Post by Lt Commander Kuvak on Aug 9, 2010 22:34:48 GMT -5
KuvakUF (10:04:58 PM): ATTENTION!
Ael Hheinia (10:05:03 PM): ::AA::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:05:05 PM): ::AA:;
Jane Vadaldie (10:05:09 PM): ::AA::
Dawnlia1 (10:05:10 PM): ::AA::
jrLt David Suder (10:05:15 PM): ::AA::
SAAVPEK (10:05:19 PM): ::AA::
KuvakUF (10:05:31 PM): For the record state name, rank and position
Jane Vadaldie (10:05:42 PM): Helm> Ens. Jane Suder
Ael Hheinia (10:05:44 PM): [CENG] Errei'Arrain Ael Hheinia
Eviess Radaik (10:05:59 PM): Co> Riov Eviess Radaik
ZandileReyBaccus (10:06:03 PM): Csec> Lt. Zandile Hanson
KuvakUF (10:06:06 PM): XO> Lt Commander Kuvak]
SAAVPEK (10:06:07 PM): ASEC>erie'Arrain Saavpek
jrLt David Suder (10:06:10 PM): Tac > Lt Jg David Suder
Dawnlia1 (10:06:15 PM): cmo>Dan'lia Rhail
KuvakUF (10:06:55 PM): Mission Briefing:
KuvakUF (10:09:04 PM): We are reassembling the away team and returning to the sphere. The away team had just been breamed down and will be using their Esper abilities as a guide to get back to the center.
KuvakUF (10:09:49 PM): In the mean time. The Riov is on the bridge along with helm officer,and any other nonespers.
KuvakUF (10:10:10 PM): Understood@@ Questions ::RH::
Jane Vadaldie (10:10:15 PM): @@
SAAVPEK (10:10:17 PM): @@
Dawnlia1 (10:10:21 PM): @@
ZandileReyBaccus (10:10:23 PM): @@
Ael Hheinia (10:10:25 PM): @@
jrLt David Suder (10:10:26 PM): @@
evanchan2005 (10:10:51 PM): MCO> 1st Lt. Evan Chan ::AA:: @@
KuvakUF (10:11:36 PM): +++RESUME SIM++
Ael Hheinia (10:12:16 PM): [CENG] ::She is in main engineering, catch up on engineering work.::
jrLt David Suder (10:12:45 PM): @ Tac > ::using his senses just for moving around, nothing for communication or trying to feel how a person or thing feels::
Jane Vadaldie (10:13:51 PM): Helm> :: At her station on the bridge. ::
evanchan2005 (10:14:03 PM): MCO> ::on the bridge directing the security station on the NY, he sent marines with Zan to work as her security detatchment::
KuvakUF (10:14:18 PM): @xo>AT> Everyone take each others hand. We must link ourselves. We can augment one aonthers abilities.
KuvakUF (10:14:42 PM): @xo>::Puts both his hands out::
jrLt David Suder (10:14:43 PM): @ Tac > ::he would keep his eye on Zandile, for guidance, as she had been here once before::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:15:18 PM): @csec> ::Raises a brow, not really wanting to go around holding hands.::
Dawnlia1 (10:15:41 PM): cmo:: working in sickbay trying to get things in order::
KuvakUF (10:16:19 PM): @xo> MCO> That is aside from the Marines. you simply work as normal.
jrLt David Suder (10:17:34 PM): @ ::looks between Zandile and Kuvak, before putting one of his hands in Kuvak's, extending his other towards Zandile:: CSec > I don't like it either but if we must..
jrLt David Suder (10:17:55 PM): * Tac >
evanchan2005 (10:19:20 PM): MCO> ::isn't on the planet, he has a marine detachment of psi gifted marines that he temp. put under CSECs command::
KuvakUF (10:20:10 PM): @xo>AT> We have to all focus on the center of the sphere and let that fucus guide us. MCO> Try to make sure none of your men's stray thoughts cause something to happen. Remember last time time this place reacted to everything.
Eviess Radaik (10:20:36 PM): CO> Helm> Lt Suder link ops to you station and maintain a lock on the away team
KuvakUF (10:22:35 PM): @xo> ::Focuses his mind on the center imagining what it looked like letting it appear in his mind along with the quickest path to it.
