to meet the CEng::
Xv Druid Melody (10:53:29 PM): CO>MCO> ::knows he's talking about Armitage right infront of her:: So what do you think Armitage's punishment should be?
lizzycooper05 (10:53:48 PM): CSCI>NIPL>You think he go before we left
WIndStormtoSivao (10:54:28 PM): MCO>CO> To be honest 2 weeks
Xv Druid Melody (10:54:41 PM): CO>MCO> 2 weeks of?
PhantomX0383 (10:55:02 PM): {CENG} :: enters the small stair well that leads in to nova and punches in to code to open the door:: oh damn its Jamed
WIndStormtoSivao (10:55:10 PM): MCO>CO> Of being in the Brig
Xv Druid Melody (10:55:21 PM): CO>MCO> anything afterwards?
WIndStormtoSivao (10:56:12 PM): MCO>CO> A mark aginst her if she dose anything like that again she be demoted
Xv Druid Melody (10:56:12 PM): CO>MCO/MXO> cause seriously if it didn't violate 49.09; I'd let you drop kick her
PhantomX0383 (10:56:44 PM): {CENG}:: gets his pry bar out of his kit and jabs it in to the door and frame and trys to pry it open:: Move, why is it the new ones always stick
Xv Druid Melody (10:57:30 PM): CO>MXO> what do you think Armitage... I kind of like that, 2 weeks in the cold lonesome of the brig and if you step out of line again... You get demoted
LtJBondUSN (10:58:00 PM): Vs>::Walks down the stairway:: Ceng> doesn't anything work around here?
WIndStormtoSivao (10:58:02 PM): MCO>MXO> You did make a stupid move and even thou I can understand why, you still can't do it
Armitage 91x (10:58:54 PM): MXO>CO> Yes sir. ::grits her teeth::
PhantomX0383 (10:59:39 PM): {CENG}{VS} Yes...:: he pulled:: it... :: he pulled again harder:: DOES :: the door pops open and he falls in the resion for the sticking are boxes of uninstold parts and stale air::
LtJBondUSN (11:00:10 PM): Vs>::Looks down the hatch:: Do you require medical attention?!?
Xv Druid Melody (11:00:10 PM): CO>MXO> ::sits down in a nearby chair that just so happens to be convienately (sp?) there:: let me explain to you how this works okay. We're all links in a chain, even me, you're a link in a chain. What do you think happens to the
Xv Druid Melody (11:00:42 PM): chain when one of the links breaks off and does its own thing? Yeah, it screws up the rest of the links
WIndStormtoSivao (11:00:44 PM): MCO>::Listens::
Xv Druid Melody (11:01:22 PM): CO>MXO> so if myself, the major or the Lt. Cmdr. tells you to do something... You do it
PhantomX0383 (11:01:44 PM): {CENG} :: he grumbles and throw his grease rag at Bond:: no...some ice would be nice
Druidsummerhaven (11:02:33 PM): HELM_returnsfrom the head and disengages his "auto drift precautions"
Armitage 91x (11:03:39 PM): MXO>CO> Did you do stupid stuff when you were younger? Do you have a kid?
LtJBondUSN (11:03:56 PM): Vs>::Climbs down the rungs and replicates an ice-pack, sneezes at the dust and hands the ice pack over:: Ceng> When was the last time you used this.. tiny little ship?
PhantomX0383 (11:03:56 PM): {CENG}{VS} what is all this stuff :: pulls open a crate:: ...this is a replicator
GeraldMStockwell (11:04:27 PM): CSTO>::Glad he doesn't have to tell the Captain that the course of the Frontier depended upon a 'stick' and his knuckes begin to have color again::
Druidsummerhaven (11:04:56 PM): HELM>CTSO> learned hat trick from an old freighter ship pilot
WIndStormtoSivao (11:04:59 PM): MCO>MXO> Your a good Officer and Great MXO but you must control your anger
PhantomX0383 (11:05:07 PM): {CENG}{VS}:: takes the ice pack:: we just instoold it so never..... lets go to the bridge and tap in to the umbilacal to run a system check.... then we can go see how much thay half assed it in engineering
Xv Druid Melody (11:05:10 PM): CO>MXO> stupid stuff? I was a doctor, I didn't have the luxury of doing 'stupid stuff.' Either way, thats irrelivant. Did you even know if your kid was there? No. Did you have a snow balls chance in hell of even doing anything ---
GeraldMStockwell (11:05:24 PM): CSTO>Helm> I would refrain from using it on a regular basis.
