Post by Cmdr Dominique Fleury on Sept 16, 2010 20:07:52 GMT -5
CmdrSolanSloan (9:59:29 PM): ATTENTION!
CmdrSolanSloan (9:59:33 PM): ::AA::
TracyjonesTFP (9:59:40 PM): ::AA::
EnsignBKeyren (9:59:46 PM): ::AA::
MoonshadowsToNEN (9:59:47 PM): ::AA:: ::^-^::
Asano Nitobe (9:59:52 PM): :AA::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:00:25 PM): For the record..state your name, rank and position.
Asano Nitobe (10:00:30 PM): OPS>LtCmdr Asano Nitobe
CmdrSolanSloan (10:00:40 PM): XO>Cmdr Solan Sloan
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:00:43 PM): SCI> Ens. Moonshadows to Ennien
TracyjonesTFP (10:00:43 PM): CSCE>Lt Tracy Jones
EnsignBKeyren (10:00:56 PM): FCO > Ensign Britt Keyren
CaptJeffAddison (10:01:29 PM): CO> Captain Jefferson Addison
CaptJeffAddison (10:02:02 PM): Well its good to see everyone back. has everyone recovered from their holiday?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:02:41 PM): Mun is in mourning sir... lost two old friends Satureday and then Tuesday
TracyjonesTFP (10:02:44 PM): I recoverd from last week
CmdrSolanSloan (10:02:55 PM): The Empire doesn't grant holidays, lol
EnsignBKeyren (10:02:57 PM): there was a holiday?
CaptJeffAddison (10:03:01 PM): my condolences to your mun
CaptJeffAddison (10:03:42 PM): However, there will be no mercy as far as post holiday depression, you are in the Empire there is no depression
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:03:43 PM): Thank you - one was 97 and one was on a BB during WWII
CaptJeffAddison (10:04:07 PM): As least they lived a good long life
CaptJeffAddison (10:05:08 PM): Mission briefing:
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:11 PM): We have sent in probes and have been examining this stable rift to the Gamma quadrant.
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:23 PM): We are about to enter unknown territory
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:30 PM): Are there any questions?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:06:37 PM): Sir no SIR
TracyjonesTFP (10:06:41 PM): No Sir
Asano Nitobe (10:06:50 PM): No, Captain.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:06:50 PM): No, Sir
EnsignBKeyren (10:07:01 PM): No, sir
CaptJeffAddison (10:08:11 PM): ++RESUME SIM+++
EnsignBKeyren (10:08:41 PM): FCO > Sitting at Navigations, awaiting orders::
TracyjonesTFP (10:08:50 PM): CSEC>::Has her teams on highten aleart::
Asano Nitobe (10:09:11 PM): OPS>::AT station, Checking readings::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:09:19 PM): XO> ::Hands the Captain the preliminary battle plan as ordered.::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:11:09 PM): SCI>::At her console, surrepticiously reading training mauals on Tigetr style::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:12:56 PM): XO> Nitobe, MoonShadows, what are the results of the scan from the second probe?
EnsignBKeyren (10:13:59 PM): FCO > ::She fidgets in her seat a little, getting a little antzy::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:14:04 PM): SCI> She switches the modes on the board, runs a scan of surerounding space::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:14:51 PM): SCI>Conn> Space seems clear around us....
TracyjonesTFP (10:15:08 PM): CSCE>::Listens to the bridge::
Asano Nitobe (10:15:30 PM): OPS>XO> So far, no signs of any space traffic on the other side, according to the second probe.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:16:15 PM): XO>"Seems" clear isn't good enough. Security. Readiness report.
TracyjonesTFP (10:17:09 PM): CSEC>XO>All security teams on standby all vitial areas well have dubble security
CmdrSolanSloan (10:18:06 PM): XO>Keyren, stay on course. Any anomalous readings from within the rift?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:18:47 PM): SCI>::Runs another, more comprehensive scan:: XO> My sensors are clear
EnsignBKeyren (10:18:57 PM): FCO > XO > Yes, sir. Maintaining course and speed
TracyjonesTFP (10:21:18 PM): CSEC>::Wonders what is on the other side::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:21:21 PM): XO>::Still thinks the Captain is a fool to think they can "invade" an unknown sector with a single ship:: Ops, what does Tactical report? Are weapons at full power and do we have full armament?