ZandileReyBaccus (10:22:45 PM): @csec> ::Sighs and takes Suder's hand, feeling completely ridiculous.::
Jane Vadaldie (10:22:46 PM): Helm>CO> yes ma'am :: links ops into her console. ::
jrLt David Suder (10:23:19 PM): @ Tac > ::Felt Zandile's hand join with his and begins to focus on the center of the sphere::
evanchan2005 (10:27:34 PM): MARINES> ::would join in the circle but hard to pull security while holding hands::
KuvakUF (10:28:22 PM): ACTION: When the touch all the psychic senses are multiplied and each person can hear the psychic resonance of past Iconians::
jrLt David Suder (10:29:43 PM): @ Tac > ::eyes closed, brows raise as he began to hear Iconians of the past. For a moment, he thought of Jane and wished she could experiance what he is experiance, but then dismissed that idea::
KuvakUF (10:32:36 PM): ACTION: They move almost withuot thought and are not seeing what the marines are. bridges forming in front of them doors forming on their own as they move closer::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:33:16 PM): Csec> ::She closes her eyes and goes by feel alone.::
SAAVPEK (10:33:39 PM): ((sorry had to attend to my mother ))
jrLt David Suder (10:33:45 PM): @ Tac > ::is amazed beyond words at what is mentally occuring as they move forward::
SAAVPEK (10:35:23 PM): @asec>::with the AT and are linked and holding hands telepathically::
Eviess Radaik (10:35:47 PM): CO> Hops> Anything new to report on the away team?
Jane Vadaldie (10:36:12 PM): Helm> :: Has her guards up so she is really focused on her job and nothing else. She keeps a lock on the away team. ::
SAAVPEK (10:36:27 PM): @asec>::her eyes closed to gain more concerntration::
Jane Vadaldie (10:36:31 PM): Helm>CO> Just that they are moving about the base on their own and are not showing an signs of stress ma'am.
KuvakUF (10:37:19 PM): ACTION: They enter the center and its like all the tormoil comes to order in their minds.
Eviess Radaik (10:38:00 PM): CO> Hops> Good continue to moniter them
KuvakUF (10:38:21 PM): XO> When he releases the hands he had been holding it is like all of his energy is drained and falls to the floor still coincious.:
KuvakUF (10:38:48 PM): @xo>ALL> Now would be a good time to rest.
Jane Vadaldie (10:39:29 PM): Helm>CO> Ma'am the XO is showing signs of fatigue in his bio readings
jrLt David Suder (10:39:40 PM): @ Tac > ::As the connection is broken, he is floored, or rather drops to his knees:: XO > I was unaware that Vulcans and Betazoids were telepathically compatible
Eviess Radaik (10:40:32 PM): CO> Hops> Notify sickbay they may want to moniter this
ZandileReyBaccus (10:40:42 PM): @csec> ::She sits on the floor. XO> I was taught how to use my abilities by a Betazoid friend.
Jane Vadaldie (10:41:29 PM): Helm>+T+CMO> There has been a drop in bio readings on one of the away team memebers as if he has been fatigued
SAAVPEK (10:41:34 PM): @asec>::She falls like a brick to the floor when the link is broken and shakes her head::
jrLt David Suder (10:41:39 PM): @ Tac > XO, CSec > Will you two be alright?
evanchan2005 (10:41:59 PM): MCO> ::continues montoring the ships security as he also monitors whats going on, on the planet the best he can
Jane Vadaldie (10:42:07 PM): Helm>+T+CMO> Make that three ma'am
Dawnlia1 (10:42:22 PM): cmo>t>Helm> I am picking them up now.
KuvakUF (10:42:55 PM): @xo>ALL> That was the easy part. The hard part is coming. We have to make this sphere open up a rift so that New York can return home.
SAAVPEK (10:42:59 PM): @asec>::hopes the headach in her head goes away. She tries to stand but falls back down again::
Dawnlia1 (10:43:11 PM): cmo::turns computer to scan biosigns from the rest of the away team.
jrLt David Suder (10:44:02 PM): @ Tac > XO > Are you certain we can do this? ::glances toward ASec::
KuvakUF (10:44:17 PM): @xo>ALL>Everyone do your maind clensing exercises and be ready in a 2 minutes.
jrLt David Suder (10:45:40 PM): @ Tac > ::sighs, annoyed at not being heard but then dismisses the annoyance, and clears his mind::
Dawnlia1 (10:47:04 PM): cmo::checks the readings from the away team to compare with the XO.::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:47:51 PM): @csec> Tac> Just fine, thanks. You? XO> And how about we just ask nicely?
SAAVPEK (10:48:37 PM): @asec>::she tries to meditate some but the pounding in her head makes it hard::
Jane Vadaldie (10:48:58 PM): Helm> :: Gets agitated at her console for no reason and just puts her head down on it and growls trying hard to stay steated there. ::
KuvakUF (10:49:13 PM): @xo>TAC> The answer to your question is no, but we also have no choice. :::Stands up:: All> Everyone put their hands on a wall and begin concentrating your focus on home. how the stars looked where the ship was the moment we left>
Eviess Radaik (10:49:55 PM): CO> ::notices Suder and walks over placing a hand on her shoulder:: Helm> Lt are you alright?