Xv Druid Melody (11:05:36 PM): positive, by yourself? Hell no. Think of it as me saving your life so I dont have to mail you home in a pine wood box
Druidsummerhaven (11:06:05 PM): HELM>CSTO>-flips the glowing autopilot light off after a moment of relaxation- eh its what I call an aditional safety precaution
lizzycooper05 (11:06:35 PM): CSCI>::Keeps an eye on sensors::
WIndStormtoSivao (11:08:24 PM): MCO>MXO> ANger makes you not see clearly and that will get you killed
LtJBondUSN (11:08:41 PM): Vs> ::Unlocks an airlock on the nova, and heads in:: Well this is different...
Druidsummerhaven (11:08:48 PM): (9anger leads to fear fear leads to the dark side?))
Xv Druid Melody (11:08:56 PM): [] LOL []
Xv Druid Melody (11:09:02 PM): [] ahh, master yoda []
PhantomX0383 (11:09:26 PM): {CENG}{VS} Ya a small ship hitching a ride on a big ship
GeraldMStockwell (11:09:32 PM): (You must unlearn, what you have learned)
Druidsummerhaven (11:09:34 PM): (9snickers and the dark side leads to death aww wise old yoda if we all had a yoda on starships less folks would windup in the brig))
Druidsummerhaven (11:09:44 PM): ((hahah gerry))
Xv Druid Melody (11:09:49 PM): [] ROFL []
Druidsummerhaven (11:10:09 PM): (9as you can tell gerry apparently my job is comic relief))
GeraldMStockwell (11:10:36 PM): (Its seems to carry over everywhere you go..LOL)
LtJBondUSN (11:10:55 PM): Vs> ::Starts taking polycarbonate covers off of the furnature and shoving them into replicators:: Ceng> This place is a mess...
Druidsummerhaven (11:10:59 PM): ((my reputation spreads taht far does it?-tosses himself IC))
Xv Druid Melody (11:11:17 PM): CO>MXO> well anyways, the Cardassians have requested the aid of the federation. Remember your ROE and listen to the commands of your superior officers. Can you handle that?
Druidsummerhaven (11:11:26 PM): -makes a huge low sweeping swerve around the hull of what used to be a freighter- ya see thats why you never use the stick method for to long
Armitage 91x (11:11:49 PM): MXO>CO> Yes sir.
WIndStormtoSivao (11:11:55 PM): MCO>::looks at the MXO::
Xv Druid Melody (11:13:13 PM): CO>MCO> do whatever you think needs to be done to make sure this issue never happens again... Dismissed ::turns around leaving for the TL:: COMM> deck 1; bridge
WIndStormtoSivao (11:15:54 PM): MCO>MXO> 2 weeks will fly by I would hate for you to die ::turns:: Or worse me kill you ::leaves the brig::
Xv Druid Melody (11:16:14 PM): CO> ::walks back on to the bridge and straight to the captains chair:: CSTO> status?
PhantomX0383 (11:16:28 PM): {CENG}{VS} i need an assistance, I was so focased on getting the hard ware and software working that i forgot to get this ship shaped you know what i mean :: Picks up some fogoten tool:: some one is going to be missing this Autowrench
Druidsummerhaven (11:16:47 PM): HELM>-noticing the approaching commander Darius subtley slides his feet off the console and some what straightens up-
GeraldMStockwell (11:17:44 PM): CSTO>CO>::salutes:: zero course corrections. Ship on course and functioning nominally
LtJBondUSN (11:18:16 PM): Vs> Ceng> this ship looks like it just came out of a packing crate. It probably hasn't even been field tested yet... We're gonna need a dozen guys here to get all of the junk sorted out
Xv Druid Melody (11:18:28 PM): CO>CSTO> awesome, nice work. What are the other stations doing?
