Post by Cmdr Dominique Fleury on Sept 2, 2010 19:28:30 GMT -5
CmdrSolanSloan (10:01:58 PM): ATTENTION!
TracyjonesTFP (10:02:04 PM): ::AA::
Asano Nitobe (10:02:06 PM): ::AA::
EnsignBKeyren (10:02:18 PM): ::AA::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:03:27 PM): State your name, rank and position for the record.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:03:40 PM): XO>Cmdr Solan Sloan
TracyjonesTFP (10:03:45 PM): CSEC>Lt Tracy Jones
Asano Nitobe (10:03:50 PM): OPS> LtCmdr Asano Nitobe
CaptJeffAddison (10:04:11 PM): CO> Captain and all about Raconteer Jefferson Addison
EnsignBKeyren (10:04:29 PM): FCO > Ensign Britt Keyren
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:39 PM): Mission Briefing:
CaptJeffAddison (10:07:54 PM): As of our last episode. The Captain had decided that there was a hidden gateway, much to the ridicule of others ::looks at Sloan:: Our Operations officer proposed sending in a probe. We are making preperations for that.
CaptJeffAddison (10:08:04 PM): Understood @@ Questions ::RH:
TracyjonesTFP (10:08:15 PM): @@
CmdrSolanSloan (10:08:23 PM): @@
Asano Nitobe (10:08:35 PM): @@
EnsignBKeyren (10:08:43 PM): @@
CaptJeffAddison (10:08:57 PM): ++RESUME SIM++
TracyjonesTFP (10:09:34 PM): CSEC>::At her station looking over the bridge::
EnsignBKeyren (10:09:49 PM): FCO > ::Seated at the helm controls, awaiting orders, and not in a too pleasant mood::
Asano Nitobe (10:10:45 PM): OPS>::At station preparing the probe's protocols::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:11:07 PM): XO>: ::Still in a foul mood, fouler since he doesn't have access to his 'usual' release.::
TracyjonesTFP (10:12:24 PM): CSEC>::Checks on her men making sure they are in their postions::
EnsignBKeyren (10:13:05 PM): FCO > ::double checks the coordinates the captain gave her, making sure their is no errors::
CaptJeffAddison (10:14:13 PM): CO>::Noting that without his usual distractions Sloan seems to have a giant stick shoved up his backside.:
TracyjonesTFP (10:14:31 PM): CSEC>::Thinks about the fun she had with Hocking::
EnsignBKeyren (10:15:48 PM): FCO > ::Glances at Nitobe, checking to see if he has the probe ready, wondering what's taking so long::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:16:06 PM): XO> ::Stiffly hands the Captain a padd with the preliminary srategic info on in.:: CO>This is all we can do until we have more information.
Asano Nitobe (10:16:16 PM): OPS>CO> We are ready, Sir.
CaptJeffAddison (10:16:41 PM): CO>OPS>Then by all means Commander, 'shoot your wad'.
TracyjonesTFP (10:17:14 PM): CSEC>::looks at OPS and smiles::
Asano Nitobe (10:17:29 PM): OPS>:oes not appreciate the pun. Target the probe to given coordinates and commences the launch::
EnsignBKeyren (10:17:37 PM): FCO > ::she looked over her shoulder at the captain with a raised brow::
CaptJeffAddison (10:17:56 PM): CO>::Takes the PADD:: XO> I don't expect an invasion plan in one day, but lets remember that Our emperor only had one ship too. This is the Defiant Damn it, and we should act like it instead of cringing like a bunch of scared women.
Asano Nitobe (10:20:09 PM): OPS>CO> Probe is away. We should see an event horizin as it enters the aperture.
EnsignBKeyren (10:20:37 PM): FCO > ::As she looks back to her controls, she thinks there are no scared women around here, except maybe for the Security Chief::
TracyjonesTFP (10:20:37 PM): CSEC>::Looks at the view screen::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:20:53 PM): XO> ::His jaw works as he holds back the retort while his hands curl into fists.:: CO>You think that just because we go in there shouting "We are the Empire. Fear us! that they'll just lay down their arms and acknoledge us?
TracyjonesTFP (10:21:42 PM): CSEC>::Watches the XO and keeps ready::
CaptJeffAddison (10:21:53 PM): ACTION:The probe gets closer and closer and then it happens the worm hole opens with bright light and swiling cloud:
CaptJeffAddison (10:23:09 PM): CO>XO> All the time in the Academy did you ever crack and book and actually read or did you just find the smartest girl and pry you charms on her? Of course I don't expect that, but I also expect us to pretend like we took a class or two in tactics.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:23:23 PM): XO>::Temporarily forgets his arguments are he watches the swirling vortex open:: What the Hell?!