ZandileReyBaccus (10:50:22 PM): @csec> ::She closes her eyes, and crosses her legs and holds her hands in her lap and focuses her mind on asking the 'intelligence' there to please help them go home.::
jrLt David Suder (10:50:25 PM): @ Tac > ::comes out of his trance, stands and does as the XO asks, places his hands on the wall and things of home, of Betazed::
jrLt David Suder (10:50:33 PM): thinks*
evanchan2005 (10:50:58 PM): MARINES> ::placed their hands on the wall thinking of home while clicking their heels as a joke while saying "theres no place like home"::
SAAVPEK (10:51:23 PM): @asec>::she stands up and starts to fall down again but catches herself and puts her hands on the wall more to leaning on it to stay up::
Jane Vadaldie (10:51:25 PM): Helm>Co> Just am adgitated and trying to sit here and be good ma'am but its not working
KuvakUF (10:52:06 PM): ACTION: All the telepaths are pulled towards the walls and the non telepaths replled. The ones pulled to the wall are lifted and can be seen to be in sudden pain.
SAAVPEK (10:52:38 PM): @asec>::her eyes closed as she tried to think of what her universe looked like and the planets she has been to::
evanchan2005 (10:52:45 PM): MCO> ::keeping himself occupied by seeing what all Zan has to play with at her console::
KuvakUF (10:53:02 PM): ACTION: On the outside there is a reading of another rift forming as the New York shudders::
Eviess Radaik (10:53:27 PM): CO>Helm> Try and relax concentrating on your task. Your husband and our crew needs you to maintain the lock and let me know how they are.
jrLt David Suder (10:53:37 PM): @ Tac > ::grimaces in pain and tries to shut it out, being pulled who knows where::
Dawnlia1 (10:54:38 PM): cmo:: notices spikes on bio readings indicating problems::
Jane Vadaldie (10:55:16 PM): Helm>CO> another rift is forming and David is in pain ma'am I can tell you that without even looking at my consol
SAAVPEK (10:55:30 PM): @asec>::feeling her headach grow and pain else where tears starts to fall as she cries::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:55:40 PM): @csec> ::Is pulled into the wall and when she's shocked with pain, she reacts with anger, trying to break free.::
Eviess Radaik (10:56:04 PM): CO> Hops> Have them report in and be ready to extract them if necessary
Jane Vadaldie (10:56:22 PM): Helm+T+XO> Report
jrLt David Suder (10:56:40 PM): @ Tac > ::attempts to not broadcast his pain empathically, fighting to pull up his shields as he becomes part of the wall::
KuvakUF (10:59:02 PM): ACTION: The rift opened wider. Theose power it start to feel blood coming from their nose and eyes.
SAAVPEK (10:59:12 PM): @asec>::she cries out in pain and in voice:: I WANT TO GO HOME!
Jane Vadaldie (11:00:06 PM): Helm>CO> They're not responding and David is in extream pain he's not in control of what emotions he brodcasts.
KuvakUF (11:00:16 PM): ACTION: The sphere is shuddring and original jump point can be seen as the rift opens fully
evanchan2005 (11:00:23 PM): @marines> ::in extreme pain as they feel their noses and eyes bleeding::
jrLt David Suder (11:00:30 PM): @ Tac > ::blood trickles from his nose and he thinks in the back of his midn that he told Jane he would be careful::
jrLt David Suder (11:00:36 PM): mind
Dawnlia1 (11:00:38 PM): cmo:: becomes very concerned as reading flucuate wildly
Jane Vadaldie (11:00:43 PM): Helm>CO> Rift is fully open orgion point visable ma'am.
Eviess Radaik (11:01:28 PM): Riov> Helm> Has the XO answered you and what is the condition of the away team
ZandileReyBaccus (11:01:29 PM): @csec> ::The more she fights it, the more it hurts. She weakly coughs up blood before collapsing, unconscious.::
KuvakUF (11:02:12 PM): ACTION:: When Hanson collapses she is replled back and the rift closes a little.
jrLt David Suder (11:03:16 PM): @ Tac > ::focuses through the pain he is experiancing to use his physical strength to add to his mental, thinking he will be sore in the morning::
SAAVPEK (11:03:26 PM): @asec>::she lowers herself down to her knees but keep her hands on the wall as the pain starts to win::
Jane Vadaldie (11:04:17 PM): Helm>CO> No and extream pain ma'am
Eviess Radaik (11:05:05 PM): CO> Helm> Bring them back now and have medical meet them in the TR
ZandileReyBaccus (11:05:15 PM): @csec> ::Shakes her head, confused as to what just happened. She sees her friends and colleagues in the wall and gets up, shaking herself mentally, despite the residual pain. She pounds on the wall.:: Let them go!
Jane Vadaldie (11:05:31 PM): Helm>+T+CMO> Medical to transporter room I'm bringing the away team back.
KuvakUF (11:05:57 PM): @xo>MCO> Chan...straining to talk:: Tell, ship can beam marins up, .. baam the rest one.. at a time esle rift will ...close. ...I .. will .. be last....w
Jane Vadaldie (11:06:00 PM): Helm> ::Presses the buttons to bring the away team back. :: CO> Process on its way ma'am.
