Post by FMar J Weslynes on Apr 17, 2009 22:15:45 GMT -5
Andy Shackleford: ATTENTION!
Fetch Storm: ::mildly shakes his head, then looks to Andy:: noting in particular, just carrying on a concersation, sir
Fetch Storm: ::AA::
Charilegreathous: ::AA::
Lt Christienne: ::AA::
Andrus Wrenn: ::AA::
Tarkel London: ::AA::
Vraxlis: Orrr did you mean the inssssectillle kind of bugging?
Vraxlis: ::AA::
ranadhira: ::AA:
DrDominie: ::AA::
Andy Shackleford: For the record, state name rank and position
Andrus Wrenn: [FPCO] MCpt Andrus Wrenn
Tarkel London: Helm LT (navy)) Tarkel London ((mmm insects tastey))
Fetch Storm: he means the annoying thing that humans do to other people ::AA::
Andy Shackleford: XO> Major Andrew Shackleford
Charilegreathous: CSEC>1Lt Charlie Greathouse
ranadhira: [MCO] 1Lt Ranadhira
Lt Christienne: CNS>1Lt Kiele Christienne
Fetch Storm: Tac > Lt Jg Fetch Storm To~Vensre
Jen A Weslynes: CO> Gen J Weslynes
Andy Shackleford: General The Crww is prepared
Vraxlis: CSCI> 1st Lt. Vraxlis
DrDominie: CMO> MCapt Zira Dominie
Jen A Weslynes: Sim notes: We have an away on the surface responding to a distress call at mining facility. The members of the AT are Christienne, FetchStorm, Greathouse, Ranadhira
Jen A Weslynes: We'll pick up from there
Andy Shackleford has left the room.
Jen A Weslynes: Someone IM'ed to say and Andy but that was a given
andyshackleford has been invited.
Jen A Weslynes: So let me add that now the At consist of Shackleford, Christienne, FetchStorm, Greathouse, Ranadhira
Andy Shackleford has entered the room.
Jen A Weslynes: *****Begin sim******
Vraxlis: ::Sitting at his station, monitoring any information being sent up, and idly reading through the schematics still.::
Tarkel London: :tarkel glances back at the image of the target and the ship rotating slowly over its surface assuming all is well after the seonsor adjustments:
Jen A Weslynes: Lt London will you tie in Ops to helm?
Charilegreathous: @csec>::Takes readings as he stands with the rest of the team::
Tarkel London: standard operations consoles transfered to helm affirmitive lock I have the feed : his fingers sliding over the panels the holo image dividing smoothly now projecting operations feeds :
Fetch Storm: ::is down on the planet with the AT::
Andy Shackleford: Addresses his team:: We need to be aware and weary, and try to figure out what is going on. I want no more bickering, the reast we will handle upon our return to Peg is everyonne clear?
Charilegreathous: Crysatl clear Sir
ranadhira: @::He keeps near the away team while his eyes and scans the area.:: Understood, sir.
Fetch Storm: Who is bickering? ::he would ask Andy::
Vraxlis: ::Looking at an interesting piece of the schematics, he enlarges it on the screeen, looking at it in more detail, and pulling up secondary data streams, checking regularly for feeds from the AT:: Hmmm, that issss interrrresssting. I misssed that in my initiallll sssstudy of thissss vesssselllll.
Tarkel London: ::uses general access to operations feeds to maintain transporter locks on the team below while extending ranges for science feeds :
Andy Shackleford: @and I will be happy to explain to yhou in detail upon our return Mr. Fetchstorm
Tarkel London: ~~ a reman missing something?? must be slipping up in your advanced years ~~:: grunting to himself from under his cowl :
Vraxlis: ::Seeing his primary screen begin scrolling data, he looks at it, then nods:: We have an active feed frrrrom the plllanet'sss ssssurrrface.