CaptJeffAddison (10:23:52 PM): CO>::Notices::XO> No Gateway eh?
EnsignBKeyren (10:23:59 PM): FCO > ::looks up at the screen while keeping a mental eye on Tracy::
Asano Nitobe (10:24:10 PM): OPS>CO> The probe will run a preliminary scan, and then return the way it came.
TracyjonesTFP (10:25:04 PM): CSEC>::Looks at the wormhole but keeps an eye on the XO::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:26:23 PM): XO>CO> Frist rule..Know your enemy. Ops> I'm sure Mr. Nitobe would agree? CO> What is it you think is on the other side that we can prepare for?
CmdrSolanSloan (10:27:22 PM): XO>CO> For that matter what makes you think there even IS another side?
TracyjonesTFP (10:28:10 PM): CSEC>::Shakes her head::
Asano Nitobe (10:28:58 PM): OPS>XO> We will know in a moment. It is coming back through.
CaptJeffAddison (10:31:42 PM): CO>XO> If you are going to quote sun tzu quote him correctly. "Know they enemy and know thyself"
TracyjonesTFP (10:32:25 PM): CSEC>::Can't help but smile::
CaptJeffAddison (10:32:46 PM): ACTION: The probe suddenly sends data for a new star field.
EnsignBKeyren (10:32:57 PM): FCO > ::waits for the probe to return::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:32:59 PM): XO>CO>Then it would be "Know thine enemy and thyself, but let's not quibble about translation shall we?
Asano Nitobe (10:33:15 PM): OPS>CO>Recieving data and telemetry
CaptJeffAddison (10:33:51 PM): CO>XO> Or quote theory taught in prepatory school.
Asano Nitobe (10:34:32 PM): OPS>::Is watching the data coming in off the probe:: >CO>Correlating star charts....
TracyjonesTFP (10:35:58 PM): CSEC>::Her eyes widen at the mention of a star feild::
EnsignBKeyren (10:37:05 PM): FCO > ::turns back toward Ops, curious what readings the probe found::
Asano Nitobe (10:37:40 PM): OPS>CO> According to data, this anomaly is what some physicists call a "Wormhole". If these carts are read correctly by the main computer, it will take us to a point roughly 70,000 light years from here.
Asano Nitobe (10:38:44 PM): OPS>CO> In the Gamma Quadrant. Unexplored as of yet.
EnsignBKeyren (10:40:03 PM): FCO > ::her eyes light up a bit, hearing of enexplored space yet to be expored. The wonders they can see, the loot they could take::
TracyjonesTFP (10:40:14 PM): CSEC>OPS> 70,000 light years in minutes
CaptJeffAddison (10:41:17 PM): CO>XO>Well now Mr Sloan. We are heading into a new Quadrant of space. now if the idea still frieghtens you. YOu can always take a runabout back home. I'm sure Mr Nitobe will be happy to accept you position.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:41:28 PM): XO> ::Crosses arms :: CO>You will never be Blackledge. Where he had courage and foresight, you have nothing but bluster and bravado.
EnsignBKeyren (10:42:16 PM): FCO > ::looks back toward Tracy:: CSec > Can your little mind comprehend that? 70,000 light years in mere moments?
Asano Nitobe (10:43:22 PM): OPS>CO> I would also add, that Wormholes as we've known them, are generally unstable. The aperture or terminus could move inpredictably.
CaptJeffAddison (10:43:33 PM): CO>XO> You have no idea what I have and you never will. Where as you think small and are small time, there are others who want to take the universe in the palm of our hand and squeeze it for what its worth. You on the other hand would be happy with a 'bed warmer' an d a few scraps of gold.
TracyjonesTFP (10:43:49 PM): CSEC>::Looks at Britt:: FCO> You be supprised what I can comperhend
EnsignBKeyren (10:44:30 PM): FCO > CSec > I doubt that ::gives the captain a scathing look at his bed warmer comment::
TracyjonesTFP (10:45:09 PM): CSEC>FCO> Pay attention to your station
EnsignBKeyren (10:45:50 PM): FCO > CSEC > ::back to Tracy:: You do the same instead of having your eyes on the commander
CaptJeffAddison (10:46:00 PM): CO>OPs> Have you gotten any data on life on the other side?