Dawnlia1 (11:06:14 PM): cmo>t>helm> ready and waiting
Eviess Radaik (11:06:39 PM): CO> Helm> Understood get them back I want everyone returned
SAAVPEK (11:06:57 PM): @asec>::telepatically as if it understood. 'What do you want from us to keep us here? We want to go home.'::
Dawnlia1 (11:07:40 PM): cmo:; gets medics on duty arranged to handle the incoming personel
evanchan2005 (11:09:09 PM): MCO> ::trying to make heands or tails of what the XO was trying to say::Helm> I think the Xo was saying something about him being the last one to be transported back
KuvakUF (11:09:10 PM): @xo>:~will go one at a time so rift doesn't close. It must not close or we can't get home.
Jane Vadaldie (11:10:09 PM): afk
ZandileReyBaccus (11:10:25 PM): @csec> Sphere> Please tell us what you want! Don't hurt us anymore! ::She's pulled back into the wall inadvertantly::
jrLt David Suder (11:11:24 PM): @ Tac > AT > getting.......we..ak....
SAAVPEK (11:11:24 PM): @asec>::'Alone? I will stay here if one lets them go home. For the need of them is more important then what I want.'::
Eviess Radaik (11:13:25 PM): *****Action the away team begins to return back, first the Marines arrive, followed by Zandile, Suder, Saavpek, and then Kuvak *****
Jane Vadaldie (11:13:43 PM): back
SAAVPEK (11:13:46 PM): @asec>::'Let them go.' cries as she can feel herself wet::
Jane Vadaldie (11:13:52 PM): Helm>CO> Away team is back on board
evanchan2005 (11:13:56 PM): MARINES> ::returned to the ship immediantly going to sickbay::
KuvakUF (11:14:27 PM): @xo> ::His eyes began to glow just as he was beamed out
Dawnlia1 (11:14:45 PM): cmo::gets the medics to check all incoming personel, to check who is in the worse shape
ZandileReyBaccus (11:14:56 PM): Csec> ::Is beamed back aboard, but ends up on the deck because she hadn't exactly had her legs under her at the time she was beamed out.::
Eviess Radaik (11:15:07 PM): CO> Helm> Move us into the hole that was created
jrLt David Suder (11:15:08 PM): @ Tac > ::barely aware of the transporter beaming him back. He collapses on the transporter pad, barely concious, blookd trickling out of his nose::::
Jane Vadaldie (11:15:58 PM): Helm>Co> Yes ma'am :: doesn't sit up or move but helm moves the ship forward. ::
SAAVPEK (11:15:59 PM): ASEC>::back on the ship she falls all the way down and passes out.::
Dawnlia1 (11:16:02 PM): cmo::gets the crew from the away team on the bio beds
KuvakUF (11:16:37 PM): ACTION: The ship goes through the rift and feels like it is stretched like a rubberband then snapped back::
KuvakUF (11:17:02 PM): XO>::Is on the floor of the TR unconcious::
ZandileReyBaccus (11:17:05 PM): Csec> ::Closes her eyes, exhausted. She could barely see anyway. She wipes the brownish colored blood from her nose so she can breathe better and swallows more blood cause she'd bit her own lip in pain earlier.::
jrLt David Suder (11:17:52 PM): Tac > ::mutters incoherently and deliriously::
SAAVPEK (11:17:57 PM): ASEC>::totaly out cold she does not know where she is at or what is going on.::
KuvakUF (11:18:09 PM): ACTION: The communications system start to have chatter inquiring if the ship is New York.
Ael Hheinia (11:19:19 PM): [CENG] ::She finishes her reports and goes work on dianostics.::
KuvakUF (11:19:25 PM): +++LAST ;LINES++
Dawnlia1 (11:20:38 PM): cmo:;orders all the away team to the sickbay, carried if need be::
SAAVPEK (11:20:52 PM): ASEC>::and that is how the doctors likes to see here when they want to exam her in any way::
SAAVPEK (11:21:06 PM): ((here=her))
evanchan2005 (11:21:19 PM): MCO> ::goes down to the transporter pad moving the away team from there to sickbay... The marines that went were already in sickbay::
jrLt David Suder (11:21:49 PM): Tac > ::needing and is carried into sickbay, barely conscious and totally exhausted. Now a good look for his twins, or his wife, to see::
jrLt David Suder (11:22:01 PM): Not *
ZandileReyBaccus (11:22:47 PM): Csec> ::She's too tired to care that she's brought to sickbay, and accepts without complaint.::
SAAVPEK (11:22:49 PM): ASEC>::was carried to sickbay:
KuvakUF (11:22:41 PM): +++PAUSE SIM++
: ::AA::
ZandileReyBaccus (11:22:55 PM): ::AA::
Ael Hheinia (11:22:56 PM): ::AA::
jrLt David Suder (11:22:57 PM): ::AA::
Dawnlia1 (11:22:57 PM): ::AA::
evanchan2005 (11:22:58 PM): ::AA::
Jane Vadaldie (11:22:58 PM): ::AA::
Ael Hheinia (10:05:03 PM): ::AA::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:05:05 PM): ::AA:;
Jane Vadaldie (10:05:09 PM): ::AA::
Dawnlia1 (10:05:10 PM): ::AA::
jrLt David Suder (10:05:15 PM): ::AA::
SAAVPEK (10:05:19 PM): ::AA::
KuvakUF (10:05:31 PM): For the record state name, rank and position
Jane Vadaldie (10:05:42 PM): Helm> Ens. Jane Suder
Ael Hheinia (10:05:44 PM): [CENG] Errei'Arrain Ael Hheinia
Eviess Radaik (10:05:59 PM): Co> Riov Eviess Radaik
ZandileReyBaccus (10:06:03 PM): Csec> Lt. Zandile Hanson
KuvakUF (10:06:06 PM): XO> Lt Commander Kuvak]
SAAVPEK (10:06:07 PM): ASEC>erie'Arrain Saavpek
jrLt David Suder (10:06:10 PM): Tac > Lt Jg David Suder
Dawnlia1 (10:06:15 PM): cmo>Dan'lia Rhail
KuvakUF (10:06:55 PM): Mission Briefing:
KuvakUF (10:09:04 PM): We are reassembling the away team and returning to the sphere. The away team had just been breamed down and will be using their Esper abilities as a guide to get back to the center.