CaptJeffAddison (10:21:24 PM): CO::
CaptJeffAddison (10:21:54 PM): CO> ::Looks at the data on Nitobe's station::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:22:06 PM): SCI>::She maintains a carreful watch... she wants NO part of shipboard discipline::
Asano Nitobe (10:22:49 PM): OPS>XO> Ship is on Yellow alert status. We have a full load of qhantum, Photon And B.A.T.'s. Phasers have been upgraded at our last stop.
Asano Nitobe (10:23:38 PM): OPS>XO> Phasers and Sheilds now fully auto-modulative.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:24:06 PM): XO>CO> All stations green Captain. Ready to proceed on your order.
CaptJeffAddison (10:25:08 PM): CO>XO> Cloak us and take us in full impulse
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:25:47 PM): SCI>ZXO> Sensors to passive, Commander?
CmdrSolanSloan (10:26:56 PM): XO>FCO>Ops> Cloak and engage. Maintain sensor scans.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:27:22 PM): SCI>XO> Sensors remain on ACTIVE!
Asano Nitobe (10:27:23 PM): OPS>XO>Cloak engaged.
EnsignBKeyren (10:27:57 PM): FCO > Navigational scans active and passive, engaging and taking us through the wormhole ::taps a key to get the ship going and into the wormhole::
TracyjonesTFP (10:28:37 PM): CSEC>::Watches the View Screen::
CaptJeffAddison (10:30:49 PM): CO>::A Yoeman brings in a glass of brady and he swishes it in the glass as he watches the main viewer::Yoeman> Thank you.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:31:30 PM): SCI>::Her sensitive nose picksw up tjhe scent of alcohol... she sneezes and endures::
TracyjonesTFP (10:31:32 PM): CSEC>::Looks at the Yoeman with a smile::
EnsignBKeyren (10:32:25 PM): FCO > ::her attention remains on the viewscreen, even if she felt the yeoman::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:32:31 PM): XO> ::Watches the screen and the massive whorl of the rift around them.:: Are shields holding? ::has the impression the wormhole is sucking the life and power from the ship::
Asano Nitobe (10:33:51 PM): OPS>XO> Sheilds are holding, however we are getting a power-cascade buildup that appears to be emanating from the Cloaking emitters. Reccomend de-cloaking until we are through.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:35:05 PM): XO>::Raises an eyeborw in question as the Captain sips his drink::
CaptJeffAddison (10:35:19 PM): CO>::Notices his normally unflappable XO is a bit skiddish about the wormhole::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:35:29 PM): SCI>::She pulls up the information on cloaks and what is known about wormholes, cross references.... agrees with OPS but says nothing::
CaptJeffAddison (10:36:06 PM): CO>OPS> Make it happen, but I want that cloak rasied the mometn we clear.
Asano Nitobe (10:36:23 PM): OPS>CO> Taking cloak down.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:36:30 PM): SCI>::Relieved she did NOT ,make a faux pas... ::
EnsignBKeyren (10:36:40 PM): FCO > ::wonders if the doctro has anything to do with the XO being more skiddish then he normally is::
EnsignBKeyren (10:36:59 PM): doctor*\
CaptJeffAddison (10:37:13 PM): CO>SCI> Ensign this would be a good time to take readings on the effects of passage through the wormhole on the ship. Command will need that information.
TracyjonesTFP (10:37:33 PM): CSEC>CO>Its quite intersting
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:37:43 PM): SCI>CO> Sir! Full scans... recording!
EnsignBKeyren (10:38:25 PM): FCO > ::She didn't use navigational sensors yet as they weren't through the wormhole yet::
CaptJeffAddison (10:38:27 PM): CO>CSEC> It is quite simply something that shouldn't exist, and yet it does.
TracyjonesTFP (10:39:21 PM): CSEC>::Nods::
EnsignBKeyren (10:40:30 PM): FCO > CSec, CO > wormholes are just gateways to a different part of the universe,
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:40:51 PM): SCI>::She had already been scanning, but didn't thbink she should point that out::
CaptJeffAddison (10:41:11 PM): ACTION:
TracyjonesTFP (10:41:29 PM): CSEC>FCO> Yes but their not stable this one is
CaptJeffAddison (10:41:34 PM): ACTION: They exit the wormhold with a slight shudder::
EnsignBKeyren (10:41:52 PM): FCO > CO > We;ve cleared the wormhole, Captain
Asano Nitobe (10:42:06 PM): OPS>CO> Raising cloak.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:42:11 PM): XO> ::Releases a relieved breath::
TracyjonesTFP (10:42:14 PM): CSEC>::feels the ship shudder::
CaptJeffAddison (10:42:38 PM): CO>Bridge> See that wasn't so bad was it?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:42:46 PM): SCI>XO> Wormhole scans complete... recorded... switching tot long range sensors - searching for traffic in our area
EnsignBKeyren (10:42:54 PM): FCO > ::she felt the shutter, and didn't think too much of it. She activated navigational scans:: CSec > Perhaps we will encounter more stable wormholes along our travels
TracyjonesTFP (10:44:21 PM): CSEC>FCO> This is possable, as stable worme whole shows they can exsist, I'd like to know how its doing it
Asano Nitobe (10:45:09 PM): OPS>NOIP I suspect it is not a totally natural occurrence.