Asano Nitobe (10:46:15 PM): OPS>::Is becoming concerned. The Captain should not allow his second to bring him to anger in front of the crew. He is allowing Sloan to manipulate him::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:46:46 PM): XO>CO> You may conquer a universe and still never have mastered yourself.
TracyjonesTFP (10:46:47 PM): CSEC>::smiles and thinks how good the Commander looks::
CaptJeffAddison (10:47:44 PM): CO>:ecides he had enough banter and is more interested in his future::
EnsignBKeyren (10:47:52 PM): FCO > ::back to Sloan and Addison:: CO, XO > With all due respect sir, can you stop quibbling like two scholl children and act like adults who can work together?
EnsignBKeyren (10:48:03 PM): *sirs
Asano Nitobe (10:48:13 PM): OPS>CO> NO life signs as of yet. The closetst thing we will see if we go through is a "Supergiant" star, and 2 spectral "O" class companion stars.
EnsignBKeyren (10:48:23 PM): *school
EnsignBKeyren (10:49:59 PM): FCO > ::not expecting an answer, she turns back to her station::
CaptJeffAddison (10:50:39 PM): CO>OPs> Prepare one more probe with more range and then we'll have a look see ourselves.
Asano Nitobe (10:52:00 PM): OPS>CO> Working. Probe configured.
Asano Nitobe (10:52:57 PM): OPS>::Launches the probe::
CaptJeffAddison (10:53:04 PM): ++LAST LINES++
EnsignBKeyren (10:53:55 PM): FCO > ::looks to Nitobe:: Ops > Can I get some of those star charts over here, sir, so they can be programmed into the Navigational system?
CmdrSolanSloan (10:53:56 PM): XO> :espite himself is drawn to the possibilities::
TracyjonesTFP (10:54:59 PM): CSEC>CO> The possibilites are enless what we could do their
Asano Nitobe (10:55:24 PM): OPS>::Nods to FCO< Sends the charts to her station::
EnsignBKeyren (10:56:05 PM): FCO > ::a small smile is given to Nitobe then a look back to Tracy, wondering what would she know of possibilities, then back to her station::
CaptJeffAddison (10:55:56 PM): +++PAUSE SIM+++
TracyjonesTFP (10:02:04 PM): ::AA::
Asano Nitobe (10:02:06 PM): ::AA::
EnsignBKeyren (10:02:18 PM): ::AA::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:03:27 PM): State your name, rank and position for the record.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:03:40 PM): XO>Cmdr Solan Sloan
TracyjonesTFP (10:03:45 PM): CSEC>Lt Tracy Jones
Asano Nitobe (10:03:50 PM): OPS> LtCmdr Asano Nitobe
CaptJeffAddison (10:04:11 PM): CO> Captain and all about Raconteer Jefferson Addison
EnsignBKeyren (10:04:29 PM): FCO > Ensign Britt Keyren
CaptJeffAddison (10:06:39 PM): Mission Briefing:
CaptJeffAddison (10:07:54 PM): As of our last episode. The Captain had decided that there was a hidden gateway, much to the ridicule of others ::looks at Sloan:: Our Operations officer proposed sending in a probe. We are making preperations for that.
CaptJeffAddison (10:08:04 PM): Understood @@ Questions ::RH:
TracyjonesTFP (10:08:15 PM): @@
CmdrSolanSloan (10:08:23 PM): @@
Asano Nitobe (10:08:35 PM): @@
EnsignBKeyren (10:08:43 PM): @@
CaptJeffAddison (10:08:57 PM): ++RESUME SIM++
TracyjonesTFP (10:09:34 PM): CSEC>::At her station looking over the bridge::
EnsignBKeyren (10:09:49 PM): FCO > ::Seated at the helm controls, awaiting orders, and not in a too pleasant mood::
Asano Nitobe (10:10:45 PM): OPS>::At station preparing the probe's protocols::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:11:07 PM): XO>: ::Still in a foul mood, fouler since he doesn't have access to his 'usual' release.::
TracyjonesTFP (10:12:24 PM): CSEC>::Checks on her men making sure they are in their postions::
EnsignBKeyren (10:13:05 PM): FCO > ::double checks the coordinates the captain gave her, making sure their is no errors::
CaptJeffAddison (10:14:13 PM): CO>::Noting that without his usual distractions Sloan seems to have a giant stick shoved up his backside.:
TracyjonesTFP (10:14:31 PM): CSEC>::Thinks about the fun she had with Hocking::
EnsignBKeyren (10:15:48 PM): FCO > ::Glances at Nitobe, checking to see if he has the probe ready, wondering what's taking so long::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:16:06 PM): XO> ::Stiffly hands the Captain a padd with the preliminary srategic info on in.:: CO>This is all we can do until we have more information.
