Post by Lt Commander Kuvak on Apr 22, 2010 5:10:03 GMT -5
[21:17] KuvakUF: ATTENTION!
[21:17] SAAVPEK: ::AA::
[21:17] Ejiultrpardk: ::AA::
[21:17] jrLt David Suder: ::AA::
[21:18] evanchan2005: ::AA::
[21:18] KuvakUF: For the record State name, rank and position.
[21:18] Ael Hheinia: ::AA::
[21:18] Ael Hheinia: [CENG] Errein' Arrain Ael Hheinia
[21:18] Ejiultrpardk: OPS>Ejuil tr;Pardek
[21:18] KuvakUF: ACO> Lieutenant Commander Kuvak
[21:18] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> Lt. Zandile Hanson
[21:19] SAAVPEK: ASEC>erie'Arrain Saavpek ::AA::
[21:19] jrLt David Suder: Tac > Lt Jg David Suder
[21:19] Dawnlia1: cmo>Dan'lia Rhail
[21:20] KuvakUF: Mission briefing:
[21:20] KuvakUF: We will be picking up from where the sim ended last week
[21:20] KuvakUF: :::::::::::::::RESUME SIM::::::::::::::::
[21:20] evanchan2005: MXO> 2nd lt. Evan Chan (sorry about the delay)
[21:21] Ejiultrpardk: OPS>::Laying in his cell bleeding head swllown, and breathing hard from the beating he took::
[21:22] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> ::Is helping to monitor stations while Jane and David do their search.::
[21:22] Ejiultrpardk: OPS>::Keeps thinking of colors::
[21:22] Dawnlia1: @cmo::decides that the Riov will be better off not wakeing right now::
[21:22] SAAVPEK: ASEC>::she was walking around the ship looking for anything that would answer any of the questions::
[21:23] Ael Hheinia: @ [CENG] ::She is still in her cell, seeing if there is a way out.::
[21:23] evanchan2005: MXO> ::satisfied with the training he put everyone on rest with a 5 minute recall. At any given time they have 5 minutes to be ready and at a transporter pad:: CSEC> teams on rest, just let us know
[21:24] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::Keeps trying to get up, but can barrly move::
[21:24] *** Ael Hheinia has left the chat.
[21:25] Jane Vadaldie: Helm> :: contiues to reach out. :: Helm> ~Do you sence anything?~
[21:25] Ejiultrpardk: TOM>::Keeps serching for the reman ship::
[21:26] jrLt David Suder: Tac > ::linked with Jane, he mentally searches with her while extending her senses:: Helm > ~ other then you, my love, no ~
[21:27] Dawnlia1: @cmo::makes her way over to Ejiul::>ops>let me check you::gently touches his face:: Did you have to beat his hand that hard with your face? ::she tries to smile, and hide the horror she feels at the sight of his wounds
[21:28] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> +T+ MXO> Ok, I'll come down. ::She grins with anticipation.:: I hope you'll fill me in.
[21:28] SAAVPEK: ASEC>::she makes her way back to the Marine Deck::
[21:28] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> XO> Permission to go join the strike team, sir?
[21:28] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::caughs:: CMO> I would have beat him
[21:28] *** Ael Hheinia has joined the chat.
[21:2 5 minutes to be ready and at a transporter pad:: CSEC> teams on rest, just let us know
[21:24] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::Keeps trying to get up, but can barrly move::
[21:24] *** Ael Hheinia has left the chat.
[21:25] Jane Vadaldie: Helm> :: contiues to reach out. :: Helm> ~Do you sence anything?~
[21:25] Ejiultrpardk: TOM>::Keeps serching for the reman ship::
[21:26] jrLt David Suder: Tac > ::linked with Jane, he mentally searches with her while extending her senses:: Helm > ~ other then you, my love, no ~
[21:27] Dawnlia1: @cmo::makes her way over to Ejiul::>ops>let me check you::gently touches his face:: Did you have to beat his hand that hard with your face? ::she tries to smile, and hide the horror she feels at the sight of his wounds
[21:28] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> +T+ MXO> Ok, I'll come down. ::She grins with anticipation.:: I hope you'll fill me in.