Druidsummerhaven (11:19:14 PM): ((still playing mexican radio sir))
GeraldMStockwell (11:19:33 PM): CSTO>Helm has demostrated the 'stick' Method. Engineering is working on Nova and the rest are all avialable
GeraldMStockwell (11:19:40 PM): If needed
Druidsummerhaven (11:19:59 PM): HELM_holds up the broom stick with a smirk sliding it under the console-
PhantomX0383 (11:20:29 PM): {CENG}{VS}ya I get my kids down here +T+{ENG} engineering teams baker and delta please report to the Nova on the double ::powers up one of the console and gronds:: {VS} Look at this the torpido casings are still in there cantaneers the magazens have not even been assempled
Xv Druid Melody (11:20:49 PM): CO>CSTO> nice. Way to be on top of things, I might just put you in charge of the night shift
Druidsummerhaven (11:22:15 PM): ((or as well call it coffee watch or" nothing eventful happens till data is in command))
lizzycooper05 (11:22:37 PM): CSCI>::Keeps an eye on the sensors::
PhantomX0383 (11:22:56 PM): {CENG}{VS} hey...can this little box HOLD a dozan guys?
LtJBondUSN (11:23:38 PM): Vs> Ceng> I suppose the small arms are all still in packing peanuts. +Co+ Captain, Bond here. We need a few laborers down here. The supplies are still on boxes, the weapons are in pieces, and from the look of the hull, it's never even been in open space yet...
Armitage 91x (11:24:33 PM): MXO>::sighs and sits back down::
Xv Druid Melody (11:25:14 PM): CO+t+VS> well of course its been in open space, how else would it get attached to the Frontier?...CSTO> make sure they have the help they need... A crew of 2000, there has gotta be someone sitting around
LtJBondUSN (11:26:16 PM): Vs> +Co+ i wouldn't be so sure about that Sir, maybe TOWED through open space at the best, but thank you, we're on it.
PhantomX0383 (11:26:27 PM): {CENG} How the he..... {VS} Some one but a pool table in the galley?
Xv Druid Melody (11:27:03 PM): ===LAST LINES===
GeraldMStockwell (11:27:17 PM): CSTO>::Salutes and returns to station::
PhantomX0383 (11:27:28 PM): {CENG}:: looking throw his reqasition forms :: I cant find pool table at all..... Who the hell made this mix up
Druidsummerhaven (11:27:40 PM): HELM> conmtnues working on his rubix cube pulling it out form under the console-
WIndStormtoSivao (11:27:44 PM): MCO>::Enters the Marine Deck::
LtJBondUSN (11:28:26 PM): Vs> Ceng> I don't even wanna know... ::Peels a laminant off of a table-top::
Xv Druid Melody (11:29:10 PM): ===PAUSE===
Druidsummerhaven (11:29:15 PM): ::AA::
PhantomX0383 (11:29:17 PM): {CENG}{VS} It doesn't even have the billiard balls or sticks ITS just the table.....this is a njightmare... why do cammand officers make this requests
WIndStormtoSivao (10:25:55 PM): ::AA::
GeraldMStockwell (10:25:57 PM): ::AA::
lizzycooper05 (10:26:00 PM): ::AA::
PhantomX0383 (10:26:21 PM): ::AA::
Druidsummerhaven (10:26:48 PM): ::AA::
Xv Druid Melody (10:26:54 PM): For the log, please state post, rank, and name
WIndStormtoSivao (10:26:57 PM): MCO> MCapt Wind Storm
lizzycooper05 (10:27:00 PM): CSCI> Lt Jg Lizzy Cooper
Druidsummerhaven (10:27:05 PM): HELM>Lt Darius Weslynes
Xv Druid Melody (10:27:07 PM): CO> Cmdr. Carl Cross
PhantomX0383 (10:27:20 PM): {CENG} Lt. simon thorn
GeraldMStockwell (10:27:23 PM): CSTO> Lieutenant JG Gerry Stockwell
Armitage 91x (10:28:00 PM): MXO> Lt Armitage
Xv Druid Melody (10:29:11 PM): Mission: With the updates the complete we now prepare for departure from ESD. Our present mission is to arrive at DS9 and await further instuctions from the stations commander. The only thing we know right now is that the
LtJBondUSN (10:29:16 PM) has entered the room.