Asano Nitobe (10:16:16 PM): OPS>CO> We are ready, Sir.
CaptJeffAddison (10:16:41 PM): CO>OPS>Then by all means Commander, 'shoot your wad'.
TracyjonesTFP (10:17:14 PM): CSEC>::looks at OPS and smiles::
Asano Nitobe (10:17:29 PM): OPS>:oes not appreciate the pun. Target the probe to given coordinates and commences the launch::
EnsignBKeyren (10:17:37 PM): FCO > ::she looked over her shoulder at the captain with a raised brow::
CaptJeffAddison (10:17:56 PM): CO>::Takes the PADD:: XO> I don't expect an invasion plan in one day, but lets remember that Our emperor only had one ship too. This is the Defiant Damn it, and we should act like it instead of cringing like a bunch of scared women.
Asano Nitobe (10:20:09 PM): OPS>CO> Probe is away. We should see an event horizin as it enters the aperture.
EnsignBKeyren (10:20:37 PM): FCO > ::As she looks back to her controls, she thinks there are no scared women around here, except maybe for the Security Chief::
TracyjonesTFP (10:20:37 PM): CSEC>::Looks at the view screen::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:20:53 PM): XO> ::His jaw works as he holds back the retort while his hands curl into fists.:: CO>You think that just because we go in there shouting "We are the Empire. Fear us! that they'll just lay down their arms and acknoledge us?
TracyjonesTFP (10:21:42 PM): CSEC>::Watches the XO and keeps ready::
CaptJeffAddison (10:21:53 PM): ACTION:The probe gets closer and closer and then it happens the worm hole opens with bright light and swiling cloud:
CaptJeffAddison (10:23:09 PM): CO>XO> All the time in the Academy did you ever crack and book and actually read or did you just find the smartest girl and pry you charms on her? Of course I don't expect that, but I also expect us to pretend like we took a class or two in tactics.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:23:23 PM): XO>::Temporarily forgets his arguments are he watches the swirling vortex open:: What the Hell?!
CaptJeffAddison (10:23:52 PM): CO>::Notices::XO> No Gateway eh?
EnsignBKeyren (10:23:59 PM): FCO > ::looks up at the screen while keeping a mental eye on Tracy::
Asano Nitobe (10:24:10 PM): OPS>CO> The probe will run a preliminary scan, and then return the way it came.
TracyjonesTFP (10:25:04 PM): CSEC>::Looks at the wormhole but keeps an eye on the XO::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:26:23 PM): XO>CO> Frist rule..Know your enemy. Ops> I'm sure Mr. Nitobe would agree? CO> What is it you think is on the other side that we can prepare for?
CmdrSolanSloan (10:27:22 PM): XO>CO> For that matter what makes you think there even IS another side?
TracyjonesTFP (10:28:10 PM): CSEC>::Shakes her head::
Asano Nitobe (10:28:58 PM): OPS>XO> We will know in a moment. It is coming back through.
CaptJeffAddison (10:31:42 PM): CO>XO> If you are going to quote sun tzu quote him correctly. "Know they enemy and know thyself"
TracyjonesTFP (10:32:25 PM): CSEC>::Can't help but smile::
CaptJeffAddison (10:32:46 PM): ACTION: The probe suddenly sends data for a new star field.
EnsignBKeyren (10:32:57 PM): FCO > ::waits for the probe to return::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:32:59 PM): XO>CO>Then it would be "Know thine enemy and thyself, but let's not quibble about translation shall we?
Asano Nitobe (10:33:15 PM): OPS>CO>Recieving data and telemetry
CaptJeffAddison (10:33:51 PM): CO>XO> Or quote theory taught in prepatory school.
Asano Nitobe (10:34:32 PM): OPS>::Is watching the data coming in off the probe:: >CO>Correlating star charts....
TracyjonesTFP (10:35:58 PM): CSEC>::Her eyes widen at the mention of a star feild::
EnsignBKeyren (10:37:05 PM): FCO > ::turns back toward Ops, curious what readings the probe found::
Asano Nitobe (10:37:40 PM): OPS>CO> According to data, this anomaly is what some physicists call a "Wormhole". If these carts are read correctly by the main computer, it will take us to a point roughly 70,000 light years from here.