KuvakUF (10:09:49 PM): In the mean time. The Riov is on the bridge along with helm officer,and any other nonespers.
KuvakUF (10:10:10 PM): Understood@@ Questions ::RH::
Jane Vadaldie (10:10:15 PM): @@
SAAVPEK (10:10:17 PM): @@
Dawnlia1 (10:10:21 PM): @@
ZandileReyBaccus (10:10:23 PM): @@
Ael Hheinia (10:10:25 PM): @@
jrLt David Suder (10:10:26 PM): @@
evanchan2005 (10:10:51 PM): MCO> 1st Lt. Evan Chan ::AA:: @@
KuvakUF (10:11:36 PM): +++RESUME SIM++
Ael Hheinia (10:12:16 PM): [CENG] ::She is in main engineering, catch up on engineering work.::
jrLt David Suder (10:12:45 PM): @ Tac > ::using his senses just for moving around, nothing for communication or trying to feel how a person or thing feels::
Jane Vadaldie (10:13:51 PM): Helm> :: At her station on the bridge. ::
evanchan2005 (10:14:03 PM): MCO> ::on the bridge directing the security station on the NY, he sent marines with Zan to work as her security detatchment::
KuvakUF (10:14:18 PM): @xo>AT> Everyone take each others hand. We must link ourselves. We can augment one aonthers abilities.
KuvakUF (10:14:42 PM): @xo>::Puts both his hands out::
jrLt David Suder (10:14:43 PM): @ Tac > ::he would keep his eye on Zandile, for guidance, as she had been here once before::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:15:18 PM): @csec> ::Raises a brow, not really wanting to go around holding hands.::
Dawnlia1 (10:15:41 PM): cmo:: working in sickbay trying to get things in order::
KuvakUF (10:16:19 PM): @xo> MCO> That is aside from the Marines. you simply work as normal.
jrLt David Suder (10:17:34 PM): @ ::looks between Zandile and Kuvak, before putting one of his hands in Kuvak's, extending his other towards Zandile:: CSec > I don't like it either but if we must..
jrLt David Suder (10:17:55 PM): * Tac >
evanchan2005 (10:19:20 PM): MCO> ::isn't on the planet, he has a marine detachment of psi gifted marines that he temp. put under CSECs command::
KuvakUF (10:20:10 PM): @xo>AT> We have to all focus on the center of the sphere and let that fucus guide us. MCO> Try to make sure none of your men's stray thoughts cause something to happen. Remember last time time this place reacted to everything.
Eviess Radaik (10:20:36 PM): CO> Helm> Lt Suder link ops to you station and maintain a lock on the away team
KuvakUF (10:22:35 PM): @xo> ::Focuses his mind on the center imagining what it looked like letting it appear in his mind along with the quickest path to it.
ZandileReyBaccus (10:22:45 PM): @csec> ::Sighs and takes Suder's hand, feeling completely ridiculous.::
Jane Vadaldie (10:22:46 PM): Helm>CO> yes ma'am :: links ops into her console. ::
jrLt David Suder (10:23:19 PM): @ Tac > ::Felt Zandile's hand join with his and begins to focus on the center of the sphere::
evanchan2005 (10:27:34 PM): MARINES> ::would join in the circle but hard to pull security while holding hands::
KuvakUF (10:28:22 PM): ACTION: When the touch all the psychic senses are multiplied and each person can hear the psychic resonance of past Iconians::
jrLt David Suder (10:29:43 PM): @ Tac > ::eyes closed, brows raise as he began to hear Iconians of the past. For a moment, he thought of Jane and wished she could experiance what he is experiance, but then dismissed that idea::
KuvakUF (10:32:36 PM): ACTION: They move almost withuot thought and are not seeing what the marines are. bridges forming in front of them doors forming on their own as they move closer::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:33:16 PM): Csec> ::She closes her eyes and goes by feel alone.::
SAAVPEK (10:33:39 PM): ((sorry had to attend to my mother ))
jrLt David Suder (10:33:45 PM): @ Tac > ::is amazed beyond words at what is mentally occuring as they move forward::
SAAVPEK (10:35:23 PM): @asec>::with the AT and are linked and holding hands telepathically::
Eviess Radaik (10:35:47 PM): CO> Hops> Anything new to report on the away team?