EnsignBKeyren (10:45:26 PM): FCO > CSec > I don't question a horse that gives gives from his mouth, i believe the human expression is said
EnsignBKeyren (10:45:38 PM): gives gifts *
CaptJeffAddison (10:45:45 PM): CO>Bridge> While we are all playing closet philospher, can someone monitor communications. It would be a good idea to find out who is in power here.
Asano Nitobe (10:46:23 PM): OPS>CO> I have ben scanning on all frequencies, sir.
CaptJeffAddison (10:46:52 PM): CO>OPs> Thank you Mr. Nitobe. Its good to know one of us is still working
CmdrSolanSloan (10:47:06 PM): XO>::Sighs in exasperation:: I would like to remind everyone that we already have an entire universe we could have returned to and conquered. I don't for one minute believe that ship we encountered was in fact "Indomitable".
TracyjonesTFP (10:47:24 PM): CSEC>::Thinks thats Ops job anyway::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:47:31 PM): ScI>CO> Readoing no shipping in range of my sensors... we are alone - so far sir
EnsignBKeyren (10:47:50 PM): FCO > CO > I like to think we are all working, Captain, just expressing theories as well
CaptJeffAddison (10:48:11 PM): CO>XO>Okay Mr Sloan, show us how to get back there and bring a fleet with us?
Asano Nitobe (10:48:29 PM): OPS>SCI> Begin a scan for possible M-Class planets.
TracyjonesTFP (10:48:47 PM): CSEC>XO> Theirs no evedence were in another Unverise
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:48:52 PM): SCI>OPS> Switching search modes!
CaptJeffAddison (10:48:54 PM): ACTION: In the comm chatter, the name
CaptJeffAddison (10:49:15 PM): 'Confederation is repeated several times and referenced.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:49:40 PM): XO>CO>Hyperstring reversal. Follow it back to it's origin. As long as that idiot temporal traveller doesn't show up again.
Asano Nitobe (10:49:44 PM): OPS>CO> Picking up something on subspace...
Asano Nitobe (10:50:12 PM): OPS> Running theorugh the UT....
Asano Nitobe (10:50:34 PM): OPS>CO> Something about a...Confederation. I can make out that much.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:50:54 PM): SCI>Starts wswitching modes rapidly, looking for ships, back to looking for planets::
EnsignBKeyren (10:51:06 PM): FCO > ::She glanced curiously at Nitobe::
CaptJeffAddison (10:51:53 PM): CO>XO>Nice theory, but you do realize Defiant is the only ship in the fleet with a slip steam drive capable of repeating that feet and we'll as you pointed out so succinctly before need 'more than one ship'. I'm sorry, Termperal captains notwithstanding that we couldn't bring you a ship back to command. You'll just have to do it the old fashoned way.. earn your command.
Asano Nitobe (10:53:18 PM): OPS>::Raises a brow::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:53:33 PM): XO> ::Glowers and refuses to speak anymore on the subject::
Asano Nitobe (10:54:40 PM): OPS>CO>Attempting to trace the source of the signal.
CaptJeffAddison (10:54:54 PM): CO>OPS> This Confederation seems interesting. Have the computer isolate any more references and hone in on one of the trans missions.
CaptJeffAddison (10:55:03 PM): +++LAST LINES++
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:55:31 PM): SCI>OPS> No Class M planets detected - as yet
Asano Nitobe (10:55:40 PM): OPS>CO> Working.
EnsignBKeyren (10:56:42 PM): FCO > ::She taps her fingers on her control board::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:57:29 PM): XO>NOIP> The possibility also exists that whatever we find here won't even be worth the trouble it took to get here.