Andrus Wrenn: ::He begins to inspects the fighter planes.::
Charilegreathous: @::Keeps reading his tricorder::
Jen A Weslynes: ::looks out the VP wondering how the AT is doing.::
Fetch Storm: @ Yes, sir ::he simply says::
Lt Christienne: ::Continues walking toward the area they plan to inspect, assuming Fetchstorm s following.::
Fetch Storm: ::if Fetch Storm isn't following, he is now::
Vraxlis: ~~No, but I had not had time to fully study the schematics. Did you know we had 3 sets of escape routes? I did not know about this fourth pathway.~~ ::Checking his feeds briefly, then going back to the schematics::
Charilegreathous: Anything you want me to do sir
Vraxlis: ::Feeling some of the bleed off from Jenina, he turns to face her directly:: The feedssss sssstate they have arrrived sssafellly, and arrre beginning to depllloy.
Andy Shackleford: Right now, I need you to let me know if there's anything here otu of the ordinary Fetchstorm, so lets work on mission completion. I dont' intend to come back to the Generawith good story and a smile
Jen A Weslynes: Thank you Vraxlis
Tarkel London: ~~why thats is all very intresting Vraxlis and good to have listed in the even the other two are blocked or in case we have to make like rats from a flooded shaft ~~ ::glancing backwards as well : and thus far general we have a
ranadhira: @ ::He walks in pace with the Counselor. Checking the area.::
Tarkel London: positive transporter lock I believe all is well thus far
Charilegreathous: Yes SIr right now I show nothing out of the ordernary
Fetch Storm: ::follwoing closely to Keile, he turned to Andy:: A good story is always welcome to hear, Major
Jen A Weslynes: Excellent London
Vraxlis: ~~Always good to have an immediate way out. Even in peaceable situations.~~ ::Glances over the feeds, then snags extra feeds from Tac, helm, and ops for a fuller picture of the data being sent.::
Charilegreathous: Hortan hears a who is a good story ::follows along::
Tarkel London: I do my best general :returning his attention to the view and transpporter locks :
Andy Shackleford: @how about 'AT finds and assailent' how about we work on that one
Vraxlis: ::Nodding as the feeds sync together, he monitors them for a few seconds, then returns to the specs.::
Fetch Storm: ::to Charlie:: A story that makes sense, I should add
Charilegreathous: @: moves his tricorder around tacking readings:: Yes Sir
Andy Shackleford: @besides, I was more partial to the Brothers Grimm
Vraxlis: +T+ AT> Arrrre you uplllloading yourrrr data forrr analllysssisss? Orrrr do I have to pullll a data dump?
Fetch Storm: ::to both charlie and Andy:: A story that you can learn something from and remember to pass on to the ext bard?
Fetch Storm: next
ranadhira: @ ::He watches for anything that could be hiding. Keeping in step with Christienne.::
Tarkel London: :;that small shard of his subconcious wandering out over the mining facility trying to add details to his preception of the area all the little hiding spots all the little openings shafts and processing rooms allowing his
Tarkel London: imagination to wander the possibilities:
Andy Shackleford: Besides, I would call this more the 'Wizard of Oz' with Kiele playing Dorothy. ::Chuckles:
Fetch Storm: ::he shook his head, giving up on the idea of helping the humans understand his meaning::
Vraxlis: ::Focused on his task at last, he buries the ship's schematics under other layers, forgetting that the panels are not infinite processors, and beginning to notice a little lag.::
Lt Christienne: @:: Taps her comm:: +T+ Tarkel, the mining operation here was attacked, presumable wth the intent to steal a shipment. If I may call on your experience, what things should we be looking for?
Andy Shackleford: But to Answer you comment Fetchstorm, most human childrens stories are meant to educate in some ways. I learned a lot from the 'Caped Crusador'.
Vraxlis: ::Growling a little, he fiddles with the controls, but doesn't get any responce, as more layers are added to the data feeds filtering to his station, he adds an indepth scan of the surface up to 3k deep to the mess.:: Ssssllllow. Mussst find a way to corrrect the prrrroblllem.
Tarkel London: +T+ my guess would be central offices processing facilities top level access in these rigs shouldn,t be any need to go to deep docks are usually located top most levels administration offices in the same level.