[21:28] SAAVPEK: ASEC>::she makes her way back to the Marine Deck::
[21:28] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> XO> Permission to go join the strike team, sir?
[21:28] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::caughs:: CMO> I would have beat him
[21:28] *** Ael Hheinia has joined the chat.
[21:29] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>CMO> But I sliped
[21:29] KuvakUF: XO>Csec> Lets wait till we get close to them and see
[21:29] evanchan2005: MXO+t+CSEC> sure thing, I'll be in TR1 ::he made his way to the transporter room::
[21:29] Jane Vadaldie: Helm>Tac> ~ I thought I senced something but then I lost it.~
[21:30] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::Thinks of the colors:: CMO> Hows the Rivo
[21:30] SAAVPEK: ASEC>::she gathers what she needs and makes way to the transporter room::
[21:31] jrLt David Suder: Tac > Helm > ~ that is why I am assisting you, to help you to find it again. perhaps it could have been one of the Away team, Ejiul maybe?
[21:31] jrLt David Suder: ~
[21:31] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>Dan'lia> I'm glad your Ok
[21:32] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::Moves his hand to place on her his mind screams in pain::
[21:33] SAAVPEK: ASEC>::She enters the transporter room and steps on the pad::
[21:33] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>Dan'lia> That hurt remenind me not to move
[21:34] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> XO> Yes sir. Saavpek can go on the strike team, then. She was involved in the planning more than I was. ::Shr fidgets and checks her weapons.::
[21:35] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::smiles as he pictures Dan'lia face, his breathing gets a little easyer::
[21:35] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> +T+ Asec> You're on the rescue team, since you know the plan. Good luck. I'll hold down the fort. ::If things happened as they usually did, she'd be needed to 'hold the fort'.::
[21:35] KuvakUF: XO>::Walks over to the Security Chief:: CSEC> I know you want to be a part of the team, I would also like to go, but when they go in we still have a Reman vessel to contend wth that disabled us with one shot. I know that will take
[21:35] KuvakUF: just as much effort and ability
[21:35] Jane Vadaldie: Helm>Tac>~It was something...familiar.~
[21:36] Ael Hheinia: @ [CENG] ::Bleeding was least of her concerns. She takes a good look at the panel at the door to her cell. Hoping to get a good idea how their technology works.::
[21:36] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::THen his mind fills with Red, Blue, then Green::
[21:37] jrLt David Suder: Tac > Helm > ~ familiar? then I would presume it to be near anything ~
[21:37] SAAVPEK: ASEC>+T+CSEC> You can go if you wish Madam. My stomach is still a little woosey from that gas.
[21:38] Jane Vadaldie: Helm>Tac> ~Ejiul...he was here. You see that?~
[21:38] Dawnlia1: @cmo::gently touches his hand>Ops> I do not have anything to help your pain, but you are not bleeding
[21:39] Dawnlia1: @cmo>ops> I am going to check on the others, and I will be right back
[21:39] jrLt David Suder: Tac > ::mental blink, then nods:: Helm > ~ Yes, Imzadi. I saw it for a mere moment but was gone ~
[21:39] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>CMO>I'll be right here
[21:41] KuvakUF: XO>Tac,Helm> Does that give us a bearing?
[21:41] jrLt David Suder: Tac > XO > We're efforting that as we think, commander
[21:42] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> +T+ Asec> Then why do I show your position in the transporter room? I can't have anyone who isn't in peak condition even thinking of going over there.
[21:42] evanchan2005: MXO> ::he signalled a troop recall as a drill, of course not letting everyone know it was a drill until all marines and security assigned to the rescue arrived... 4:54:: ALL> four minutes and fifty-four seconds. Everyone should work on that time, when the real thing comes people are relying on YOU to be quick... Get out of my face and be ready... 5 minute recall...
[21:43] SAAVPEK: ASEC>+T+CSEC> Because I ...::stops::
[21:43] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> +T+ MXO> I've been ordered to stay on the bridge for now. I will let you know of my status as we get closer.