CaptJeffAddison (10:57:41 PM): +++PAUSE SIM+++
CmdrSolanSloan (10:57:47 PM): ::AA::
CmdrSolanSloan (9:59:33 PM): ::AA::
TracyjonesTFP (9:59:40 PM): ::AA::
EnsignBKeyren (9:59:46 PM): ::AA::
MoonshadowsToNEN (9:59:47 PM): ::AA:: ::^-^::
Asano Nitobe (9:59:52 PM): :AA::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:00:25 PM): For the record..state your name, rank and position.
Asano Nitobe (10:00:30 PM): OPS>LtCmdr Asano Nitobe
CmdrSolanSloan (10:00:40 PM): XO>Cmdr Solan Sloan
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:00:43 PM): SCI> Ens. Moonshadows to Ennien
TracyjonesTFP (10:00:43 PM): CSCE>Lt Tracy Jones
EnsignBKeyren (10:00:56 PM): FCO > Ensign Britt Keyren
CaptJeffAddison (10:01:29 PM): CO> Captain Jefferson Addison
CaptJeffAddison (10:02:02 PM): Well its good to see everyone back. has everyone recovered from their holiday?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:02:41 PM): Mun is in mourning sir... lost two old friends Satureday and then Tuesday
TracyjonesTFP (10:02:44 PM): I recoverd from last week
CmdrSolanSloan (10:02:55 PM): The Empire doesn't grant holidays, lol
EnsignBKeyren (10:02:57 PM): there was a holiday?
CaptJeffAddison (10:03:01 PM): my condolences to your mun
CaptJeffAddison (10:03:42 PM): However, there will be no mercy as far as post holiday depression, you are in the Empire there is no depression
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:03:43 PM): Thank you - one was 97 and one was on a BB during WWII
CaptJeffAddison (10:04:07 PM): As least they lived a good long life
CaptJeffAddison (10:05:08 PM): Mission briefing:
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:11 PM): We have sent in probes and have been examining this stable rift to the Gamma quadrant.
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:23 PM): We are about to enter unknown territory
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:30 PM): Are there any questions?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:06:37 PM): Sir no SIR
TracyjonesTFP (10:06:41 PM): No Sir
Asano Nitobe (10:06:50 PM): No, Captain.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:06:50 PM): No, Sir
EnsignBKeyren (10:07:01 PM): No, sir
CaptJeffAddison (10:08:11 PM): ++RESUME SIM+++
EnsignBKeyren (10:08:41 PM): FCO > Sitting at Navigations, awaiting orders::
TracyjonesTFP (10:08:50 PM): CSEC>::Has her teams on highten aleart::
Asano Nitobe (10:09:11 PM): OPS>::AT station, Checking readings::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:09:19 PM): XO> ::Hands the Captain the preliminary battle plan as ordered.::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:11:09 PM): SCI>::At her console, surrepticiously reading training mauals on Tigetr style::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:12:56 PM): XO> Nitobe, MoonShadows, what are the results of the scan from the second probe?
EnsignBKeyren (10:13:59 PM): FCO > ::She fidgets in her seat a little, getting a little antzy::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:14:04 PM): SCI> She switches the modes on the board, runs a scan of surerounding space::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:14:51 PM): SCI>Conn> Space seems clear around us....
TracyjonesTFP (10:15:08 PM): CSCE>::Listens to the bridge::
Asano Nitobe (10:15:30 PM): OPS>XO> So far, no signs of any space traffic on the other side, according to the second probe.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:16:15 PM): XO>"Seems" clear isn't good enough. Security. Readiness report.
TracyjonesTFP (10:17:09 PM): CSEC>XO>All security teams on standby all vitial areas well have dubble security
CmdrSolanSloan (10:18:06 PM): XO>Keyren, stay on course. Any anomalous readings from within the rift?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:18:47 PM): SCI>::Runs another, more comprehensive scan:: XO> My sensors are clear
EnsignBKeyren (10:18:57 PM): FCO > XO > Yes, sir. Maintaining course and speed
TracyjonesTFP (10:21:18 PM): CSEC>::Wonders what is on the other side::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:21:21 PM): XO>::Still thinks the Captain is a fool to think they can "invade" an unknown sector with a single ship:: Ops, what does Tactical report? Are weapons at full power and do we have full armament?
CaptJeffAddison (10:21:24 PM): CO::
CaptJeffAddison (10:21:54 PM): CO> ::Looks at the data on Nitobe's station::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:22:06 PM): SCI>::She maintains a carreful watch... she wants NO part of shipboard discipline::
Asano Nitobe (10:22:49 PM): OPS>XO> Ship is on Yellow alert status. We have a full load of qhantum, Photon And B.A.T.'s. Phasers have been upgraded at our last stop.