Tarkel London: ::noticing a lag in the helm functions : Vraxlis may i suggest clowing perhaps your schematic feeds i've registered a three point 2 microsecond lag in helm controls
Charilegreathous: @ I'm getting no life signs in the buliding
Vraxlis: ::Stopping, and looking up for a full 4 seconds:: I am not doing anything to caussse ssssuch a llllag. The data corrre mussst be misssalllligned. Though, I willll cllllossse a few appllllicationsss.
Tarkel London: ::continuing with Kiele : most of the warehouses would be susceptable to theft or damage being the outmost laying structures typically the purer the ores the most valuable the asset would seem
ranadhira: @ ::He looks around.:: That doesn't mean that there isn't anyone hiding around the building.
Vraxlis: ::Wades through the layers of data now scrolling accross his screen, muttering the occasional "Don't need" or "unnecessary." along the way"
Fetch Storm: ::look at the MCO:: If there is, I should smell them
Andy Shackleford: I think the more interesting question is how they would putll the job off undetected by anyone.
Tarkel London: :;glancing backwards at vraxlis: after all it may not be eithrely necessary to study the nature of every fungus on board the facility while running twenty layer deep scans ofthe ships internal suystems some things can be left to the
Charilegreathous: @true or in the mines
Tarkel London: ships galley and engineering staff
ranadhira: @ ::He continues to keep his eyes open.:: True, but the nose can be easily fooled.
Tarkel London: ::chuckles slightly: it is why this crew is fully staffed after all :regains signal locks on the at:
Lt Christienne: @ +T+ So typically these shipments would be kept in the warehouses and paperwork in the administrative offices? We should be able to match manifests.
Fetch Storm: @ > not mine. maybe a human can, but I can smell more things then you can
Vraxlis: It isss allllwaysss bessst to know yourrrr ssssship, sssso that you know what to do in an emerrrrgency. ::Checking the surface scan, and noting that the area around the AT was complete.::
Vraxlis: +
ranadhira: @ I'm not human. ::He waves his webbed hand.:: Or have you forgotten?
Tarkel London: +T+ that would be correct the dock foremens office would be my first guess wit hthe same reflected in the coordinators offfices most accurate records woudl be on a dock pad for the loading zone
Vraxlis: +T+ AT> I am trrrranssssmitting a sssscan oif yourrrr immediate arrrrea up to 3 Km deep. Thisss may provide ssssome inforrrmation you cannot pick up on the weakerrrr trrrricorrrderrrssss.
Fetch Storm: @ That is not something to easily forget
ranadhira: @ Like some things. ::He continues to scan the area.::
Lt Christienne: @we have the manifest from Talara. We should check and see that the other records match it.
Fetch Storm: @ Depends.. ::he scanned the area with his eyes and ears, staying somewhat close to Kiele::
Tarkel London: :glancing back to his helm controls the little holo image of the ship making a smooth and repeative orbit around the facility: perfect : he whispers to himself :
Charilegreathous: @ REad off the list I check the wearhouse out
Andy Shackleford: @we can do that by simply accessing the Administative files from any terminal here without treking through the facility
Vraxlis: ::Returns to his perusal of the feeds, and manually checks the computer, just to ensure his mind is up to par for a full minute before he watches the numbers and data scroll freely again.::
Tarkel London: :norticing the instant pick up in his work : see now isnt that much smoother Vraxlis?
Tarkel London: :: the back of his mind wondering about the ore types processing methods crew quarters and configuration of the drilling lasers speed and power of the harvesting equipment and so forth:
Charilegreathous: @ True Sir ::walks up to a computer:: then lets match it up
Vraxlis: ::Pausing to watch the numbers roll with out a glitch:: Perrrhapss I wasss a llllittlllle overrr confident in the capability of our processorsss on board.
Lt Christienne: :@:Receives Vrax's scans and whistles:: Very thorough.
ranadhira: @ ::He stayed near Kiele and watches for anyone that might approach them.::
Charilegreathous: @ ::Acess a the computer::
Tarkel London: well not even the most dedicated processors can hope to be as quick as most minds if you'll recall humans alone are capiable of processing over 1.4 million commands and making several trillion calculations and connections per second
Lt Christienne: There was a lot more being mined here than dilithium.