Asano Nitobe (10:38:44 PM): OPS>CO> In the Gamma Quadrant. Unexplored as of yet.
EnsignBKeyren (10:40:03 PM): FCO > ::her eyes light up a bit, hearing of enexplored space yet to be expored. The wonders they can see, the loot they could take::
TracyjonesTFP (10:40:14 PM): CSEC>OPS> 70,000 light years in minutes
CaptJeffAddison (10:41:17 PM): CO>XO>Well now Mr Sloan. We are heading into a new Quadrant of space. now if the idea still frieghtens you. YOu can always take a runabout back home. I'm sure Mr Nitobe will be happy to accept you position.
CmdrSolanSloan (10:41:28 PM): XO> ::Crosses arms :: CO>You will never be Blackledge. Where he had courage and foresight, you have nothing but bluster and bravado.
EnsignBKeyren (10:42:16 PM): FCO > ::looks back toward Tracy:: CSec > Can your little mind comprehend that? 70,000 light years in mere moments?
Asano Nitobe (10:43:22 PM): OPS>CO> I would also add, that Wormholes as we've known them, are generally unstable. The aperture or terminus could move inpredictably.
CaptJeffAddison (10:43:33 PM): CO>XO> You have no idea what I have and you never will. Where as you think small and are small time, there are others who want to take the universe in the palm of our hand and squeeze it for what its worth. You on the other hand would be happy with a 'bed warmer' an d a few scraps of gold.
TracyjonesTFP (10:43:49 PM): CSEC>::Looks at Britt:: FCO> You be supprised what I can comperhend
EnsignBKeyren (10:44:30 PM): FCO > CSec > I doubt that ::gives the captain a scathing look at his bed warmer comment::
TracyjonesTFP (10:45:09 PM): CSEC>FCO> Pay attention to your station
EnsignBKeyren (10:45:50 PM): FCO > CSEC > ::back to Tracy:: You do the same instead of having your eyes on the commander
CaptJeffAddison (10:46:00 PM): CO>OPs> Have you gotten any data on life on the other side?
Asano Nitobe (10:46:15 PM): OPS>::Is becoming concerned. The Captain should not allow his second to bring him to anger in front of the crew. He is allowing Sloan to manipulate him::
CmdrSolanSloan (10:46:46 PM): XO>CO> You may conquer a universe and still never have mastered yourself.
TracyjonesTFP (10:46:47 PM): CSEC>::smiles and thinks how good the Commander looks::
CaptJeffAddison (10:47:44 PM): CO>:ecides he had enough banter and is more interested in his future::
EnsignBKeyren (10:47:52 PM): FCO > ::back to Sloan and Addison:: CO, XO > With all due respect sir, can you stop quibbling like two scholl children and act like adults who can work together?
EnsignBKeyren (10:48:03 PM): *sirs
Asano Nitobe (10:48:13 PM): OPS>CO> NO life signs as of yet. The closetst thing we will see if we go through is a "Supergiant" star, and 2 spectral "O" class companion stars.
EnsignBKeyren (10:48:23 PM): *school
EnsignBKeyren (10:49:59 PM): FCO > ::not expecting an answer, she turns back to her station::
CaptJeffAddison (10:50:39 PM): CO>OPs> Prepare one more probe with more range and then we'll have a look see ourselves.
Asano Nitobe (10:52:00 PM): OPS>CO> Working. Probe configured.
Asano Nitobe (10:52:57 PM): OPS>::Launches the probe::
CaptJeffAddison (10:53:04 PM): ++LAST LINES++
EnsignBKeyren (10:53:55 PM): FCO > ::looks to Nitobe:: Ops > Can I get some of those star charts over here, sir, so they can be programmed into the Navigational system?
CmdrSolanSloan (10:53:56 PM): XO> :espite himself is drawn to the possibilities::
TracyjonesTFP (10:54:59 PM): CSEC>CO> The possibilites are enless what we could do their
Asano Nitobe (10:55:24 PM): OPS>::Nods to FCO< Sends the charts to her station::
EnsignBKeyren (10:56:05 PM): FCO > ::a small smile is given to Nitobe then a look back to Tracy, wondering what would she know of possibilities, then back to her station::
CaptJeffAddison (10:55:56 PM): +++PAUSE SIM+++