Xv Druid Melody (10:29:28 PM): Cardassians are requesting federation aid. Any questions?
PhantomX0383 (10:29:43 PM): ::RH::
WIndStormtoSivao (10:29:45 PM): No Sir
lizzycooper05 (10:29:52 PM): No Sir
GeraldMStockwell (10:29:58 PM): No sir
Xv Druid Melody (10:30:06 PM): yes Thorn
Druidsummerhaven (10:30:11 PM): looks cut and dry to me
LtJBondUSN (10:30:28 PM): Vs> 1st lieutenant Bond, ::AA::
PhantomX0383 (10:30:51 PM): You know it takes about a mounth even at high warp to get from earth to Bajor right
PhantomX0383 (10:31:10 PM): Am i right Bond
LtJBondUSN (10:31:12 PM): he's got a point
LtJBondUSN (10:31:23 PM): 3 weeks if you don't take it off of 9.8
PhantomX0383 (10:31:49 PM): and thats a lot of stress for are nacells were are a very big lady sir
LtJBondUSN (10:31:51 PM): BUT
Xv Druid Melody (10:31:52 PM): sure if we dont fastforward during non-sim-days
LtJBondUSN (10:32:07 PM): thanks to the miracle of this thing called the 'time lapse'
LtJBondUSN (10:32:16 PM): lol
Xv Druid Melody (10:32:28 PM): any other questions?
PhantomX0383 (10:32:33 PM): nope
Druidsummerhaven (10:32:34 PM): :RH::
Xv Druid Melody (10:32:50 PM): .... yes Darius
Druidsummerhaven (10:33:03 PM): will there be an in flight movie?-snickers-
Xv Druid Melody (10:33:33 PM): yes, we're showing "The Sound of Music"
LtJBondUSN (10:33:40 PM): aw f*ck
Xv Druid Melody (10:33:40 PM): any others?
LtJBondUSN (10:33:45 PM): No Sir
Druidsummerhaven (10:33:52 PM): -snaps- s**t
Druidsummerhaven (10:33:59 PM): nothing further
Xv Druid Melody (10:34:04 PM): ===BEGIN SIM===
Xv Druid Melody (10:34:19 PM): CO>ALL> All stations report readiness to depart station
Druidsummerhaven (10:34:19 PM): -looks at bond and mouths "julie andrews:" adding: for three weeks"
lizzycooper05 (10:34:36 PM): CSCI>::At her station keeping an eye on sensors::
Druidsummerhaven (10:34:50 PM): HELM>CO condition blue umbublicals attached and properly moored station preparedness at one hundred precent...
lizzycooper05 (10:35:09 PM): CSCI>CO> SCI is clear and green
WIndStormtoSivao (10:35:41 PM): MAC>+T+CO> Marines are ready if needed
PhantomX0383 (10:35:44 PM): {CENG}{CO} all system are ok, the issue with the Docking clamps seams resolved
Druidsummerhaven (10:36:16 PM): HELM> -archs a brow atthe words seems to be resolved-
GeraldMStockwell (10:36:40 PM): CSTO>Security teams on standby, Tactical at combat readiness:
Xv Druid Melody (10:36:55 PM): CO>Helm> pass along message that we're ready to depart, get clearance, then safely take us out
LtJBondUSN (10:37:09 PM): Vs> Standing by all secondary systems, inertial dampeners are online, All decks reporting in
WIndStormtoSivao (10:37:54 PM): MCO>MXO> I wonder waht the Cardassians want
Xv Druid Melody (10:38:11 PM): ***Note: Armitage was thrown in the brig for her actions during last mission***
Druidsummerhaven (10:38:23 PM): HELM>CO> aye commander-flips to the base channel and addressed the cheif dock master speaking in a hushed tone- thisis the USS frontier requesting premission to burn rubber I mean to proceed cautiously with our assigned mission
Armitage 91x (10:39:28 PM): MXO>::sits in the brig not very happy::
WIndStormtoSivao (10:39:32 PM): MCO>MXO> Hows your cell ::whiskers spread in a smile::
STUF NPC2781 (10:39:48 PM): CDM+h+Helm> ::disengages everything from the Frontier:: thats a good copy Frontier, be advised your ready to depart. God Speed
Druidsummerhaven (10:40:39 PM): HELM+CDH> lets hope nothat fast huh? copy moorings and umbibilcals detached and green condition reported starbase best of luck to you
lizzycooper05 (10:40:49 PM): CSCI>::Laughs::NIPL> Would god speed not be instant
Armitage 91x (10:41:37 PM): MXO>MCO> Not bad, why don't you come in here and try it out.