Jane Vadaldie (10:36:12 PM): Helm> :: Has her guards up so she is really focused on her job and nothing else. She keeps a lock on the away team. ::
SAAVPEK (10:36:27 PM): @asec>::her eyes closed to gain more concerntration::
Jane Vadaldie (10:36:31 PM): Helm>CO> Just that they are moving about the base on their own and are not showing an signs of stress ma'am.
KuvakUF (10:37:19 PM): ACTION: They enter the center and its like all the tormoil comes to order in their minds.
Eviess Radaik (10:38:00 PM): CO> Hops> Good continue to moniter them
KuvakUF (10:38:21 PM): XO> When he releases the hands he had been holding it is like all of his energy is drained and falls to the floor still coincious.:
KuvakUF (10:38:48 PM): @xo>ALL> Now would be a good time to rest.
Jane Vadaldie (10:39:29 PM): Helm>CO> Ma'am the XO is showing signs of fatigue in his bio readings
jrLt David Suder (10:39:40 PM): @ Tac > ::As the connection is broken, he is floored, or rather drops to his knees:: XO > I was unaware that Vulcans and Betazoids were telepathically compatible
Eviess Radaik (10:40:32 PM): CO> Hops> Notify sickbay they may want to moniter this
ZandileReyBaccus (10:40:42 PM): @csec> ::She sits on the floor. XO> I was taught how to use my abilities by a Betazoid friend.
Jane Vadaldie (10:41:29 PM): Helm>+T+CMO> There has been a drop in bio readings on one of the away team memebers as if he has been fatigued
SAAVPEK (10:41:34 PM): @asec>::She falls like a brick to the floor when the link is broken and shakes her head::
jrLt David Suder (10:41:39 PM): @ Tac > XO, CSec > Will you two be alright?
evanchan2005 (10:41:59 PM): MCO> ::continues montoring the ships security as he also monitors whats going on, on the planet the best he can
Jane Vadaldie (10:42:07 PM): Helm>+T+CMO> Make that three ma'am
Dawnlia1 (10:42:22 PM): cmo>t>Helm> I am picking them up now.
KuvakUF (10:42:55 PM): @xo>ALL> That was the easy part. The hard part is coming. We have to make this sphere open up a rift so that New York can return home.
SAAVPEK (10:42:59 PM): @asec>::hopes the headach in her head goes away. She tries to stand but falls back down again::
Dawnlia1 (10:43:11 PM): cmo::turns computer to scan biosigns from the rest of the away team.
jrLt David Suder (10:44:02 PM): @ Tac > XO > Are you certain we can do this? ::glances toward ASec::
KuvakUF (10:44:17 PM): @xo>ALL>Everyone do your maind clensing exercises and be ready in a 2 minutes.
jrLt David Suder (10:45:40 PM): @ Tac > ::sighs, annoyed at not being heard but then dismisses the annoyance, and clears his mind::
Dawnlia1 (10:47:04 PM): cmo::checks the readings from the away team to compare with the XO.::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:47:51 PM): @csec> Tac> Just fine, thanks. You? XO> And how about we just ask nicely?
SAAVPEK (10:48:37 PM): @asec>::she tries to meditate some but the pounding in her head makes it hard::
Jane Vadaldie (10:48:58 PM): Helm> :: Gets agitated at her console for no reason and just puts her head down on it and growls trying hard to stay steated there. ::
KuvakUF (10:49:13 PM): @xo>TAC> The answer to your question is no, but we also have no choice. :::Stands up:: All> Everyone put their hands on a wall and begin concentrating your focus on home. how the stars looked where the ship was the moment we left>
Eviess Radaik (10:49:55 PM): CO> ::notices Suder and walks over placing a hand on her shoulder:: Helm> Lt are you alright?