[21:43] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::His breathing gets harder again::
[21:44] Dawnlia1: @cmo:: crawls over to next crewman, tears part of his uniform to bind a wound that was bleeding, then helped him sit up some to help him breathe
[21:44] evanchan2005: MXO+t+CSEC> okay thank you
[21:45] Jane Vadaldie: Helm>XO> He didn't give us cordinats sir just colors
[21:46] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> +T+ Asec> It's for your own good, and the good of those who depend upon your leadership. We have a short lull, do what you have to to get in shape.
[21:46] SAAVPEK: ASEC>::she remains on the transporter pad::
[21:46] KuvakUF: I simply thought in connecting you might have gotten an idea of their whereabouts
[21:47] jrLt David Suder: Tac > XO > As I mentioned before, sir. We are trying to do that as we think
[21:48] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::works his mouth then swallows, as he is getting thristy::
[21:48] Jane Vadaldie: Helm>Xo> :: Her eyes still closed :: The connection Ejiul has with me is different...I can't...:: she opened her eyes :: he's in pain sir.
[21:49] jrLt David Suder: Tac > ::a little surprise registered in the link he has with Jane, but no thought came after it::
[21:49] KuvakUF: XO>Helm> To put it more succinctly, You can't tell me where he is just what he feels?
[21:50] SAAVPEK: ASEC>::she does not reply::
[21:50] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>ALL> So thristy
[21:52] Jane Vadaldie: Helm>Xo> Sir I can only get what he is thinking about and feeling. What he is projecting out of himself. His mind is locked otherwise
[21:52] SAAVPEK: ASEC>::she tired of waiting and tells the transporter cheif to transport her down::
[21:53] evanchan2005: MXO>ASEC> are you nervous?
[21:53] *** Ael Hheinia has left the chat.
[21:53] SAAVPEK: ASEC>MXO> It show?
[21:53] *** Ael Hheinia has joined the chat.
[21:53] SAAVPEK: show=shows
[21:53] Ael Hheinia: ( lag test )
[21:54] Dawnlia1: @cmo::to herself::Ai'Okhala, Jaeih, u'Avilh -( Oh Fire, Air, and Earth) Caelis-a u' Kholairlh-a - (Powers and Elements) Kholairlh-a deleth mnevher - (Elements protect us)
[21:54] Ael Hheinia: ( past )
[21:54] SAAVPEK: ((I see you))
[21:54] evanchan2005: MXO>ASEC> yea, you'll be fine
[21:54] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> Helm> Do you think that we could triangulate his position somehow? Based on 'strength' of signal?
[21:55] KuvakUF: :::::::LAST LINE:::::::::
[21:55] Dawnlia1: @cmo::contenues to check on the other crew in the cell
[21:55] Ejiultrpardk: @ops>::Hears Dan'lin's voice it makes him feel at peace::
[21:56] *** Ael Hheinia has left the chat.
[21:56] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> +T+ Asec> Don't think I won't drag you out of there if I need to. I don't want to train a new assistant. ::It was her way of saying she cared.::
[21:57] *** Ael Hheinia has joined the chat.
[21:57] evanchan2005: MXO+t+CSEC> ::he steps out of the TR so the ASEC cant hear:: I dont think your assistant is ready for a mission of this level of importance
[21:57] Ael Hheinia: ( ::gives the internet a good swift in the arse.:: )
[21:57] Jane Vadaldie: Helm>CSEC> Might be able to at least do that ma'am
[21:58] SAAVPEK: ASEC>::she walks over to the console and puts her combadge on the console and walks back onto the pad:: Transporter chief> Transport me down now.
[21:59] jrLt David Suder: Tac . ::taps a couple jkeys and locks out all transport functions::
[21:59] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> +T+ MXO> Then I'll trust your word. Good luck to both of you.
[21:59] ZandileReyBaccus: (There's no where to transport to yet.)
[22:00] SAAVPEK: ((that is why the chief has not done so)
[22:00] jrLt David Suder: ( scratch last post.. there is somewhere to transport if you like transporting into the middle of space. lol )
[22:00] KuvakUF: (Yes we have not arrived)
[22:00] ZandileReyBaccus: Csec> Helm> So, do you think if someone went out in a shuttle a short distance away, we could triangulate between Ejuil, the ship, and the shuttle?
[22:00] KuvakUF: ::::::::::PAUSE SIM::::::::::::::