Tarkel London: and thats just the processing power needed to drop youer trousers and relieve yourself imagine the possibilities
Vraxlis: Verrry trrrue. I do occasssionallly forrrget about how llllimited hardwirrred prrrrocesssssorrrsss trrrruellly arrre.
Fetch Storm: ::glancing over Kiele's shoulder at the readings she is getting::
Charilegreathous: @ ::rteads the data on the computer::
Vraxlis: Asss a toolllll, they arrrre llllimitllllesss, assss a rrrresssourrrce, they arrrre much too sssslllllow and llllimited.
Tarkel London: no worries my friend in due time perhaps soon we can simply wire into the ships systems directly that would be a wonderful and freeing experience indeed
Tarkel London: ::chuckles deep within his robes:
Vraxlis: Now that woullld be an interrressssting experrriment, though I woullld prrrreferrr to do sssso when off sssshifft.
Tarkel London: most assuredly its highly likely we would have little actual duuty time to work up the construction of such a device and experimentation would likely be red flagged thru federation research and development
Lt Christienne: @any of these could have significant value, even in an unprocessed state. When we find what they took, it will be clear whether it was just the dilithium they were intersted in or whether they took everything they could.
Andy Shackleford: From the items on this list, they were simple medical supplies and items.
Tarkel London: :;shaking his head flipping off the autopilot to hand nav a few cycles around the facility adjusting accordingly:
Charilegreathous: Medical Supplies are always need
Vraxlis has left the room.
Tarkel London has left the room.
varxlis has been invited.
Invitation result for buddy varxlis : varxlis is not available.
tarkellondon has been invited.
Tarkel London has entered the room.
Charilegreathous: why would the attack for medical supplies
vraxlis has been invited.
Jen A Weslynes: ****Action on the ground there is a shinny object on closer examination its an old style Padd its contents can't be accessed****
Fetch Storm: hey what's this? ::he bends down to find an old style PADD::
Fetch Storm: ::he studies the padd, then tries to access any information. no luck::
Tarkel London has left the room.
Vraxlis has entered the room.
Charilegreathous: ::Looks at Fetch Storm::
Fetch Storm: ::he shakes his head:: looks like it is dead
Vraxlis: ::Continues to monitor the feeds.::
Fetch Storm: ::tap tap. nothing::
Andy Shackleford: Okay, its an old style device. I'm sure our new PADDs can override any security that could have been plaeced on this one.
Charilegreathous: Not with a special program engineer might have back on the ship
Andy Shackleford: Kiele, Bring up the original manifest list and the current one.
Lt Christienne: @there is only the only copy.We have to assume that Talara gave us the most complete available.
Jen A Weslynes: *****Last lines******
Andy Shackleford: Now have the station computer givus us and updated manifest to compare.
Tarkel London has entered the room.
Charilegreathous: Give me a minute sir I'll scan computer for the file
Vraxlis: ::Continues to monitor his feeds, watching the data roll in. Also, begins expanding the honey comb from the mining operations, though most of it appears automated.::
Andy Shackleford: We have had two avenues to investigate one was to figure out who may have done this and the other is why. On the who we have failed misreably, but if we find out what they took we may at least have a 'why'.
Jen A Weslynes: ******Pause sim******
Vraxlis: ::AA::
Lt Christienne: ::AA::
Andy Shackleford: :::AA::
DrDominie: :AA:
ranadhira: AA
Andrus Wrenn: ::aa::
Charilegreathous: ::AA::
Jen A Weslynes: Very good sim everyone
Jen A Weslynes: Any questions or comments?
Charilegreathous: none
ranadhira: None, Ma'am.
Andrus Wrenn: None
Jen A Weslynes: Wonder what our Romulan friends are up to?
Jen A Weslynes: I'll leave with that and the questions of the shipments and antique Padd.
Tarkel London has left the room.
Vraxlis: None here. ::Muttered, as he begins shifing his feeds back to the ship's schematics, and returns to an indepth study of the blue prints.::
Jen A Weslynes: ****Sim Dismissed*****
Vraxlis: ::AE::
Charilegreathous: ::AE::
ranadhira: ::AE::
Andrus Wrenn: ::AE::
DrDominie has left the room.