ZandileReyBaccus (10:50:22 PM): @csec> ::She closes her eyes, and crosses her legs and holds her hands in her lap and focuses her mind on asking the 'intelligence' there to please help them go home.::
jrLt David Suder (10:50:25 PM): @ Tac > ::comes out of his trance, stands and does as the XO asks, places his hands on the wall and things of home, of Betazed::
jrLt David Suder (10:50:33 PM): thinks*
evanchan2005 (10:50:58 PM): MARINES> ::placed their hands on the wall thinking of home while clicking their heels as a joke while saying "theres no place like home"::
SAAVPEK (10:51:23 PM): @asec>::she stands up and starts to fall down again but catches herself and puts her hands on the wall more to leaning on it to stay up::
Jane Vadaldie (10:51:25 PM): Helm>Co> Just am adgitated and trying to sit here and be good ma'am but its not working
KuvakUF (10:52:06 PM): ACTION: All the telepaths are pulled towards the walls and the non telepaths replled. The ones pulled to the wall are lifted and can be seen to be in sudden pain.
SAAVPEK (10:52:38 PM): @asec>::her eyes closed as she tried to think of what her universe looked like and the planets she has been to::
evanchan2005 (10:52:45 PM): MCO> ::keeping himself occupied by seeing what all Zan has to play with at her console::
KuvakUF (10:53:02 PM): ACTION: On the outside there is a reading of another rift forming as the New York shudders::
Eviess Radaik (10:53:27 PM): CO>Helm> Try and relax concentrating on your task. Your husband and our crew needs you to maintain the lock and let me know how they are.
jrLt David Suder (10:53:37 PM): @ Tac > ::grimaces in pain and tries to shut it out, being pulled who knows where::
Dawnlia1 (10:54:38 PM): cmo:: notices spikes on bio readings indicating problems::
Jane Vadaldie (10:55:16 PM): Helm>CO> another rift is forming and David is in pain ma'am I can tell you that without even looking at my consol
SAAVPEK (10:55:30 PM): @asec>::feeling her headach grow and pain else where tears starts to fall as she cries::
ZandileReyBaccus (10:55:40 PM): @csec> ::Is pulled into the wall and when she's shocked with pain, she reacts with anger, trying to break free.::
Eviess Radaik (10:56:04 PM): CO> Hops> Have them report in and be ready to extract them if necessary
Jane Vadaldie (10:56:22 PM): Helm+T+XO> Report
jrLt David Suder (10:56:40 PM): @ Tac > ::attempts to not broadcast his pain empathically, fighting to pull up his shields as he becomes part of the wall::
KuvakUF (10:59:02 PM): ACTION: The rift opened wider. Theose power it start to feel blood coming from their nose and eyes.
SAAVPEK (10:59:12 PM): @asec>::she cries out in pain and in voice:: I WANT TO GO HOME!
Jane Vadaldie (11:00:06 PM): Helm>CO> They're not responding and David is in extream pain he's not in control of what emotions he brodcasts.
KuvakUF (11:00:16 PM): ACTION: The sphere is shuddring and original jump point can be seen as the rift opens fully
evanchan2005 (11:00:23 PM): @marines> ::in extreme pain as they feel their noses and eyes bleeding::
jrLt David Suder (11:00:30 PM): @ Tac > ::blood trickles from his nose and he thinks in the back of his midn that he told Jane he would be careful::
jrLt David Suder (11:00:36 PM): mind
Dawnlia1 (11:00:38 PM): cmo:: becomes very concerned as reading flucuate wildly
Jane Vadaldie (11:00:43 PM): Helm>CO> Rift is fully open orgion point visable ma'am.
Eviess Radaik (11:01:28 PM): Riov> Helm> Has the XO answered you and what is the condition of the away team
ZandileReyBaccus (11:01:29 PM): @csec> ::The more she fights it, the more it hurts. She weakly coughs up blood before collapsing, unconscious.::
KuvakUF (11:02:12 PM): ACTION:: When Hanson collapses she is replled back and the rift closes a little.
jrLt David Suder (11:03:16 PM): @ Tac > ::focuses through the pain he is experiancing to use his physical strength to add to his mental, thinking he will be sore in the morning::
SAAVPEK (11:03:26 PM): @asec>::she lowers herself down to her knees but keep her hands on the wall as the pain starts to win::
Jane Vadaldie (11:04:17 PM): Helm>CO> No and extream pain ma'am
Eviess Radaik (11:05:05 PM): CO> Helm> Bring them back now and have medical meet them in the TR
ZandileReyBaccus (11:05:15 PM): @csec> ::Shakes her head, confused as to what just happened. She sees her friends and colleagues in the wall and gets up, shaking herself mentally, despite the residual pain. She pounds on the wall.:: Let them go!
Jane Vadaldie (11:05:31 PM): Helm>+T+CMO> Medical to transporter room I'm bringing the away team back.
KuvakUF (11:05:57 PM): @xo>MCO> Chan...straining to talk:: Tell, ship can beam marins up, .. baam the rest one.. at a time esle rift will ...close. ...I .. will .. be last....w
Jane Vadaldie (11:06:00 PM): Helm> ::Presses the buttons to bring the away team back. :: CO> Process on its way ma'am.