Druidsummerhaven (10:41:42 PM): HELM>CO> cleared for go and headed into standard shipping lanes-pulling the throttles back all TOS style and adjusting pitch to provide the crew with a lovely slanted 18- view of the station as they clear standard anchoring-
Xv Druid Melody (10:41:53 PM): CO>Helm> once we're cleared take us to DS9 warp 8 cause... Yeah this is a big ship
WIndStormtoSivao (10:42:25 PM): MCO>MXO> As much as I would like to I'll pass
Druidsummerhaven (10:42:48 PM): 180 degree even
Armitage 91x (10:43:43 PM): MXO>MCO> Can you ask about getting me out of here. If your going to Cardassia you will need help.
Druidsummerhaven (10:43:45 PM): HELM>CO> oh shes a huge whale of a beast but you;d be shocked what you can get a beast to do withthe right settings- slowly working the speed lever up to sublight speeds thru the thruster ranges and pastteh sublight settings watchin
Xv Druid Melody (10:43:47 PM): CMO>CSTO> you have the bridge... I gotta go to captain stuff ::eye rolls before standing up:: +t+MCO> accompany me to the brig
WIndStormtoSivao (10:44:46 PM): MCO>MXO> Yes I will but we got a month before we get their
Druidsummerhaven (10:45:49 PM): HELM>CTSO> captain stuff means filing paperwork in the head for a half hour- punching in that warp 8 course tfinally after manually nagivating the shipping lanes-
PhantomX0383 (10:45:55 PM): {CENG}+T+{CO} All power systems are green are power plants are all working with in acceptable parameters and we are on are own power
Xv Druid Melody (10:46:11 PM): [] lol []
Armitage 91x (10:46:32 PM): MXO>MCO> It will take that long to plan the mission.
WIndStormtoSivao (10:46:49 PM): MCO>MXO> But I'll see I can do
Xv Druid Melody (10:47:09 PM): CO+t+CENG> excellent, thank you for the update. Do be a favor though, give that Nova another once over
PhantomX0383 (10:47:35 PM): {CENG}+T+{CO}The nova sir?
Druidsummerhaven (10:47:54 PM): helm> witthhe statin now completely upside down and slipping form thier field of vision Darius smirks... CTSO> speaking of filing paperwork i've totally forgotten wher the head is on thsi ride- hands on the manual controls-
WIndStormtoSivao (10:48:16 PM): MCO>+T+CO> May I ask how my XO will be relaxing in the hotel
GeraldMStockwell (10:49:41 PM): CSTO>Helm> After you are done amusing yourself, just make sure she is still heading in the right direction
Xv Druid Melody (10:50:04 PM): CO> ::walks into the turbolift:: COMP> brig.... +t+MCO> meet me in the brig
Xv Druid Melody (10:50:26 PM): CO+t+CENG> the defiant...