Asano Nitobe (10:23:38 PM): OPS>XO> Phasers and Sheilds now fully auto-modulative.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:24:06 PM): XO>CO> All stations green Captain. Ready to proceed on your order.
CaptJeffAddison (10:25:08 PM): CO>XO> Cloak us and take us in full impulse
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:25:47 PM): SCI>ZXO> Sensors to passive, Commander?
CmdrSolanSloan (10:26:56 PM): XO>FCO>Ops> Cloak and engage. Maintain sensor scans.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:27:22 PM): SCI>XO> Sensors remain on ACTIVE!
Asano Nitobe (10:27:23 PM): OPS>XO>Cloak engaged.
EnsignBKeyren (10:27:57 PM): FCO > Navigational scans active and passive, engaging and taking us through the wormhole ::taps a key to get the ship going and into the wormhole::
TracyjonesTFP (10:28:37 PM): CSEC>::Watches the View Screen::
CaptJeffAddison (10:30:49 PM): CO>::A Yoeman brings in a glass of brady and he swishes it in the glass as he watches the main viewer::Yoeman> Thank you.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:31:30 PM): SCI>::Her sensitive nose picksw up tjhe scent of alcohol... she sneezes and endures::
TracyjonesTFP (10:31:32 PM): CSEC>::Looks at the Yoeman with a smile::
EnsignBKeyren (10:32:25 PM): FCO > ::her attention remains on the viewscreen, even if she felt the yeoman::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:32:31 PM): XO> ::Watches the screen and the massive whorl of the rift around them.:: Are shields holding? ::has the impression the wormhole is sucking the life and power from the ship::
Asano Nitobe (10:33:51 PM): OPS>XO> Sheilds are holding, however we are getting a power-cascade buildup that appears to be emanating from the Cloaking emitters. Reccomend de-cloaking until we are through.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:35:05 PM): XO>::Raises an eyeborw in question as the Captain sips his drink::
CaptJeffAddison (10:35:19 PM): CO>::Notices his normally unflappable XO is a bit skiddish about the wormhole::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:35:29 PM): SCI>::She pulls up the information on cloaks and what is known about wormholes, cross references.... agrees with OPS but says nothing::
CaptJeffAddison (10:36:06 PM): CO>OPS> Make it happen, but I want that cloak rasied the mometn we clear.
Asano Nitobe (10:36:23 PM): OPS>CO> Taking cloak down.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:36:30 PM): SCI>::Relieved she did NOT ,make a faux pas... ::
EnsignBKeyren (10:36:40 PM): FCO > ::wonders if the doctro has anything to do with the XO being more skiddish then he normally is::
EnsignBKeyren (10:36:59 PM): doctor*\
CaptJeffAddison (10:37:13 PM): CO>SCI> Ensign this would be a good time to take readings on the effects of passage through the wormhole on the ship. Command will need that information.
TracyjonesTFP (10:37:33 PM): CSEC>CO>Its quite intersting
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:37:43 PM): SCI>CO> Sir! Full scans... recording!
EnsignBKeyren (10:38:25 PM): FCO > ::She didn't use navigational sensors yet as they weren't through the wormhole yet::
CaptJeffAddison (10:38:27 PM): CO>CSEC> It is quite simply something that shouldn't exist, and yet it does.
TracyjonesTFP (10:39:21 PM): CSEC>::Nods::
EnsignBKeyren (10:40:30 PM): FCO > CSec, CO > wormholes are just gateways to a different part of the universe,
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:40:51 PM): SCI>::She had already been scanning, but didn't thbink she should point that out::
CaptJeffAddison (10:41:11 PM): ACTION:
TracyjonesTFP (10:41:29 PM): CSEC>FCO> Yes but their not stable this one is
CaptJeffAddison (10:41:34 PM): ACTION: They exit the wormhold with a slight shudder::
EnsignBKeyren (10:41:52 PM): FCO > CO > We;ve cleared the wormhole, Captain
Asano Nitobe (10:42:06 PM): OPS>CO> Raising cloak.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:42:11 PM): XO> ::Releases a relieved breath::
TracyjonesTFP (10:42:14 PM): CSEC>::feels the ship shudder::
CaptJeffAddison (10:42:38 PM): CO>Bridge> See that wasn't so bad was it?