Dawnlia1 (11:06:14 PM): cmo>t>helm> ready and waiting
Eviess Radaik (11:06:39 PM): CO> Helm> Understood get them back I want everyone returned
SAAVPEK (11:06:57 PM): @asec>::telepatically as if it understood. 'What do you want from us to keep us here? We want to go home.'::
Dawnlia1 (11:07:40 PM): cmo:; gets medics on duty arranged to handle the incoming personel
evanchan2005 (11:09:09 PM): MCO> ::trying to make heands or tails of what the XO was trying to say::Helm> I think the Xo was saying something about him being the last one to be transported back
KuvakUF (11:09:10 PM): @xo>:~will go one at a time so rift doesn't close. It must not close or we can't get home.
Jane Vadaldie (11:10:09 PM): afk
ZandileReyBaccus (11:10:25 PM): @csec> Sphere> Please tell us what you want! Don't hurt us anymore! ::She's pulled back into the wall inadvertantly::
jrLt David Suder (11:11:24 PM): @ Tac > AT > getting.......we..ak....
SAAVPEK (11:11:24 PM): @asec>::'Alone? I will stay here if one lets them go home. For the need of them is more important then what I want.'::
Eviess Radaik (11:13:25 PM): *****Action the away team begins to return back, first the Marines arrive, followed by Zandile, Suder, Saavpek, and then Kuvak *****
Jane Vadaldie (11:13:43 PM): back
SAAVPEK (11:13:46 PM): @asec>::'Let them go.' cries as she can feel herself wet::
Jane Vadaldie (11:13:52 PM): Helm>CO> Away team is back on board
evanchan2005 (11:13:56 PM): MARINES> ::returned to the ship immediantly going to sickbay::
KuvakUF (11:14:27 PM): @xo> ::His eyes began to glow just as he was beamed out
Dawnlia1 (11:14:45 PM): cmo::gets the medics to check all incoming personel, to check who is in the worse shape
ZandileReyBaccus (11:14:56 PM): Csec> ::Is beamed back aboard, but ends up on the deck because she hadn't exactly had her legs under her at the time she was beamed out.::
Eviess Radaik (11:15:07 PM): CO> Helm> Move us into the hole that was created
jrLt David Suder (11:15:08 PM): @ Tac > ::barely aware of the transporter beaming him back. He collapses on the transporter pad, barely concious, blookd trickling out of his nose::::
Jane Vadaldie (11:15:58 PM): Helm>Co> Yes ma'am :: doesn't sit up or move but helm moves the ship forward. ::
SAAVPEK (11:15:59 PM): ASEC>::back on the ship she falls all the way down and passes out.::
Dawnlia1 (11:16:02 PM): cmo::gets the crew from the away team on the bio beds
KuvakUF (11:16:37 PM): ACTION: The ship goes through the rift and feels like it is stretched like a rubberband then snapped back::
KuvakUF (11:17:02 PM): XO>::Is on the floor of the TR unconcious::
ZandileReyBaccus (11:17:05 PM): Csec> ::Closes her eyes, exhausted. She could barely see anyway. She wipes the brownish colored blood from her nose so she can breathe better and swallows more blood cause she'd bit her own lip in pain earlier.::
jrLt David Suder (11:17:52 PM): Tac > ::mutters incoherently and deliriously::
SAAVPEK (11:17:57 PM): ASEC>::totaly out cold she does not know where she is at or what is going on.::
KuvakUF (11:18:09 PM): ACTION: The communications system start to have chatter inquiring if the ship is New York.
Ael Hheinia (11:19:19 PM): [CENG] ::She finishes her reports and goes work on dianostics.::
KuvakUF (11:19:25 PM): +++LAST ;LINES++
Dawnlia1 (11:20:38 PM): cmo:;orders all the away team to the sickbay, carried if need be::
SAAVPEK (11:20:52 PM): ASEC>::and that is how the doctors likes to see here when they want to exam her in any way::
SAAVPEK (11:21:06 PM): ((here=her))
evanchan2005 (11:21:19 PM): MCO> ::goes down to the transporter pad moving the away team from there to sickbay... The marines that went were already in sickbay::
jrLt David Suder (11:21:49 PM): Tac > ::needing and is carried into sickbay, barely conscious and totally exhausted. Now a good look for his twins, or his wife, to see::
jrLt David Suder (11:22:01 PM): Not *
ZandileReyBaccus (11:22:47 PM): Csec> ::She's too tired to care that she's brought to sickbay, and accepts without complaint.::
SAAVPEK (11:22:49 PM): ASEC>::was carried to sickbay:
KuvakUF (11:22:41 PM): +++PAUSE SIM++
: ::AA::
ZandileReyBaccus (11:22:55 PM): ::AA::
Ael Hheinia (11:22:56 PM): ::AA::
jrLt David Suder (11:22:57 PM): ::AA::
Dawnlia1 (11:22:57 PM): ::AA::
evanchan2005 (11:22:58 PM): ::AA::
Jane Vadaldie (11:22:58 PM): ::AA::