WIndStormtoSivao (10:50:58 PM): MCO+T+CO> Yes Sir ::waites for the CO::
Xv Druid Melody (10:51:27 PM): CO> ::walks into the brig seeing who all is there besides himself and the MXO::
Druidsummerhaven (10:52:02 PM): HELM>_snickers and shoves a broom handle in the auto lock controls - CTSO> tha tshould assure a smooth and correct ride-standing and heading to the toilet behind the main viewer- back before you can say.... well some really long
WIndStormtoSivao (10:52:09 PM): MCO>::Sees the CO::CO> You wished to see me
PhantomX0383 (10:52:10 PM): {CENG}+T+{CO} OH ahhh well I not going to power up her reactor for safty reasons.... >T> {VS} Lt Bond please join me on the nova deck
Druidsummerhaven (10:52:12 PM): complex math equation or osmething
lizzycooper05 (10:53:12 PM): CSCI>NIP
LtJBondUSN (10:53:16 PM): Vs> +Ceng+ Allright, i'll be there in a few minutes. ::Grabs a coffee from the replicator and steps into the TL to meet the CEng::
Xv Druid Melody (10:53:29 PM): CO>MCO> ::knows he's talking about Armitage right infront of her:: So what do you think Armitage's punishment should be?
lizzycooper05 (10:53:48 PM): CSCI>NIPL>You think he go before we left
WIndStormtoSivao (10:54:28 PM): MCO>CO> To be honest 2 weeks
Xv Druid Melody (10:54:41 PM): CO>MCO> 2 weeks of?
PhantomX0383 (10:55:02 PM): {CENG} :: enters the small stair well that leads in to nova and punches in to code to open the door:: oh damn its Jamed
WIndStormtoSivao (10:55:10 PM): MCO>CO> Of being in the Brig
Xv Druid Melody (10:55:21 PM): CO>MCO> anything afterwards?
WIndStormtoSivao (10:56:12 PM): MCO>CO> A mark aginst her if she dose anything like that again she be demoted
Xv Druid Melody (10:56:12 PM): CO>MCO/MXO> cause seriously if it didn't violate 49.09; I'd let you drop kick her
PhantomX0383 (10:56:44 PM): {CENG}:: gets his pry bar out of his kit and jabs it in to the door and frame and trys to pry it open:: Move, why is it the new ones always stick
Xv Druid Melody (10:57:30 PM): CO>MXO> what do you think Armitage... I kind of like that, 2 weeks in the cold lonesome of the brig and if you step out of line again... You get demoted
LtJBondUSN (10:58:00 PM): Vs>::Walks down the stairway:: Ceng> doesn't anything work around here?
WIndStormtoSivao (10:58:02 PM): MCO>MXO> You did make a stupid move and even thou I can understand why, you still can't do it
Armitage 91x (10:58:54 PM): MXO>CO> Yes sir. ::grits her teeth::
PhantomX0383 (10:59:39 PM): {CENG}{VS} Yes...:: he pulled:: it... :: he pulled again harder:: DOES :: the door pops open and he falls in the resion for the sticking are boxes of uninstold parts and stale air::
LtJBondUSN (11:00:10 PM): Vs>::Looks down the hatch:: Do you require medical attention?!?
Xv Druid Melody (11:00:10 PM): CO>MXO> ::sits down in a nearby chair that just so happens to be convienately (sp?) there:: let me explain to you how this works okay. We're all links in a chain, even me, you're a link in a chain. What do you think happens to the
Xv Druid Melody (11:00:42 PM): chain when one of the links breaks off and does its own thing? Yeah, it screws up the rest of the links
WIndStormtoSivao (11:00:44 PM): MCO>::Listens::
Xv Druid Melody (11:01:22 PM): CO>MXO> so if myself, the major or the Lt. Cmdr. tells you to do something... You do it
PhantomX0383 (11:01:44 PM): {CENG} :: he grumbles and throw his grease rag at Bond:: no...some ice would be nice
Druidsummerhaven (11:02:33 PM): HELM_returnsfrom the head and disengages his "auto drift precautions"
Armitage 91x (11:03:39 PM): MXO>CO> Did you do stupid stuff when you were younger? Do you have a kid?