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:42:46 PM): SCI>XO> Wormhole scans complete... recorded... switching tot long range sensors - searching for traffic in our area
EnsignBKeyren (10:42:54 PM): FCO > ::she felt the shutter, and didn't think too much of it. She activated navigational scans:: CSec > Perhaps we will encounter more stable wormholes along our travels
TracyjonesTFP (10:44:21 PM): CSEC>FCO> This is possable, as stable worme whole shows they can exsist, I'd like to know how its doing it
Asano Nitobe (10:45:09 PM): OPS>NOIP I suspect it is not a totally natural occurrence.
EnsignBKeyren (10:45:26 PM): FCO > CSec > I don't question a horse that gives gives from his mouth, i believe the human expression is said
EnsignBKeyren (10:45:38 PM): gives gifts *
CaptJeffAddison (10:45:45 PM): CO>Bridge> While we are all playing closet philospher, can someone monitor communications. It would be a good idea to find out who is in power here.
Asano Nitobe (10:46:23 PM): OPS>CO> I have ben scanning on all frequencies, sir.
CaptJeffAddison (10:46:52 PM): CO>OPs> Thank you Mr. Nitobe. Its good to know one of us is still working
CmdrSolanSloan (10:47:06 PM): XO>::Sighs in exasperation:: I would like to remind everyone that we already have an entire universe we could have returned to and conquered. I don't for one minute believe that ship we encountered was in fact "Indomitable".
TracyjonesTFP (10:47:24 PM): CSEC>::Thinks thats Ops job anyway::
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:47:31 PM): ScI>CO> Readoing no shipping in range of my sensors... we are alone - so far sir
EnsignBKeyren (10:47:50 PM): FCO > CO > I like to think we are all working, Captain, just expressing theories as well
CaptJeffAddison (10:48:11 PM): CO>XO>Okay Mr Sloan, show us how to get back there and bring a fleet with us?
Asano Nitobe (10:48:29 PM): OPS>SCI> Begin a scan for possible M-Class planets.
TracyjonesTFP (10:48:47 PM): CSEC>XO> Theirs no evedence were in another Unverise
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:48:52 PM): SCI>OPS> Switching search modes!
CaptJeffAddison (10:48:54 PM): ACTION: In the comm chatter, the name
CaptJeffAddison (10:49:15 PM): 'Confederation is repeated several times and referenced.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:49:40 PM): XO>CO>Hyperstring reversal. Follow it back to it's origin. As long as that idiot temporal traveller doesn't show up again.
Asano Nitobe (10:49:44 PM): OPS>CO> Picking up something on subspace...
Asano Nitobe (10:50:12 PM): OPS> Running theorugh the UT....
Asano Nitobe (10:50:34 PM): OPS>CO> Something about a...Confederation. I can make out that much.
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:50:54 PM): SCI>Starts wswitching modes rapidly, looking for ships, back to looking for planets::
EnsignBKeyren (10:51:06 PM): FCO > ::She glanced curiously at Nitobe::
CaptJeffAddison (10:51:53 PM): CO>XO>Nice theory, but you do realize Defiant is the only ship in the fleet with a slip steam drive capable of repeating that feet and we'll as you pointed out so succinctly before need 'more than one ship'. I'm sorry, Termperal captains notwithstanding that we couldn't bring you a ship back to command. You'll just have to do it the old fashoned way.. earn your command.
Asano Nitobe (10:53:18 PM): OPS>::Raises a brow::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:53:33 PM): XO> ::Glowers and refuses to speak anymore on the subject::
Asano Nitobe (10:54:40 PM): OPS>CO>Attempting to trace the source of the signal.
CaptJeffAddison (10:54:54 PM): CO>OPS> This Confederation seems interesting. Have the computer isolate any more references and hone in on one of the trans missions.
CaptJeffAddison (10:55:03 PM): +++LAST LINES++
MoonshadowsToNEN (10:55:31 PM): SCI>OPS> No Class M planets detected - as yet
Asano Nitobe (10:55:40 PM): OPS>CO> Working.
EnsignBKeyren (10:56:42 PM): FCO > ::She taps her fingers on her control board::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:57:29 PM): XO>NOIP> The possibility also exists that whatever we find here won't even be worth the trouble it took to get here.
CaptJeffAddison (10:57:41 PM): +++PAUSE SIM+++
CmdrSolanSloan (10:57:47 PM): ::AA::