LtJBondUSN (11:03:56 PM): Vs>::Climbs down the rungs and replicates an ice-pack, sneezes at the dust and hands the ice pack over:: Ceng> When was the last time you used this.. tiny little ship?
PhantomX0383 (11:03:56 PM): {CENG}{VS} what is all this stuff :: pulls open a crate:: ...this is a replicator
GeraldMStockwell (11:04:27 PM): CSTO>::Glad he doesn't have to tell the Captain that the course of the Frontier depended upon a 'stick' and his knuckes begin to have color again::
Druidsummerhaven (11:04:56 PM): HELM>CTSO> learned hat trick from an old freighter ship pilot
WIndStormtoSivao (11:04:59 PM): MCO>MXO> Your a good Officer and Great MXO but you must control your anger
PhantomX0383 (11:05:07 PM): {CENG}{VS}:: takes the ice pack:: we just instoold it so never..... lets go to the bridge and tap in to the umbilacal to run a system check.... then we can go see how much thay half assed it in engineering
Xv Druid Melody (11:05:10 PM): CO>MXO> stupid stuff? I was a doctor, I didn't have the luxury of doing 'stupid stuff.' Either way, thats irrelivant. Did you even know if your kid was there? No. Did you have a snow balls chance in hell of even doing anything ---
GeraldMStockwell (11:05:24 PM): CSTO>Helm> I would refrain from using it on a regular basis.
Xv Druid Melody (11:05:36 PM): positive, by yourself? Hell no. Think of it as me saving your life so I dont have to mail you home in a pine wood box
Druidsummerhaven (11:06:05 PM): HELM>CSTO>-flips the glowing autopilot light off after a moment of relaxation- eh its what I call an aditional safety precaution
lizzycooper05 (11:06:35 PM): CSCI>::Keeps an eye on sensors::
WIndStormtoSivao (11:08:24 PM): MCO>MXO> ANger makes you not see clearly and that will get you killed
LtJBondUSN (11:08:41 PM): Vs> ::Unlocks an airlock on the nova, and heads in:: Well this is different...
Druidsummerhaven (11:08:48 PM): (9anger leads to fear fear leads to the dark side?))
Xv Druid Melody (11:08:56 PM): [] LOL []
Xv Druid Melody (11:09:02 PM): [] ahh, master yoda []
PhantomX0383 (11:09:26 PM): {CENG}{VS} Ya a small ship hitching a ride on a big ship
GeraldMStockwell (11:09:32 PM): (You must unlearn, what you have learned)
Druidsummerhaven (11:09:34 PM): (9snickers and the dark side leads to death aww wise old yoda if we all had a yoda on starships less folks would windup in the brig))
Druidsummerhaven (11:09:44 PM): ((hahah gerry))
Xv Druid Melody (11:09:49 PM): [] ROFL []
Druidsummerhaven (11:10:09 PM): (9as you can tell gerry apparently my job is comic relief))
GeraldMStockwell (11:10:36 PM): (Its seems to carry over everywhere you go..LOL)
LtJBondUSN (11:10:55 PM): Vs> ::Starts taking polycarbonate covers off of the furnature and shoving them into replicators:: Ceng> This place is a mess...
Druidsummerhaven (11:10:59 PM): ((my reputation spreads taht far does it?-tosses himself IC))
Xv Druid Melody (11:11:17 PM): CO>MXO> well anyways, the Cardassians have requested the aid of the federation. Remember your ROE and listen to the commands of your superior officers. Can you handle that?
Druidsummerhaven (11:11:26 PM): -makes a huge low sweeping swerve around the hull of what used to be a freighter- ya see thats why you never use the stick method for to long
Armitage 91x (11:11:49 PM): MXO>CO> Yes sir.
WIndStormtoSivao (11:11:55 PM): MCO>::looks at the MXO::
Xv Druid Melody (11:13:13 PM): CO>MCO> do whatever you think needs to be done to make sure this issue never happens again... Dismissed ::turns around leaving for the TL:: COMM> deck 1; bridge
WIndStormtoSivao (11:15:54 PM): MCO>MXO> 2 weeks will fly by I would hate for you to die ::turns:: Or worse me kill you ::leaves the brig::
Xv Druid Melody (11:16:14 PM): CO> ::walks back on to the bridge and straight to the captains chair:: CSTO> status?
PhantomX0383 (11:16:28 PM): {CENG}{VS} i need an assistance, I was so focased on getting the hard ware and software working that i forgot to get this ship shaped you know what i mean :: Picks up some fogoten tool:: some one is going to be missing this Autowrench
Druidsummerhaven (11:16:47 PM): HELM>-noticing the approaching commander Darius subtley slides his feet off the console and some what straightens up-
GeraldMStockwell (11:17:44 PM): CSTO>CO>::salutes:: zero course corrections. Ship on course and functioning nominally
LtJBondUSN (11:18:16 PM): Vs> Ceng> this ship looks like it just came out of a packing crate. It probably hasn't even been field tested yet... We're gonna need a dozen guys here to get all of the junk sorted out
Xv Druid Melody (11:18:28 PM): CO>CSTO> awesome, nice work. What are the other stations doing?
Druidsummerhaven (11:19:14 PM): ((still playing mexican radio sir))
GeraldMStockwell (11:19:33 PM): CSTO>Helm has demostrated the 'stick' Method. Engineering is working on Nova and the rest are all avialable
GeraldMStockwell (11:19:40 PM): If needed
Druidsummerhaven (11:19:59 PM): HELM_holds up the broom stick with a smirk sliding it under the console-
PhantomX0383 (11:20:29 PM): {CENG}{VS}ya I get my kids down here +T+{ENG} engineering teams baker and delta please report to the Nova on the double ::powers up one of the console and gronds:: {VS} Look at this the torpido casings are still in there cantaneers the magazens have not even been assempled
Xv Druid Melody (11:20:49 PM): CO>CSTO> nice. Way to be on top of things, I might just put you in charge of the night shift
Druidsummerhaven (11:22:15 PM): ((or as well call it coffee watch or" nothing eventful happens till data is in command))
lizzycooper05 (11:22:37 PM): CSCI>::Keeps an eye on the sensors::
PhantomX0383 (11:22:56 PM): {CENG}{VS} hey...can this little box HOLD a dozan guys?
LtJBondUSN (11:23:38 PM): Vs> Ceng> I suppose the small arms are all still in packing peanuts. +Co+ Captain, Bond here. We need a few laborers down here. The supplies are still on boxes, the weapons are in pieces, and from the look of the hull, it's never even been in open space yet...
Armitage 91x (11:24:33 PM): MXO>::sighs and sits back down::
Xv Druid Melody (11:25:14 PM): CO+t+VS> well of course its been in open space, how else would it get attached to the Frontier?...CSTO> make sure they have the help they need... A crew of 2000, there has gotta be someone sitting around
LtJBondUSN (11:26:16 PM): Vs> +Co+ i wouldn't be so sure about that Sir, maybe TOWED through open space at the best, but thank you, we're on it.
PhantomX0383 (11:26:27 PM): {CENG} How the he..... {VS} Some one but a pool table in the galley?
Xv Druid Melody (11:27:03 PM): ===LAST LINES===
GeraldMStockwell (11:27:17 PM): CSTO>::Salutes and returns to station::
PhantomX0383 (11:27:28 PM): {CENG}:: looking throw his reqasition forms :: I cant find pool table at all..... Who the hell made this mix up
Druidsummerhaven (11:27:40 PM): HELM> conmtnues working on his rubix cube pulling it out form under the console-
WIndStormtoSivao (11:27:44 PM): MCO>::Enters the Marine Deck::
LtJBondUSN (11:28:26 PM): Vs> Ceng> I don't even wanna know... ::Peels a laminant off of a table-top::
Xv Druid Melody (11:29:10 PM): ===PAUSE===
Druidsummerhaven (11:29:15 PM): ::AA::
PhantomX0383 (11:29:17 PM): {CENG}{VS} It doesn't even have the billiard balls or sticks ITS just the table.....this is a njightmare... why do cammand officers make this requests